Blogging about FruGal Fashion finds and being a mama to my 6 year old son, Micah and 4 year old daughter, Noelle.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011
There are many choices we make in life, and once you choose you will never know where the other choice would have lead you. I know that's why it's very difficult to make certain choices. Right now, Craig and I will either move to Waco in 6 months or stay in College Station for the next two years. There are pros and cons to both sides and we keep praying for God to show us the right way- but we haven't had a break through yet. I know God has great plans for us- but which one is the right one? Its really hard to not be able to plan for the future. Lately we have been talking about where we want to live AFTER Craig is done with grad school. Craig really wants to stay in Texas and I want to be with my family, however I really don't want to go back to Illinois. Both my sisters are new home owners and I can't wait to see their homes. I have never felt that I would be the sister never around. In the end I realize I chose (not realizing) a career that will always lead me away from my home. In this job you will never get a position right next to your home town. And when you have enough experience to get that job you are already settled somewhere else. ... I really think it would be cool to have a house in Dallas, Houston, or Austin where everyone can come visit. Then again I would love to just drive 5 minutes to go talk to my mom.. or sister. So what's more important? Staying close to your family or making a new life for your kids and grandkids in a better state? I really don't want to be the one away from family-but then again I already am. Anyways, I have been anchoring the Brazos Valley News and Views 10 o'clock show since August and I have learned very much about this company and about myself. This was definitely a risky job, however i knew it was something in the right direction for my career. There have been many challenges through this small bureau station. Couple things: Who knew you could have a 3 person newscast? and compete against an army -- We have 2 reporters and I produce/anchor the show. There is absolutely NO way we could compete with the other stations around us. We have been set up to fail- either way we try our best everyday and give our all- Even if no one cares at least we do! I will be going back to reporting in May and am very excited to only care and give my all to 1 story instead of try to produce a 30 minute newscast with barely any help. Anyways, back to the beginning.. there are alot of decision in life- I don't know if I'm made all the right ones... but i do know- now I don't make decision alone. Craig and I and of course God will be figuring the rest out together and always together!! That's what matters.
Friday, April 1, 2011
It's been way too long sing I last posted. So much for keeping a so called online diary. Anyways, here's what has happened since I last posted. I left Paducah, KY in August for a job in Bryan, TX. WOW- why you ask? Good question!! I was getting really concerned that Craig and I would never live together if we didn't make a plan. Craig decided he wanted to go to graduate school at Baylor in Waco, TX. I looked for a job and luckily I knew a good friend who worked at a TV station in Waco. Unfortunately, I got a job in Bryan- which is about an hour and a half away from Waco. We first thought we would find a place in between both areas like a small suburb. We had no idea suburbs don't exist in Texas. There was no where to live in between only small country run down places. Craig was supposed to be transferred to a Target here in October, and when that month rolled around they asked him to stay through Christmas-- Can you believe it? They asked him to stay away from his lonely wife during Christmas!! HOW RUDE For awhile I thought he would never get transferred, and it was probably the hardest time of my life. I had never been so depressed and angry with life. During this time, I had no friends b/c their was only two girls i worked with and they we did not get along. And yes this was the first time I did not get along with people I work with. I was so difficult. After a couple months I started hanging out with another girl who worked in the office as a executive accountant. Her name was Colby, and she saved me. I cannot tell you what a good friend means when you have nobody. She really did save my life!! Anyways, my mom came to visit for 3 weeks in November and that was amazing!! We had a great time and I will never forget it! When Christmas rolled around I knew I was going to be alone and I was prepared to deal with it. Christmas Eve I was at work alone all night listening to Christmas music looking at photo's and crying- hah what a sad night. Craig told me he would call me around 6 p.m. - so I waited by my phone at work and nothing. I tried calling him several times and thought he forgot to call me. I started feeling even more down that my husband didn't even call me. When I got home I walked up the stairs slowly to look for a package at my door. My family had told me they sent my presents so i could open something on Christmas. Of course- nothing was at my door and I just broke down and started balling on my stairs. When my family called they were acting very strange. I saw Craig trying to call me when I was on the phone with my family and I told them I wasn't picking it up b/c I was mad at him. My sister said to me, "Liz You need to call him back and then call us." At that point I knew something was up. I finally called Craig and he said, "Hunny i'm sorry i didn't call. I was on a plane." Yep, he surprised me on Christmas Eve with the best present ever-HIM. He also brought all the presents in his suitcase. And yes that was a Christmas I will never forget- It was actually our first Christmas together as a married couple. Ok so now I had been in College Station, TX by myself for 5 months and thought there was no end to this separation. Craig finally called me in the middle of January and said he was being transferred to a Target in Huntsville,TX at the end of January!! Of course there are two Targets super close by our house, but he has to work at the one an hour away. He drove down here and picked up my pup, LOTTE on the way. They drove together for 18 hours and finally got here on a friday night. It was the best night of my life, and the start to my new life. We have been living together for about 2 and a half months now and have been married for a year and a half. We are newly weds at this point and love every minute we spend together. Now the question is does Craig go to Baylor or Texas A&M. He was accepted to both graduate programs.... Here is the dilemma- If he goes to Baylor it's a free ride, but we would have to move and I would not have a job there If he goes to Texas A&M he would have to pay, However I would have a job here WE are still deciding what to do- but the big thing is we are never going to split up again- EVER. I am glad i pursued my career and am happy with myself. I do not regret anything at this point however I will never leave him again for a job. I swear I am going to keep writing in this thing!! --
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