She was 3 months on the 23rd but I didn't get a chance to get her photo till yesterday.
She has a cold today and it's so sad. Boogers all over her cute face😣 pray she gets better soon.
Blogging about FruGal Fashion finds and being a mama to my 6 year old son, Micah and 4 year old daughter, Noelle.
She was 3 months on the 23rd but I didn't get a chance to get her photo till yesterday.
She has a cold today and it's so sad. Boogers all over her cute face😣 pray she gets better soon.
We took the kids to see houses on Saturday. It was a long day in the car, but we did stop at the park for an hour so Micah could run around. We saw about 5 houses. At the end we decided we needed to up our price range to get in the school district we want to be in.
Everything is still so blurry. I feel like we don't know what will happen in the future so it's really tough to make a decision right now. I love the house we are in but it's not in a good school district. However he won't be going to public school for another 3 years. That's a long time! So much to think about and pray about. I really am giving it to God. I almost don't want to look at houses until Craig finds a new job...but we don't have time. We might be living with my sisters if we get kicked out.
I'm so so so tired. Today I feel drained. Noelle woke up 3 times and it was a rough night. The night before she woke up once and it was awesome. I may just need to be better at a routine with her. I think I'm ready to put her into childcare at church! She's talking so much and cooing it's hard to keep her with us. She's so cute but we can't look at her or she starts talking. It's so hard to not look at her though!!
Birthdays are upon us and it feels like the summer is going to be here in a blink. Micah will be 3!! He's so big. I love this age. I had to buy a child lock door handle so he can't get out of his room. Now I tell him it's quiet/nap time and he had to stay in his room for atleast an hour. It's working pretty well so far. He's napped the last few days.
This week is pretty quiet. Just praying alot. Love that we have a God so big and strong that we don't have to worry about little things.
Love you all
We were surprised yesterday with a call from our real estate company we rent from. He told us the homeowners have decided to sell this house. At first they told us we could rent for another year...but I guess they changed their mind. So now we either have to buy the townhouse or move out by July 1st. This might be the first time we are being kicked out of a place. It has always been us telling people we are moving and this time it feels a bit different. We prayed about it last night and feel like we will be lead one way or the other. For now we are going to start looking at other houses in the area to see if there's something we like better with higher school ratings. Also, Craig is starting to apply for other jobs within AT&T. Most openings are in there's that option too. So much to think about and to worry about but I'm giving it to the Lord. He knows the plans he has for our family and we are praying that we see clearly what his plans are.
Sometimes you need a push to do something and this might be a good thing for our family. The last thing I want to do is move with a toddler and baby...but it is always worth it. It also makes you realize that things don't matter. All that matters is my babies go with me. I can leave all this behind and take my family with and I will be happy.
Please be praying for us and to know where and what to do next. Love you all
Micah had his first sleepover at his cousins house. We weren't sure if it was going to happen since he's been sick. He still has a cough but otherwise feeling much better. Saturday we went over Rachel's house and stayed all day. Micah didn't take a nap till I left at 4ish. He then proceeded to fall asleep sitting up. Rachel had to lay him down...he is so stubborn sometimes. He really needs his naps still. I hope he stops fighting me on them soon and goes back to his routine. So I got a whole night just with noelle. I snuggled her and watched a movie. Craig and I got dinner out and he headed to a poker game. We didn't really know we would be toddler free until last minute.
Sunday we got to the early service and saw my announcements. It went well!! I thought I did pretty good for my first time back.
We ran to Aldi after and then I headed to meet Rachel at the park. It turned out to be a beautiful day outside. I was so happy for the sunshine.
When we got in the car to go home Micah had a serious meltdown. He was so tired and sad to leave them. He just loves being with Liam and Caleb. Rachel said he wasn't even that much harder bc they all wanted to do the same thing and Micah just followed them.
I'm so glad Micah got time with his auntie. It's something we need to do more while we live by each other.
Craig was volunteering for my mops consignment sale at church and when he got home I went to drop off some stuff I'm selling. I hope I sell everything. I only had about 45 items. Mostly maternity stuff.
I don't know how the weekend flies by so fast. There really needs to be one more day!!
Good news. Noelle slept in her bed all night !!! She's also a magician because she escaped from her swaddle. I mean the whole thing was off of her. I was tired but very confused. I know 4 month sleep regression is around the corner but I am so grateful she loves her sleep!! She is such a happy baby and loved all the attention from her aunties this weekend.
Love you all