After I found out the nursery was giving him Cheerios I decided to try it myself. LOL About 1 in 10 actually get in his mouth.
Blogging about FruGal Fashion finds and being a mama to my 6 year old son, Micah and 4 year old daughter, Noelle.

Friday, January 30, 2015
After I found out the nursery was giving him Cheerios I decided to try it myself. LOL About 1 in 10 actually get in his mouth.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
This week we have been doing a lot of walking since it's been in the 70's. Micah just loves to be outside and look around. In the second picture is baby Jackson and he went to the park with us on Monday. Micah just wanted to grab Jackson and try to get in his stroller with him. It's so sweet how much M loves other kids.
Look at those teeth!!!
Tuesday and Wednesday I sang again for the women's bible study and it was a great time of fellowship for me and I was so grateful that I could sing for these women. Thank goodness I didn't get my cold until today... I am in pretty bad shape but surviving. I can't catch a break. Micah seems to be doing better than me. I'm glad. Thankful for Benadryl.
Micah is not crawling but getting really close. He loves to hold onto something and stand up on his own. I think he would rather walk than crawl.. but I've always thought that. He still has a flat spot on his head...but he's getting more hair and it's not as noticeable. I need to get a bigger hat because the one in the pic is a little too tight.
Last night we went to Book Club again and it was very nice. I think reading the new testament has taken me away from my blog, but it has been a great read and a challenge that is good for me. I am learning a lot of details about the story of Jesus and his apostles. I will have to get out my notes another day and write about what I have learned so far.
Tonight (even though I can't breather out of my nose) I am very grateful of my sweet little boy and a loving husband. I am so blessed with a baby that has a beautiful heart. God shows me his love through my son everyday.
Hope you all are having a lovely week.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Penguin day
We went to the zoo yesterday!! So So so fun. M had a blast. He was up from 1030 am until we left the park around 215. Woah. He really pushed himself to stay awake and look at all the animals. It was our first time at the zoo so we were trying to find our way around.
He got to see the penguin close up. If the animals we not close to him he didn't really care. He was still a little young to understand what was going on. It was also a trip for me too!! It was 63 degrees and beautiful out and I was ready to get out and enjoy the day. It was called penguin days since it's winter time and only cost 5 dollars a Person and m was free.
Update- m has two teeth on the bottom. Is almost ready to crawl. Loves avocados and bananas. Starting to pull himself up on things.
I needed a good day out since Saturday I spent my whole morning at the dentist. I had to get 4 fillings and came out with about 7. Yep. I blame it on having a baby but wow. I haven't had a cavity in forever and then this. Boo
This week is still busy. I have to sing three more Times. Book club is Wednesday nights. I have to book tickets for Craig and I vaca this summer. We decided to go to Vegas. So crazy. Really wish we lived back home so it would be easy to drop m off for awhile. He will just turn one and we are leAving him for 4 days in June. Right now he still loves everyone so I'm hoping he stays like this and won't be a mommas boy when I leave him.
Love u all
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Tell me the story of Jesus
Hope you are all having a great week!!
Monday, January 19, 2015
Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a little while. I have been sick with something since Thursday that made me weak and not able to eat. It wasn't the flu or anything normal, something I still don't understand. I went to the doctor only for him to tell me to wait it out and see how I feel over the weekend. That was a bust. My sister had issues with her gall bladder after having a baby and may be why I'm not feeling well. It's pretty much all digestive issues. I can't eat, feel nauseas and always feel like my stomach is trying to digest something even when I haven't eaten. It's not a good feeling. And just incase you thought.. No I'm not pregnant. I wish that was the case because than it would all make sense.. LOL
Anyways. Micah is so close to crawling right now. I can't believe how smart he is these days. He listens and understands what I say. He also knows his name now. This weekend was our first night out using a babysitter. (Of course I wasn't feeling my best BOO) It went really well. We dropped M off at a women's apartment about 5 minutes away from us. She is a nanny during the week, so she had toys, bassinet and highchair already there. I suggested we drop him off since I asked her last minute and it worked out perfectly. Craig and I got to go to the Addison Improv Comedy Show for a friend's 30th birthday party. It was a great time to get away. Even though we left him for almost 5 hours, it felt like 30 minutes. haha. I thought I would have a hard time leaving him, but the babysitter watches him at church so he likes her and I felt so comfortable.
This week we are starting our New Testament Challenge. I have to read 10 pages a day to be able to keep up. I really hope I can do it. We start meeting this Wednesday already. I'm so excited to get bak to a regular life group meeting. During the week too!! Also, my life group leader has asked me to sing a short little song for a different bible study. I have to do it with out music. Should be interesting. Hope my brain is working better now than it was when I was prego. I remember singing at church when I was 26-27 weeks prego and just forgetting stuff really easily. It was weird.
Since I have been sick.. the only and I mean ONLY good thing is that I lost like 2 pounds in 3 days. haha I'm sure I will gain it back but it was the positive side to all of this.
This picture is from yesterday playing bocce ball for a the same friend's birthday again. We took another pic with all of us but i didn't get one on my phone.
Hope you all have a great MONDAY!!
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
I know we won't win...but I am still posting this. If you have time follow the link and just push vote. They put up our video of the fan cam however its not focused so it's really sad. Oh well. still cute at the end when Micah gets close to the camera. Check it out!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Weekend adventures
Happy Tuesday!
Hope your new year is still feeling new. I have only had to write 2015 a couple times, but still not used to it yet. This weekend we were pretty busy. On Saturday we had a gender reveal party in Grapevine for Craig's co-worker at AT&T. She took Micah's newborn photos and has been very sweet to us. This party reminded me of my reveal or as we called it the "Big Reveal" party. So much fun!! She had a big balloon filled with confetti and as you can see in the second picture... It's a girl!! They said the first ultrasound at 12 weeks said boy and then at 20 weeks it changed to girl. That's why you should wait until 20 weeks!! I had guessed it was a girl because well.. I just have intuition. haha.
She's only 23 weeks in this picture.
Funny part about this photo is right after we took it Callie showed the rock candy to Micah and he almost started to cry. It was really funny. He must of thought it was scary or something. He's been doing that more often now. When he gets tired he starts to easily get sad and give the frown face and act like he is starting to cry. It's a good sign to me that he's tired, but I'm not used to seeing him cry.
On Sunday we went to the Dallas Convention Center. Craig got free tickets from work to go to the National Championship convention before the game on Monday. It was Ohio verses Oregon so we really didn't care but it was nice to get out and go somewhere fun to walk around. The NBC station was holding a dance cam contest and Micah and I signed up and they taped us dancing but today I saw on their website they must have messed it up. BOO I wanted to show all of you. I knew it was too good to be true. It says Liz from Plano on the video and it's a little boy dancing. I emailed them to see if they could fix it...but I'm guessing it won't happen. It would have been a cute video. OH well. here are a couple photo's from the convention.
Micah just loves "people watching" he could do it all day. And I have to say people love to watch him as well. Everyone always comes up to him and talks to him. He is a big big flirt. I don't mind because I get to talk to people because of it : )
This morning I got to listen to my old Pastor at the Bridge sermon about "What Christians Believe." It was good for me because I could play it on my computer and Micah and I both watched/listened to it. I think I need to do more practical things like that because having quiet time with God is really hard for me. I'm better at listening and thinking about things afterwards. Anyways, Pastor Scott talked about how the God we believe in is the only one who has unconditional love for us. No matter what we do or say or how bad we mess up he still loves us. He also talked about how other religions have to earn their god's favor.
With all the terrorist threats and killings it makes sense if they actually truly believe it will help them get into their god's favor. It's definitely extreme and I could never understand it myself.. but if they think the only way for them to get "good" with their god is to do those things .. I guess that's why they are doing it. Honestly, I was afraid yesterday of going out to a public place because of this thought people have of killing is helping them. So scary.
Think about that for a minute. How different religions can be? We truly cannot all believe in the one true God if we are acting this way. The problems of this world is rejecting God and his goodness.
I am so happy to have a God that loves me no matter what I do or don't do. In Pastor Scott's sermon he brought up the story of the prodigal son. How he went off and spent all his money on destructive things and came back to his father only to find him with his arms open wide to love on his son even more. It's easier to comprehend these things (I think) when you have a child and you realize the love you have is unconditional. Our Father is one who will love us unconditionally and I am so grateful of this.
My plan to cut out social media and TV is slowly coming along. I find myself still stuck on these things.. but trying to keep an open mind to reading the bible on my phone or listening to sermons on social media. This way I can do it in a practical way for me. I was told everyone has a different way of experiencing God and you have to find what works for you. I wish I could sit down and read the bible and have quiet time... but it's not easy for me. I hope to get there one day.
Also, I have lost about 4 pounds so far :) Feeling really good and hoping to find a mommy and me class to join soon to boost my cardio.
Love you all so much and can't wait to see family at the end of February!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
book club
Good morning!!! M is sitting up by himself so well!! He is still the happiest boy in the world.
I booked my flight and will be coming home the last week of February. I got an awesome deal so it feel good to take a trip without breaking the bank. Can't wait for Micah to see everyone again!! I love watching him engage with his family.
We are starting book clubs the week of January 20 and we will meet on Wednesday nights. I'm so happy we get to meet on Wednesday's instead of Sundays. It will be nice to get out during the week. It will be a lot of reading to get through the entire New testament. They even provide childcare at the church.
This morning at MOMS CONNECTION we heard from an officer about how to protect yourself from burglars and break ins. It was very informational and I feel more confident in cAlling 911. A few months ago Craig's car got burglarized and it did scare me so this was nice to hear from an officer. And the fact that Plano is one of the safest cities in America helps as well.
Here's one tip I took away with. Whenever there is someone at your door and you don't know them insteAd of not answering speak through the door and ask them questions. Then they know your home and most of the time they are trying to figure out if the house is empty. Before this presentation I would just not answer the door and hope they would leave.
Have a great Thursday:)
Monday, January 5, 2015
Good morning! Happy New Year to you all. Micah loves to chew on his spoon and pretend he's eating like his mom and dad. At a restaurant the other day we got a great compliment from an elderly couple. He said you can tell when a child has a loving home by his actions and your child is one happy baby. It was a sweet compliment.
Yesterday at church we had a guest speaker talk to us about renewing our minds instead of focusing on our bodies. Just like we need to eat everyday to stay alive and healthy, we need to feed our mind spiritually everyday with God's word to keep our soul and mind healthy. My resolution this year is to give God more of my time during the day and less on social media and TV. Soon we will be getting into book clubs and reading the New Testament together as a church and I an very excited about this because I definitely need accountability.
I am also starting this year off with a "get healthy body" movement as well. Craig and I are keeping one another accountable and are doing what most people are this time of year... watching what we eat. I know he is about to lose 20 pounds in a month.. however that's not my goal. I want to lose weight but more just feel good and be able to say NO to chocolate. I just love chocolate. haha who doesn't? Well I guess my sister doesn't, but that's just one out of many.
While reading my book, "You and Me Forever" by Francis and Lisa Chan last night it struck me how important it is to have humility in a marriage. The chapter was all about giving up pride, independence and being "right" all the time. Instead of being "right" in a relationship try to be like Christ. A man who would be a servant before asking for service. Sometimes we get caught up in who is right and who is wrong and what I deserve. We need to remember God stands actively against us when we are prideful. Sometimes it feels good to dig your heels against your spouse, but it's ultimately God your opposing. That's a different way of looking at it. I have to remember it's not important to be right but to DO what's right.
Tonight we are meeting as a group to talk about this chapter and I'm excited about it. I want to see if Craig will read this chapter as well. It's a good read.
Praises for Micah sleeping from 8 p.m. until 6:30 a.m. this morning. I am up and ready for the day and he is taking a nap at 8:30a.m. right now. That works for me!
Craig is back to work this morning and he seems refreshed and ready to start new. I am meeting with my friend Amy this week to talk about watching her son. Depending on when they need me I am hoping to book my flight to come home the end of February. Right now they have some sweet deals on Southwest so I better grab them while they are hot!
Love you all!! Happy New YEAR
Saturday, January 3, 2015
Sorry I've been so behind on posting this week. Craig has been home and it's been a lot different to have him here all the time.
Here is a picture of my friend Amy and her little man Benjamin. This is when I brought her food a few weeks ago and Micah got to see the baby. When Amy goes back to work in a few weeks I might start babysitting Ben a day a week. I'm kind of excited about it!
Here is a picture of my friend Amy and her little man Benjamin. This is when I brought her food a few weeks ago and Micah got to see the baby. When Amy goes back to work in a few weeks I might start babysitting Ben a day a week. I'm kind of excited about it!
Micah had to get his second Flu shot on Monday and so he fell asleep on daddy during the day. He did really well. Only cried for a minute and never got a fever. Thank goodness
On New Year's Eve day I wanted to do something as a family. But it's hard to think of something when it's cold outside and rainy and so I just decided I needed a day for myself. Craig watched Micah and I got to get a manicure and pedicure.. ahhh. Felt so good. I even went shopping afterwards and picked out a couple things at Francesca's. That night we went over my friend Cory and Ashley's new house in Little Elm to celebrate the new Year. Guess who stayed up till 10:30p.m? Micah!! He will not go to sleep if there are people around him and he is not at home. I brought the pack and play in case.. but it just didn't happen.
New Years day we went over my friend Lobelia's house for some food and football. This is her son Charlie pushing M around in his new car (C) got for Christmas. How cute are they?? OMG. I think Charlie and Micah are becoming good friends. Micah is finally starting to talk to him and loves watching everything he does. Makes me think how much fun Micah would have with his nephews.
Last night we found out a new Mexican restaurant moved into a building right next to us. So we went out to dinner there around 4:45 p.m. (kinda early) and it was so nice. Seriously 5 p.m. is the perfect time to go out to dinner around here. If you go any later it's packed and you have to wait like 30 mins to an hour. I'm glad M makes us go out to dinner early.
Today we might venture over to Sams Club or Costco and see if it's something we would like to start being a part of. I don't know because I'm so used to Aldi now and those other stores are like 5 times bigger. I would be lost.
Also, Micah is going through a crying stage during sleep time now. He just never wants to go to sleep. I think he would push himself all day and stay up to play. The thing is is he never get crabby, he is so happy even when I know he needs a nap. I put him down and it takes about 10 mins of crying during the day and about 30 mins of crying before bed time. I know I said awhile ago that I didn't want to let him cry it out. Right now it seems like the only option. We will try it for a week or so and hope that he goes back to sleeping on his own easily.
He''s still a happy baby all day, so I really can't complain. The last few nights we had him cry it out he slept until 5 a.m. and then back to sleep until 9 ish. I'll take that!!
Hope you all have a great weekend.
What's my new years resolution this year? hmm.. wait till next blog to find out! LOL
Love you all
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