Sunday, August 31, 2014

Who needs a photographer??

Hey there.
Took Micah's 3 month pics today. My new LG G3 phone is amazing. They said it takes good pictures and they were right. I still have to play with it a little bit but so far it's easy. It still gets a little blurry because Micah moves so much.
Yesterday at a friends house we weighed him on her baby scale and he was 14 lbs 13oz. He had his diaper and a onesie. I am sure he is going to be at least 15 by his 4 month. Maybe more.
Please be praying for my little boy. I bought a noggin nest head support for him to lay in during the day. Its only for babies up to 4  months..it's supposed to help with flat head. I'm just a concerned mommy. His head is definitely not round but I am hoping it gets better with time. Also, you may think I'm crazy, but he looks perfect from the front. Its the back of his head thats flat. He's still the sweetest thing ever!!
Love you all..have a great Labor Day!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Cooking Success

It Pulled!!! I tried the TENDERloin this time and the recipe worked. So it's true Pork Loin and Tenderloin are definitely different...The BBQ Pork Tacos turned out really good and it was so simple to make. That's my kind of cooking!
Seriously all I did was sear the pork tenderloin with steak seasoning on it. Cut up an onion and put it in the crockpot. Added almost two bottles of BBQ sauce to coat the whole thing and about 2 cups of water (or just enough to fill the pot halfway). Set it on low for 8 hours and BOOM. Just added some shredded cheese at the end. :)

I haven't been able to post in a few days since we went over on our data. I got a new phone and a LG tablet (for .99 cents) and when Craig and I got home we were using the wireless network to set everything up and I guess we used all our data up. This was HORRIBLE timing.
We have more data on our phones that at home, so from now on we decided NOT to use the wireless on our phones anymore.

So right when someone needs my help and I got my MAC computer all ready to go our internet stops working. I was trying to edit a video for a women in my life group and of course it became a whole lot more work without the internet. I tell you what.. the things I take for granted being able to send an email or look something up. Anyways, she brought it over with a USB and I was able to drag and drop it into the computer.

I am still trying to upload it to youtube... it's probably going to take several days because the internet it so slow. I am only typing this blog at 6 a.m. because once 8 a.m. hits the internet no longer works.

Other than that, everything is going really well. Craig starts his football draft soon which means I won't be seeing him much the next couple of weeks. He is also planning on going fishing with some guys on Labor Day.

Micah is getting so close to lifting his head.. I can feel it! I talked with the nurse yesterday and she said to wait until his four month appointment for the doctor to look at his flat head. She said to keep doing what I am with turning him different directions and trying not to keep him in the bouncer/carseat too long. I guess I just need to hold him more. I almost thought he was starting to teeth yesterday because he was a little grumpy and I never seen him like that. He was sticking his hands in his mouth a lot and slept more that usual. Uh oh.. Hope it's not happening this early!!

Love you all.
Hope you have a great week.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Goooodmorrrning Plano

Here's another  video of him and this time he is ready to run a marathon. 

In other news...
Ok... so I get to do what I love soon. Write, shoot, act and edit a short video for my friend that needs it for a bible study. She asked me to help her since she knew I was in the journalism business. So I wrote a small script and we are filming on Monday morning. We'll see how this goes having a 3 month old with me. I am also supposed to get my MAC computer today and it would be awesome to edit the video for her as well. I can't believe how busy I felt in the last few days. First having to record the song for Craig and now this bible study video. The title of this blog goes along with the video. We are doing an Extreme Makeover: Plastic Surgery Edition. If you ever watched the Extreme Makeover Home Edition he always goes up to the house and uses a megaphone and says Gooooodmooorning (insert name here) family. Then they come running out screaming like they had NO idea they were picked. haha
Our theme is obvious...you can have any plastic surgery that you want and it's all paid for. You can see where this is going. All of us girls in the Lifegroup are going to be in it. Well.. the ones who have kids and stay home during the day. We will see how easy it will be. There will be two babies, a one year old and two toddlers. Yikes!! All in good fun.

Look at Micah in this picture!! Got a big head going on. He is super smart, so that's prolly why! You can also see his widows peak (is that how you spell that?) Definitely takes after Craig in that way.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


(click on the link and should take you to the audio file)

Last night I was able to record a parody of "Radioactive" for my husband's work. All the words have to do with AT&T Partner Exchange program. Don't ask me what it all means, but it was a lot of fun to do. We bought a Yeti microphone and recorded it. I might have to start recording more songs. I am really excited about that too. Craig bought me a Mac computer because I was to start editing and maybe even freelance one day. I am really excited. I have been dreaming of getting a MAC since after a graduated college in 2008!

Micah swam again today!! Super fun. He is just now getting up from his hour and a half nap. That's what I get when I get him swimming!! HEre is a little video of him talking and having fun in his crib!!

Love you all

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Helmet head

Recently I've seen a lot of babies wearing helmets. This makes me a little nervous because I've noticed Micah has been mostly turning his head to the right. I think it's my job to worry about every little thing. I don't want to obsess over anything too much cuz I'll go crazy.  Has this thing been going on for a long time? I guess I've never NOTICED babies wearing helmets for flat head. Did they have this back when I was little? There are so many things I am learning as a parent. Most things I worry about are the ones I have no control over. I will keep an eye on it and ask at His 4 month appointment. 
I was reading up on this and I realized that our parents put us on our bellies to sleep. No wonder we never saw this growing up. I see how common it is now. I 've been asking around and it seems like every baby gets it. Some might be more severe than others. I am now putting a washcloth under him to make him sleep on the other side of his head.
He still isn't lifting his head up while on his tummy. Once he does this I think his head shape will get better.

I went to Ross and bought 6 month Sleepers!! How did this happen? He can't seem to stretch out his legs anymore in his pjs.  He is growing up too fast. I know I always say that, but it so true.

He wore a cute vest for church on Sunday and I took a picture. He is dong great in the nursery!
I got a new phone on Saturday and we were trying out the camera feature (since that's a big reason I bought it) and Craig snapped this photo. I cannot believe his face in this. What a goober!! I just love it. I should blow this on up and put it in his room. haha

Love you all!!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Rookie cook

So I made a rookie mistake last night but actually turned out pretty good. I found a recipe online for pulled pork in the crock pot. It said to buy a pork tenderloin and so I found a pork LOIN at Aldi. And yes.. you prolly already know its not the same thing. Instead of pulled pork we have pork chops hah. The recipe had me put steak seasoning on it and sear both side. Then cut up an onion and put it in the cockpit with two bottles of bbq sauce and extra water to fill the pot. It actually turned out really good. The pork chops were flavorful and moist.
Lesson learned!! I still want to try to find a TENDERLOIN and try it. Sometimes I'm not the smartest cookie.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to attempt Monkey Bread in the crock pot. Since Micah normally gets up at 530-6 ish (yep still doing great) I will start it then because it takes 2 hours.

This pic is a selfie or Usie of me and my happy lil man.

Have a great weekend everyone! !

Much love from Texas!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Swim class

We did it!! Successfully made it to swim class and he loved it!! Youngest one there (I feel like thats a trend for me) and he did great. Looking around at everything and being so alert. I knew he loved the bath but this was so much fun for me too! Some things were a little advanced bc he still isn't holding his head up while on his tummy. I feel so proud today!
Also get this..he slept from 730pm until 7 am!! Woohoo.
I had to get up at 530 and pump because it hurt so bad. Hopefully my body gets used to this change.
He will be ready for Florida in no time! ! Got him some swim trunks at the swim school since they were all out at target and babies r us. They had a million girl swimsuits but none for boys. 
These pics were taken by my friend's husband who was there taking pics of her and her daughter.  So I asked him to snap a couple for me. Why can't I have a photographer with me all the time? Hah
Have a great Thursday! !

Ok it doesn't look like he's happy here but I promise he was!! Hah

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


No pics of pool time... we got there and my friend forgot it was closed on Mondays. We still got to go to a pool, but by that time Micah was sleeping and not ready to play. Hopefully we will get to try again soon!  Here he is in his swing. I can't believe he fits in it now. I remember putting him in here when he was so tiny. Soon he will be too big for it. 
Today he did great at Mommy and Me yoga. Up and alert, even flirting a bit with teacher : ) One of the girls in the class has a 5 month old boy that weighs 21 pounds. Woah BABY!! I didn't know that was possible and now I'm a little scared it might happen to me. haha. Micah still looks pretty bald but he actually has a lot of hair. You just have to see him in person to get a good look at it.

He's taking his fourth nap right now. He sleeps for about an hour each time. It's so nice to have a great schedule. I'm telling you the day absolutely zooms by so fast. I think that means we are having a good time.

As I was driving today I saw an ambulance on it's way to an emergency. It made me think of those days when I was looking for story ideas and sometimes would follow the ambulance to see where it was going. What a dramatic change in jobs. Going from caring about every person in the community and their stories to ONE person and one person only. Well... of course I care about more people than Micah. But he is my job now. Maybe tomorrow I will count how many times he smiles. LOL I don't think I could keep up with it, but might be fun to see. 

I am singing more and more to him these days. I hope to have a post soon of me singing to him and making him cry (JK) If you haven't seen the YOUTUBE clip of that .. you should google it. 

Gotta start dinner. Making fajitas tonight. Wish me luck. 

LOVE <3 p="">

Monday, August 11, 2014

Happy Baby..Happy Life

I always hear the phrase Happy wife.. Happy Life. Well.. I think once you have a baby or kids it changes to Happy baby... Happy Life. Even though it doesn't rhyme, is makes more sense. I know I always say this but I am extremely lucky to have such a happy baby. Everywhere we go, anything we do he is always smiling and loving it.

On Saturday we went out to breakfast and he just sat in his car seat and looked around and loved just being there. We never had to take him out and then he dozed off for a few minutes at the end. I bought him a new toy giraffe. The one you see in the picture. At this stage he still would rather look at us and play. He doesn't really care for toys. I'm trying to get him to reach out and grab things. He seems more interested in looking at us. So we are the crazy parents that are in a restaurant saying "Goo"" and "Oww" and making faces at him. I think sometimes we are having more fun than he is. LOL

Let me just say this boy LOVES to sleep. That could be a big reason why he is such a happy baby. Last night we put him down at 7 p.m. and he slept until 5 a.m. and went back to sleep at 6 a.m. and got up at 8:30 a.m. I always think once he gets up he will want to stay up, but every time so far he goes back to sleep without me even rocking him. 

Today we got invited to a Country Club pool with my friend Lo and Amy. I tried to find him a bathing suit and little swimmers at target but they had none in his size. This will be his first time touching the water. I think I will just stick his feet in. We might not last very long there since it's suppose to be 98 degrees today. Can you believe some pools around here close on Labor day? I'm waiting for September to GO to the pool. haha. 

I will try and take pictures today and let you know how it goes.  We miss everyone so very much. I wish you all could see him smile and giggle. I know he is missing out on all our families hugs and kissed. I try to give him enough for everybody : )

Love you all

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Three days

Three days or should I say nights in a row he has slept from 8:30 p.m. until 4:30 and then again from 5 a.m. until 8 ish. This is amazing. I really hope it sticks!! I took some photos yesterday of him talking in his bouncer. I love the faces he makes. 

We tried to see if he would lift his head on the mat and even used the nursing pillow. Not yet. He just had fun drooling all over the pillow. I'm fine with him taking his time. Once he starts rolling over I will again be have anxiety attacks about him sleeping. I only have a sound monitor and I know I will have to wake up every so often and go check on him. So right now I am happy to sleep knowing he can't roll over and get into trouble.

I would really like to give soon to be mothers out there hope to know it's not as bad as some people make it seem. Now granted I feel very lucky to have a baby who only cries when he's hungry or tired. I think the first week is the hardest part so far of being a mother. Especially not knowing when or what your body is doing, is scary let alone not understand your own baby. So yes... that was stressful. However, I read tons of blogs saying the first 3 months are the worst. I am here to say my first 3 months have been wonderful. This is in no way throwing it in other mother's faces. I just want to say everyone has a different experience. Surrounding myself with other soon to be moms and mothers has been a great tool and resource as well. I am now getting prepared to have a different situation with the second child. haha. 

Anyways, I am blessed to have a sweet baby who I love and adore more than anything in the world!! We are going to hit 3 months soon!! That means I'll be over the "worst" part. Ha

Happy Thursday everyone!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Swaddle gone

We did it!! Our first night without swaddling Micah went perfect.  He is doing great.  Sleeping from 8 pm until 430-5am for the past two days! This momma feels refreshed. Now if we can just keep this up...I took a pic of him when he woke up again at 830 am.
This outfit was the first one given to me by awesome friends from The Bridge Community Church.  It was before I knew he was a "he." I miss those girls so much!!!
I think I am going to sign up for a swim class this girl from yoga told me about. Its called bathtime for babies. I gotta get him a swimsuit!  Now we both need one.
I feel like August is going by too fast. Craig is already thinking about his next rotation that starts at the end of October.  It's his last 8 month rotation. Crazy!! After this next rotation we may find out where we'll end up for awhile. He's going to tell them he's willing to move. We dont think they will move us but you never know. 
I hope everyone had a great hump day!!
Love you all

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I know it's Tuesday, but yesterday I just found out what MCM stands for and now I have to post this picture. MAN CRUSH MONDAY!! Ha These are the two men I have a mad crush on. They are the best. I wonder if there's a Women Crush Wednesday? Who comes up with this stuff?? TBT -Throwback Thursdays and now FBF Flash Back Fridays. Just more reasons for us to post more pictures on social media I guess. And guess who follows the crowd? THIS GIRL.

Last night I had to google what MCM stood for and afterwards I posted this picture on Instagram. I told Craig I feel a little weird that I am such a sucker for these things. Micah is going to grow up and google himself and find a million photos. Wonder what that will be like? If he'll be embarrassed. It's going to be a different lifestyle from when we grew up. I remember going on AOL when it first came out. I think I was in middle school and it was addicting. I had my first boyfriend on there. LOL Wow. 

Off to Mommy and me Yoga. He's napping right now so I think he might be up for the class again today!! I'm excited. 

Happy Tuesday Everyone!!

Have a great day  : )

Monday, August 4, 2014

Mornings with Micah

I know pictures are nice, but videos are so much better!!

We're so Fancy!

Happy MONDAY!!!
Wow.. we had a packed weekend. Saturday night we went to a surprise birthday party for our Life Group friend Lobelia. She actually turned 30 today, but her husband threw together a surprise party at the Stonebriar Country Club. We had to look a little fancy so Micah put on his cute overalls and Craig and I dressed up. Isn't he so cute in this outfit? My mom picked it out way before he was born. 
Here he is sitting with Craig during dinner. He was so good. Craig and I both got to eat and he slept a little, cooed a little, and never cried once. 

This is me and Lobelia. She reached out to me right away after meeting me at church. I was 8 months prego and she also moved here when she was 6 months pregnant last year and knew how it feels to be in a new city with no family. She is a really great person and God placed her in my life at the right time!!

Okay. I finally washed all these cloth diapers and put them together. Woah baby! Lots of work. But.. Hey they are super cute! haha. You can see Lotte thinks they are a comfy pillow. Has anyone else tried cloth diapers? And if so, any tips, tricks on best way to keep up with them. Washing, drying>>? 

On Sunday afternoon we went over to see Ashley and Cory Dye's house. They live in Grapevine. Craig went fishing with Cory a few weeks ago and they caught tons of White Bass. They fried them up and we got to eat them yesterday. Pretty good, I have to say. Craig and I brought dessert. We made the Strawberry, Vanilla pudding, Cool Whip and Angel Food Cake layering dessert. I don't know the name of it, but Craig says it's one of his sister's favorites and I sure know why!! It was delish. Of course it's not on the "diet" list and I gotta get back on my game here. 

I need to go grocery shopping today. I'm thinking of browsing pinterest if I have time to see if there's any new crock pot ideas. I love using the grill, but I'm thinking only once or twice a week now because it's hard to have to wait for Craig to get home and then put them on the grill. It's like 7 p.m. by the time we are done eating. Also, cudos to Craig for losing about 20 pounds (jealous!!) I think his baby weight is almost gone. He definitely gained as much as I did during pregnancy, however, he's losing it a lot faster than me. 

I just want to say this new job I have of being a "mommy" is probably the best job in the world. I am really enjoying it. Now 2 babies might be another story... but I am determined to give Micah a brother or sister in a year or so.


Friday, August 1, 2014

Happy Birthday Grandma

Happy birthday Grandma!!:
We love you and miss you. Sorry its so dark. It's rainy and gloomy outside and that means gloomy in my room.
Micah wanted to tell his grandma he loves and misses your snuggles! Happy Birthday to grandma Kim and we pray for many more!!
Love you