Sunday, November 30, 2014

6 mo photo

Finally took his 6 month photo. We are enjoying our relaxing time at home these past few days. Just been the three of us hanging out. Its nice to have no agenda and chill. Thanksgiving was a blast. We had so much fun over our friend's house and felt so welcome. I made the corn bread pudding for dinner and everyone seemed to love it. Micah did great but needed the last two days to recover. He has been taking two hour naps. Haha
Friday we ventured out to go shopping. Went to target, old navy, the foundry and best buy. I needed (mom) jeans and found some at target and old navy.
Saturday we went to the oak point nature preserve and took a long walk. I mean I am super sore!!! It was 75 degrees So we had to take advantage of the nice weather. I don't want this weekend to end. Its been so nice being together as a family everyday.  Today was church and then met out lifegroup at a taco joint for dinner. Micah is such a good baby and loves to be out (even when it's his nap time) I will be watching my friends 18 month old on Tuesday while she goes to an OB appointment. Hopefully it won't  be too difficult. I need the practice anyways for two one day :) 

Craig and I tried to make a Brown sugar meatloaf recipe but it wasn't one of our favs. It was a first for me. Meatloaf seems like such an old tradition...I've just never been interested in it. Probably won't make it again. Not much too it. Not a big fan. If you have a recipe you think will change my mind.. I'm up for trying it though.

No word yet on the cranial doc update. Still waiting on a liaison to contact us.

Tomorrow I'm hoping for some good deals on Amazon for Christmas shopping!! 
Hope you all had a great thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cranial appointment

Micah was happy to get photos taken of his head this morning. They told us again what we already know. Recommended he get a helmet and wear it for about 3 months. We have to wait until next week to find out if our insurance covers the costs. We feel if it is covered we will definitely do it! The only thing the therapist said was he might have jaw alignment issues and may not fit into a helmet for sports when he's older. Not a huge deal..mostly cosmetic issues. We are praying the right answers will come and we will know what to do.
Today I am thankful to snuggle with him with No helmet on. (And kiss his head all over)
Love you all and hope you have a wonderful and happy thanksgiving:)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

6 month appointment

Micah is 18 pounds 12 oz and is in the 80 percentile for pretty much height, weight and head size. No surprise the doctor recommended we go see the cranial doctor to get a consultation for M's head. She said it's really not necessary but we may want to try and fix it now because it doesn't look to be changing on its own. We are going tomorrow early in the morning because we are hoping insurance will cover the costs if we need a helmet. We only have so much time before the new year and that means we would have to pay out of pocket our deductible all over again. Just pray everything goes smoothly and if we do get a helmet it can be in our time frame. I have heard they usually cost around 3 thousand dollars...so not cheap at all.

It's Christmas time in the Hooker house and that means Micah gets to wear his Christmas jambes!! We tried to take a cute picture last night before bible study but everything came out blurry. Micah moves too much to get a cute photo. I think we might try one more time!!

Last night Bible study went great. I held it at my house and we had coffee, rice krispie treats, and a fire. It was a great night. Craig had Micah in our room the whole time and I didn't hear them at all! Even though our house is not that big it worked out well.

We decided not to go to Houston for Thanksgiving this year. It sounded good at first but we decided it would be so much work to get there for only one night. Hopefully when our cousins buy a house it will be easier to accommodate all of us. We will be going over our friend's house from Lifegroup and they live a few minutes away. It will work out that we can have breakfast with them, come home for nap time and then go back for dinner. Glad we could crash their party!

Hope you all are gearing up for some good ole fashion cooking. I'm making the corn bread pudding!!

Love you all

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Ok... I know it's a Saturday and I usually don't post on the weekends but I just had to take some time out and write this down. When I take showers I always pray and think about things I would never otherwise. Does anyone else have this? It's like the one time I feel alone and can think about anything and talk to God. This might sound weird and I hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable. haha Anyways I thought of how when Craig and I think of having another baby we are frightened because Micah is such an angel and so good to us. Every time people say you need to have more babies..we laugh and say oh yeah just wait we will have the crazy one next. OK so I am thinking differently about this. I was in the shower and decided no longer will I think like a pessimist. Maybe God gave me Micah to want to have another baby. I know it takes some couples years to even think about having another baby. For me I see newborns and COULD be ready if it happens. I'm not judging any other parent out there that wanted to wait several years, because I can definitely understand waiting. I'm turning 29 this coming July and thought I can wait...but I don't have too. God has put it on my heart that I love being a mom and can have more children.  I am NOT saying that I am pregnant by ANY means. I'm just putting it out there that if God were to give us another baby soon, I would be filled with Joy!

As we put up our Christmas decorations today my house is filled with the word JOY and also with the feeling. Christmas brings me JOY and so do my boys. Micah is loving the Christmas tree and all the lights and of course the music. We were dancing together and he just giggled the whole time. How fun.

I am hosting women's bible study at my house on Monday night and could not be happier!!! I also think God has given me the gift of hosting because I love people and am happy to serve.  I am so glad our house will be ready by then. Also we are lighting up the fireplace monday night. haha it's going to be a romantic girls night!!

Hope this brightens your day. I love you all and praying for everyone.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Professional photos

Look at these sweet babies!!! They are all so cute together. I remember when Hannah and Zeke were just little babes. I feel like they grew up so fast. It's crazy how time flies these days. Micah is turning 6 months on Sunday!! Can you believe it? It's his half birthday and only 6 months until he's 1. Yikes. I am loving this stage of life where he can sit up but still can't go anywhere. I don't mind if he stays still for awhile. HA It's easier on me. 

We are going to put up our Christmas decorations on Saturday. I mean Thanksgiving is so close and I would love to get everything up and pretty before we get overloaded with food and feel lazy. LOL We are trying to make our way out to Houston to visit my cousins for Thanksgiving. They had a little boy named Arden about 2 months after Micah. It would be fun to be with another couple with a little guy the same age. It's about a 4 hour drive (I know right??) but I think M will do fine. He enjoys being in the carseat at this time because he still can't crawl. I think once he figures out he can move on his own, the car seat and driving won't be as much fun anymore. Does anyone else feel like Thanksgiving came way too fast? For being a stay at home mom or SAHM as they say I would think it would feel like time goes by slow...but quite the contrary. I am so excited to spend family time together with Micah even though he doesn't understand anything. Family time like Christmas and Thanksgiving just have different meanings to me now. Of course I wish we could be with everyone back at home and celebrate, but we will have to make it the best we can here at our home. 
Not going to lie and am LOVING this fireplace. I never thought it would make Thanksgiving and Christmas so exciting but it's like better than TV. haha Micah loves to watch the fire too... : )

I better get some cleaning and shower done before he wakes up!

Love you all

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Cart rider

Micah finally tried to sit in the cart like a big boy and did pretty good. I strapped him in at first and he tried to rock back and forth and was pretty upset that he couldn't go as far as he wanted. So I turned him sideways and he was very happy.

We had a rough couple of nights this week. I think he is teething because he was waking up every hour one night and would not stay asleep. Last night we gave home Tylenol and let him sleep with a light blankie and he slept allllll night. Hmmm. Not sure if it was the Tylenol or the blanket but it worked. Of course I had to get up at 1 am and 4 to go check on him. Needless to say I feel 100 percent better and Micah is a very happy boy this morning.

We hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!!!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Where am I?

This morning I woke up to a light dusting of white snow on the ground and I couldn't believe my eyes. Where am I? Texas? Snow? This might sound crazy but it made me so happy to see it. I say that because this coming weekend it's supposed to get up to 70 degrees. I have enjoyed the bitter cold this last week because it reminds me of home without feeling like I might have the worst winter ever. I know it won't get bad here and if it does it won't last too long. I'm actually pretty surprised the schools are still open today.

This weekend was a lot of fun. On Saturday we went out to breakfast at the Original Pancake house and it was super packed, but since we have the best baby in the world we waited about 20 mins for a table. M fell asleep in the car after breakfast and we headed to a new clothing place for big and tall men called the Foundry. This is kind of ironic because Craig just worked at a place called The Foundry the last 8 months. We had a blast looking for new clothes for Craig. Let me tell you about his new look. We call him the sexual lumberjack now. HAHA He got some Khaki Jeans which we call Jaki's and some nice sweaters that have a zipper at the top to show off a collared shirt or undershirt. The Jaki's are pretty tight and he also got a pair of dark jeans. Now I have known Craig for awhile and never seen him wear this type of clothes. He definitely looks like a grown man. Maybe it's because he's 30 now? I will try and sneak a picture of him sometime. I am so lucky to have a sexy lumberjack man!! LOL The funny thing was when we got home he started actually cutting up some wood in the backyard and I yelled out to him that he is just supposed to look like a lumberjack.. not act like one!! Long story short...I'm glad we finally found a store he can shop at and it's not the Buckle.

Look at this little man sitting up all by himself!! He just loves it. Every now and then he'll lean too forward or fall to the side. Overall he is doing awesome. I'll take it. He's never going to crawl just sit up and then walk. It's fine with me.

M went to LifeGroup with us last night and he just loved sitting on our lap listening to everyone talk. Giving smiles to anyone who would look at him. The nursery worker told Craig when he picked him up after church that we should have at least 12 more babies just like him. 12? That's an odd number. But yes I get her point.

We are still trying to figure out his sleep pattern. Last night he was exhausted and I put him down in his crib with a full belly, changed diaper, paci, and he was screaming like something was terribly wrong. This has happened before, but not for a long time. We decided to let him cry for about 15 minutes and after that I couldn't take it anymore. I went in his room and I have never seen him so distraught before. His eyes were filled with real tears and he seemed so scared. I held him tight and rocked him to sleep. FIRST TIME EVER rocking him to sleep. It was well worth it. I almost cried because I felt so sad as he was trying to catch his breath on my shoulder. Goodness.  I never want to see him like that again...but I'm afraid it might be the start of a long journey. He's still waking up once a night around 4 a.m. for a feeding. hmmm... Oh well. He's my first and I am trying my best to get him on a schedule but I'm not going to focus too much on it. He is still a great napper in his crib or on my chest.

Love you all!! Have a great Monday !!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Giggles : )

Here are some giggles for you this morning. I just love his laugh. It's still short and sweet, and I can't wait for him to have the nonstop giggles soon!
Micah ate some peas last night and did amazing. He is finally swallowing some of it! I'm so proud. It's so much fun to have him at the dinner table and participate in eating.

Ever since we got home he has reverted back to getting up around 3:30-4 a.m. Not so fun and I haven't let him cry it out yet because Craig wakes up and can't go back to sleep. Is it sad that I could? haha I mean I know he's made it to 7 a.m. before so he would be fine but Craig pokes me and says.. Go get him. So I feel bad if I don't. I told Craig maybe this weekend we can let him cry it out and maybe it will stop soon.

We tried to get a fire going last night and wasn't as easy as I suspected. It lasted it little while and Micah loved it. Hopefully tonight we can get it to stay on a bit longer.

Not sure if I mentioned this before but Craig is trying to find a rotation this week for a new position since the last one fell through at the last minute. He was supposed to be helping start up a new In-Flight wireless network for planes but AT&T decided to buy out a Mexican phone company instead. Craig has been working downtown all week in limbo. We are praying he finds something good since it is last minute.

Also yesterday I got an invite for an Alumni "Annie" Reunion at my high school in February since they are doing the musical again this year. I was really excited to be invited back and they are holding a reception for us afterwards. I told Craig about it but it might be a trip I make on my own. I would really like to go since it was a part of my life that was very important to me. I mean what's an Annie reunion without Annie right?  It's a great excuse to go visit family and I can have help with babysitters so I can attend the after party. I also would love for Micah to go to the play and listen to the music. I think he would enjoy it!!

On the agenda today... BUNDLE UP and go get my car fixed. The panel is falling off from a repair job done last year. Hope it doesn't take too long!!

Happy Friday everyone. Have a great weekend.

Haha this might be weird but here's a pic of M's cute chunky leg. Love them thighs.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


Hey there.

So I think I'm kind of, sort of, almost back to a normal schedule now (nothing is really normal but at least I feel normal again).  I felt overwhelmed coming back home with a million (and one) things to do.  It's not that I feel stressed just can't remember everything. I really need to get better at writing things down (kinda ironic that I'm writing this now) but seriously. I know it's not just me but I will start doing one thing and think of another and another and forget the most simple thing I was supposed to do in the first place. I have to say I am not the most organized person in the world.  I was talking with my sister on the phone yesterday and telling her all the stuff I had to get done in about 3 days. It seemed like a never ending list, but somehow I got it all done.

I came home with even more clothes for M than I left with. Which was AWESOME...and more laundry. His clothes and mine piled up on me and then we would have an unexpected explosion so that needed to be done first.(Now we call explosions Dutch Blitz) Micah likes to Dutch Blitz his pants about every other day now LOL. Let me just tell you why we call it that. Dutch Blitz is a new card game we learned at the Hooker's when we visited. And of course everything normal we like to change into an inside joke so when Micah had his first explosion we started to say Micah dutch blitzed his pants.... anyways you get the point.
I needed groceries on Monday and had to make a mini diaper cake for a friend and also a game for the shower.

I had to read a chapter in my book for bible study on Monday and tried to get the bible study done for Tuesday the next morning.  I had to make a breakfast casserole for MOMS this morning (which went a lot better than last time). And yesterday was my CLEANING day.  The bad part about never cleaning is when you have a cleaning day it's Horrible!!! I didn't really even get to everything. I should probably clean more often...but then I would leave Micah in a bouncer or saucer all day and I need snuggle time too!! All in all I made some great dinner the last two nights and tonight I am trying a new recipe with Boneless Pork Sirloin Roast. I even ran to walmart last night to get some ingredients. It called for Red Wine so of course I picked up some pumpkin beer too. haha

Did you know it's 30 degrees today?? I put on my PJ pants when we got home from church and felt right at home. I think we might even turn on our fire place tonight. I never thought we would use it...but I am so excited to have one now! Micah saw a candle burning yesterday and couldn't keep his eyes off of it so I'm sure he would love the fire.
The only bad part is I'm not able to go for walks the last two days. If it's in the 40s or 50s I will go, but this is just too cold in my opinion for a 5 month old.

Yesterday while I was driving I took a deep breath and thanked God for everything I have. Especially my family. I feel like I could be gone for a whole year and when I see them it's like I never missed a beat. I was thinking how I should be sad that no one is here and we are alone, but after seeing everyone I just feel refreshed and loved. Even though I don't see everyone each day I feel their love through simple things- a text, email, a picture. These little things can make my day.
Being so far from everyone has made our relationship stronger because we only have each other to rely one. Yesterday Craig prayed at the dinner table to help us raise Micah with Christian values. After hearing that I was humbled because I myself need to work on reading the Bible and knowing God's word. Being a parent doesn't mean you have to know everything...sometimes you have to find it out and then teach your kids.

Today at MOMS (church) we learned how to incorporate scripture throughout the day with your kids. It's fun for them. Learning through song or reading....I will be learning too. It has really made me think how important it is for me to learn more about God's word so when Micah asks me questions, I'M Ready. And if I don't know.. that's OK too. We will learn together. I will always have Psalm 139 memorized because my dad wrote music to it. It's been a great song that I can sing any day and anywhere. How cool would it be to teach Micah the same song? He can memorize bible verses without even knowing it.
The lady who spoke today said to remember you are building the foundations for your kids by learning scripture. The storm with come and try to knock them down. Those who build their house upon the Lord with stand strong.

Matthew 7:24-27

24 “Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock. 25 Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock."
The woman who spoke today has a website and books at www.parentingwithscripture.com

I don't know if you can tell but Micah is taking a long nap after being in the nursery today. YAY!! Love you all

Monday, November 10, 2014


It was so good to be home with Craig's family and enjoy the company, love and laughter each morning. This morning I am sitting alone and thinking of all the sweet moments we had as a family.  I will miss it all.  I love how Zeke and Hannah would make him smile and how Grandpa would lift him up to see himself in the mirror and of course Grandma's snuggles. Today I could tell he was missing all those faces.
Home is where our heart is and will stay until we return again.

Micah got to meet a lot of people. We tried to get out and about as much as possible, but by the end of the week we had a tired and exhausted baby. Not only that but today he has been showing even more signs of teething, He will start whining and crying a bit and after I put a frozen chew toy in his mouth he stops. So here we go!! He was still very happy, just not entirely himself. Now when I say he's a happy baby I think most of our family will agree. They have seen it first hand. I am such a proud mama.  Also found out on our trip that he can wear size 3 diapers now!! Wow there little man slow your roll...I mean literally slow your rolls!!

We go to meet Mark's new girlfriend Blair. She was really great. I am so happy for them both. They seem to fit perfectly together. And it seems like Mark may have found a "Keeper"

Micah went to his first circus on Friday and really seemed to enjoy it. There was so much going on he  was entertained. So much so that he fell asleep towards the end. It was so loud I couldn't believe he could sleep. It must have worn him plum out.

We went over Grandma and Grandpa Hooker's house on Wednesday and we had to take a Hooker generation photo will all four generations.
We had lunch and got to play Five Crowns and guess who won? Yep it was ME!! I will probably bring it up from here on out every time I see them. LOL 

Grandma Schaver took us out to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and we found the cutest Christmas PJ's for M. Grandma Kim bought them for him. I'm thinking of taking his Christmas pic in it soon and sending it out. 

Our last night we went to The Bridge Community Church to visit some friends and hear the sermon. It was so nice to see everyone there and feel so loved. When do you have a pastor running up to you and hug you to say hello? Pastor Scott did that to me. Wow. I miss them. I like the church we are going to now but I  definitely don't have the same relationships here as I did there. I wish I had the times to serve in our church now, it's just not the right time.

Thank you to all of your for being so supportive. We love you all. Even if we weren't able to see you we are glad you are in our lives and reading our blog!

Can't leave our Micah's Grandparents!!

Love you all!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


We are having a blast here at home. Micah is so happy to be around family and of course loves being the center of attention. Saturday we spent some time with my parents before they headed to Virginia to see my grandparents. Glad we got to see them for a bit.
Sunday we got to celebrate Craig and Gary's birthday with the family and met Mark's New girlfriend. She was really nice. On Monday we went to the Shedd Aquarium with my sister and her two boys. It was nice because Gary drove us all in Tammi's minivan. Even with four adults it was still hard to keep up with two toddler boys. Makes me cherish these days of Micah not walking yet. It's so much easier right now!
I wish we had more time here. It's going by so fast already. :(

Love you all