Blogging about FruGal Fashion finds and being a mama to my 6 year old son, Micah and 4 year old daughter, Noelle.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Big boy
I was so scared when we were about to make this big boy bed transition, but I'm even more grateful it happened now. Micah is doing so wonderful. He is staying in his bed until his alarm light goes off. And he loves that he is responsible for himself. He comes in my room and says, "Green light came on!!" And is so excited about it. I love it so much that we are getting this down before baby NJ is here. I'm sure it will be harder for him when we have I will have to prepare myself for that. However I will still get a break even if he doesn't nap because that's what family is for!!
All our decorations are up and yesterday we went a bought some cool toys at Costco for M. I went to check out while Craig walked around with him. Then we went to the dollar store and got some stocking stuffers. I'm so glad we are getting it done now so I don't have to worry if she comes early.
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!!
Saturday, November 26, 2016
Catch up
Jay brought a small card table and we fit everyone at the table. It was so fun and Micah loved looking around and seeing all his cousins.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Cute videos
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Big boy bed
So it happened. A month before this little girl is supposed to arrive and my little man decided to becomes a big boy. He figured out he can get out of the crib and has been getting out all the time. Unless he falls asleep in the car and I put him in there it's been a struggle to get him to nap. Sleeping at night is still going fine. I think since it's so dark in there he doesn't want to get out. Today I have put him back in the crib 4 times. I'm trying not to give up because I really want him to keep taking naps. And I KNOW he needs one. So Craig ordered the guard rail to make his crib into a big boy bed. I'm deciding to dive right in and try my hardest to train him before baby N is here. Some days he may not take a nap and I may just have to deal with it...but I'm praying it all works out.
Now I feel the pressure trying to get him ready for all these changes. It's going to be alot going on at one time. Some morning's he surprises us and is right outside our door waiting. It's kinda freaky the first few times it happens because it doesn't feel right. I guess this is what I get for having a tall boy. He can actually get out easily. He's shown us how he does it. I'm just scared I'm going to go in his room and find him sleeping on the floor Cuz he couldn't get back IN his bed.
I'm 34 weeks today and I'm feeling really good. Still need to take a small break during the day but I don't feel like I NEED a nap. It's better if I don't and I can fall asleep quicker at night.
Micah and I had so much fun at the zoo on Friday and the museum on Monday. We are trying to do as much as possible before it all changes. It will be hard not to focus all my attention on him.
This weekend we had a birthday party at xdrenaline (trampoline place) and we think Micah Did something to his foot. He's been limping ever since we left. He doesn't say anything hurts when we touch his foot so it's really strange. I have his 2 and a half year appt on the 30th and if it's still bad hopefully we can figure out what's wrong.
Tonight is our last lifegroup meeting for our 6-week series. It's been alot of fun and I've enjoyed getting to know these couples. We may try to split off and do women and men separate for a bit so we can hold off on getting a babysitter for awhile. It's been fine just nice not have to pay anyone.
We are having Thanksgiving here at my house and I'm so excited about it! I decided to host bc it seemed easier with Micah's naptime and all but now I'm rethinking it...haha
Rachel is going to host Christmas in her new house and I think she's excited about that! Maybe we'll have a baby by then. How fun would that be!!
Hope you all are having an awesome week. I get to see Meg's baby tomorrow and bringing her homemade lasagna!! Which means we get lasagna tomorrow night too!!yum. Thanks to grandma Schaver for the awesome recipe!!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Where is the LOVE?
Here's the thing. I'm choosing Faith over Fear. I don't think I fear the future as much as some do right now, but I'm always fearful of what could happen. Especially with so much hate going on right now I am fearful of how our nation is reacting. It's so reassuring to know our God, who is more powerful than any ONE person or anything, already knows the future. He has written the end of all of our stories. He gives us the only hope we have is for after this world. Our time here is not the end, it's just the beginning. I'm so glad I can teach my son and daughter about the one and true King of their future. He's got this. We don't have to have fear. Choosing faith is the only way to bring peace back into our lives.
I'm so happy I have young babies right now. They are the best. Living in their own world without regard of the hate around them. Micah reminds me daily of how people shut out others without giving them a chance. M comes with me every 2 weeks to my doctor appointment. He knows the routine. It's really cute. Every time we sit in the waiting room he wants to make friends with everyone. To my surprise many people won't even make eye contact with him. They are so closed off and on their phones or in their own world they forget that our children are the future. How you treat them is how they will treat others when they are older. It makes me so sad when Micah tries to talk to others and they ignore him. Through his eyes...he doesn't see race, color, religion, or even care about any of that. It's so amazing to see how we should treat imitating toddlers. He teaches me so much about how to live. You would never think that about a 2 year old, but it's true!!
Also, here's a funny story from the doctor on Wednesday. Micah is really good at saying his full name now. He knows that my last name is the same as his. So when we went to the bathroom so I could give my urine sample in a cup (like always) I asked him what name I should put on the cup. He responded with full confidence, "Momma Hooker." I was so proud!! And it was the cutest thing I had heard. The other night at the dinner table he was saying, "I'm a Hooker, (pointing at daddy) You a Hooker, (pointing at me) You a Hooker" you can imagine it's pretty darn funny.
I was supposed to go out last night for a moms night out with my MOPS group, but I just couldn't. I was not ready to go out at 8 p.m. So I decided to hang out with my moms group here int he neighborhood. It's so much easier on my to get some mom time and let Micah play. He got to play with Victor's little sister Eliana (who he loves) and I love watching him with her. It's like my future is playing in front of me. I know he's going to love having a little sister soon.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Baby Noelle
Yesterday was an amazing day. Filled with friends, fun, food and baby clothes!! I got some really cute stuff and excited to get it all washed and put in her drawers. We had my shower at a place called Amelia's French Bakery in Atlanta. It was surprisingly huge inside with a massive room for us. We had so much great space and took some awesome photos. I can't believe it's over already. It all feels real now. Especially because I'm waking up at 6 a.m. unable to fall back asleep. It's really annoying. I'm thinking this pregnancy glow might be coming to an end soon with the lack of sleep I'm about to get. Here are some of the photos from the shower. I was so happy everyone got to come except for my friend Meg who had her baby this past Friday! So happy for her.
Friday, November 4, 2016
Funny quotes
As we were driving home the other day from a play date Micah looked out the window and saw Panda Express. He then said to me, "Mom I want to go in there." I said why? He then said, "there's bears in there!!!" I started laughing so hard. I told him he would be really disappointed if we went in there because there are no animals. It's very deceiving but it's a restaurant. It did however make me want come Chinese food!!
Micah has had a little puppy that was given to him by his grandpa Pete a year ago. He still loves it and brought it into the car. I asked him if he remembered who gave him that puppy. When I told him he said, " Yes, grandpa Pete! Can we go see him?" My heart sank. Wish he could see them again soon and praying he will!
Also, Craig told Micah his Grandpa called and can't wait to give him lots of candy (since we are mean parents and made a video prank) Micah was so excited and said, "I want to give him a hug."
I am hoping to get on here and write down things that happen Right away or maybe start making a note about them on my phone and keeping track. This guy says the cutest things these days. Some things crack me up and others melt my heart.
He was eating his avocado yesterday and I told him how much I love avocados. He then replied, " I love water." What toddler loves water?? Haha Micah does!! He's starting to drink some regular milk mixed with chocolate milk.
He's been such a little sweety lately and loves talking about his sister and going into her room. We will be getting everything put up this weekend and I will take a video of the room so you can all see!!
My shower is on Sunday too!! I can't wait to celebrate this little girl.
Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Trick or Treat
Trunk or Treat was so much fun with Micah's cousins on Saturday. We had a blast walking around to each trunk and getting candy. It was way easier than walking around our neighborhood. However, M did a lot better than I thought he would. It was a game to see if we could find the houses with the porch lights on. We went out by Hannah and Rachel to a church called North Metro Baptist. They had food trucks, petting zoo, and tons of jumpy houses....all free (except the food). So nice! I love when you can have a good time without spending a fortune. Liam, Riley and Caleb were the characters from PJ Masks. Which you will only know if you have a toddler and watch the show. Same thing with Averie, she was a viking from "How to Train Your Dragon" which I have never seen. She still looked really cute. And Micah.. well... He was a cute Pirate. I mean he really loved being a pirate, and we got a picture with a guy who had his trunk set up as a pirate theme. There were some really creative trunks there. I was pleasantly surprised.
stopping at Victors house to play trains in the garage while mommy got a s'more!