He thinks he can drive my car now that he has his own. He was a little too happy being in the from seat of the car.
Update on moving situation: Craig is going to Atlanta next week to work and look for houses to rent. Hopefully we will find something soon to put our minds at ease.
I sold one of our couches and now looking to sell the other. I can't believe how much room we have in the house now that one of our couches is gone. I really like it. haha
Looks like June is going to fly by. I only have next week and then the next weekend we leave for Chicago/Vegas and I'm gone pretty much all of June. We get back and have to move like the next week. So much for relaxing... sheesh.
Micah got his one year old shots yesterday. He did really good. It was so sad to see him scream in pain. Poor lil man. He has a small skin issue we are going to try and take care of before we leave. It's called Molescum. Some type of wart on his belly and they are starting to spread. It doesn't hurt him or anything but doctor just wants us to go to specialist to check it out.
Hope you all are having a good weekend. We are stuck inside today because it's still a monsoon outside. This month has been the craziest weather I've even seen in Texas. Houston got it way worse than us ...so I'm grateful.
Love you all
Blogging about FruGal Fashion finds and being a mama to my 6 year old son, Micah and 4 year old daughter, Noelle.

Saturday, May 30, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Birthday pics
I know I posted birthday party pics of Micah, but here are actually BIRTHDAY pics. I mean ON his birthday. We were actually going to meet a photographer on his bday and guess what? It was RAINING. It hasn't stopped raining since like 3 weeks ago. Anyways. Had to cancel the photo shoot and so we put Micah in the outfit I was going to bring (not much of an outfit) and tried to take pics. Long story short...Craig made this star with the extra wood he had from a fence and we took M out and he sat on it and made for a great picture. I'm not even sure I want to take pics now. This will do!! haha anyways. We both got one great photo. You can see a few more I tried to take...
This kid amazes me sometimes. Did he really come from me? He is so cute. I just don't get it. He is ONE now. I am a mom to a ONE year old. I'm trying to get used to it. Doesn't seem right. Anyways... I'm trying to sell our couches because I'm moving and in the mood to get rid of everything. If you are a hoarder.. I suggest moving every year. You will find out what you wan to keep and what you don't. haha I love my couches but I'm ready to let them go. Hopefully I can sell them on Craigslist.
So this past weekend we went to Nebraska furniture mart which is the largest furniture store in America. This is the third one they have built. Here are some pics from our trip.
Micah really liked this couch! We are thinking a sectional. Not sure yet. I want to get to Atlanta and go shopping!
Hope you all had a great memorial day weekend.
Happy Birthday to my DAD!! Love you to the moon and back!!
Here's another video of shaking while playing games in his room.
Friday, May 22, 2015
Starting Over...
Yep...You guessed it. We are moving to Atlanta. Looks like Micah is happy about this situation. The funny thing is he has no idea how is life is about to change. It's really hard for me to think about all the changes that will be happening for both of us soon. I am getting around to telling everyone about the decision and it has not been easy. My good friend Lobelia had her baby (baby Henry) the night we had to decide. I thought she may forget and I could wait a bit to tell her.. but she texted me the next day asking what we were doing. I feel so bad because we had all these plans and now I'm like.. SEE YA. I know this is what God wants for us, but it's hard to understand it all.
The deciding factor hit Craig when he talked with several of his mentors and they were pretty straight forward in telling him the Atlanta position was better for his future at AT&T. For him both positions seems equal in the opportunity....so it was nice to finally see them from a different perspective.
Here is Micah at the spray park. This is after he played for almost an hour. He was so exhausted afterwards. He LOVED it!!!!
The deciding factor hit Craig when he talked with several of his mentors and they were pretty straight forward in telling him the Atlanta position was better for his future at AT&T. For him both positions seems equal in the opportunity....so it was nice to finally see them from a different perspective.
Here is Micah at the spray park. This is after he played for almost an hour. He was so exhausted afterwards. He LOVED it!!!!
We went to McDonald's yesterday and played at the little playground. Micah loved it and wanted to climb on everything.
This little girl is new. We met her for the first time and Micah tried to smooch her a couple of times!!
Some details.. Craig will start working in Atlanta in JUNE and we are supposed to move by beginning of July. That's going to be here soooooo fast. I am taking one day at a time.
Love you all
Monday, May 18, 2015
Birthday fun
Hey Everyone!!
It's a relaxing Monday. Nothing to prep for.. nothing to worry about. Just might go to a spray park today. I'm in the mood to have some fun and be outside.
Guess what? It said flood watch this past Saturday and we ended up having a beautiful day at the park. The wind was a little strong...more than I anticipated. Some of the decorations had to be scratched but it ended up looking great. I don't think Craig and I realized how hard it would be to put on a party all by ourselves. Having family to help would have made the party so much more fun. Thank goodness for my friend Ashley and her husband Cory. I don't think we would have survived without them. Honestly, I thought we could handle it and I was totally wrong. Anyways.. very thankful for helping hands.
Look at the mess he made!!! I brought a lot of wipes with me and we actually did a pretty good job cleaning him up. Just had some leftover in his nostril the next day...LOL
Our table looked so pretty with all the decorations. They did an awesome job!!
It's a relaxing Monday. Nothing to prep for.. nothing to worry about. Just might go to a spray park today. I'm in the mood to have some fun and be outside.
Guess what? It said flood watch this past Saturday and we ended up having a beautiful day at the park. The wind was a little strong...more than I anticipated. Some of the decorations had to be scratched but it ended up looking great. I don't think Craig and I realized how hard it would be to put on a party all by ourselves. Having family to help would have made the party so much more fun. Thank goodness for my friend Ashley and her husband Cory. I don't think we would have survived without them. Honestly, I thought we could handle it and I was totally wrong. Anyways.. very thankful for helping hands.
Look at the mess he made!!! I brought a lot of wipes with me and we actually did a pretty good job cleaning him up. Just had some leftover in his nostril the next day...LOL
So here's the part you don't see in these pictures. We tried to plan for everything...except one thing happened we had never expected. Micah starting bursting out screaming crying and we could not figure out why. It was the weirdest.. saddest... unexpected situation Craig and I had to deal with. I think it was a combination of...tired (I woke him up from his nap early to get there early to set up) hungry (didn't do a good job feeding him and taking care of him..hence why I needed family) I found about 10 mosquito bites on him the next day( which could have been hurting him and we didn't know it) or he has been teething a lot lately and seems to be in a ton of pain. Either way everyone was like..."I've never seen Micah cry.. this is so weird." At one point we thought Craig might have to take him home. All the sudden I had a mommy moment and went over to Craig (who was far away from the pavilion to settle M down) and told him to take off all his clothes and strip him down. So we did that and rubbed his back and he finally stopped crying. I still don't know what happened or why. But let me tell you...It's not easy throwing a huge party without family!!!!!!!!!! hahah I have learned my lesson. Honestly it was a little part of this day I will never forget..but I think Craig and I handled the situation like a team and we did good. Everyone also said, "You guys are so calm with these situations." AFTER he calmed down we got him to eat and then SMASH the cake. So it all turned out great in the end. The park was amazing. All the kids had a blast. That's what I wanted!! Well.. you guys all know Craig and I like to have a party people talk about...so we tried.
Look at these awesome BAGS Craig built for M's party. Everyone was so amazed by what he did. I am very proud of him. He worked so hard on this.
Last night we had Women's Bible Study and I got to talk to the women about our situation with Craig's job. I started balling and let it all out. It was really good for me to cry about it. I don't think I've actually cried in front of that many people since high school (yeah that's another story). It makes me think of the one time I was in the doctors office with Micah and KIM Mom trying to get M to breastfeed. I cried so hard because he wouldn't latch. Of course you all know everything worked out there and we had a beautiful nursing experience after that. Anyways.. I just don't cry a lot. Usually laughter helps me cope with different situations.. but not this time. However they all said if we move and decide to come back after a few years they will have open arms for me to come back in their lives. That made me feel so special and loved.
So here are a few pics of my last MOMS meeting. We were supposed to dress up and wear a hat. So Micah and I decided to wear our hats and take a pic.
Our table looked so pretty with all the decorations. They did an awesome job!!
Can't believe we are going to Vegas soon. I'm in the mood to lose some weight again.. haha I hope to lose like 5 pounds before we go.
I will update you all soon on Craig's job. Keep us in your prayers!!
Love you all...(YA'LL)
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