Wednesday, April 26, 2017

4 months

Today I was woken up by a toddler touching my cheeks and saying, "Aw, Hi Chunky." Oh MY! I guess I do that all day to Noelle, so now Micah thinks he can say that to me!! haha Micah is doing great with potty training. He didn't wear a pull up or underwear today. He just wore his shorts, and I know it sounds weird but he needs to feel like he's free balling or he won't tell me he needs to go. When we are home and he's naked he does great. The last time I put on underwear and took him to the park, he peed all over the cement. So this was my next option. Go commando. And it worked. He peed twice in a big potty and right when we got home he rushed to the potty and made a huge poop. It's really gross because he still uses the little potty and I have to clean it. UGH.  I really wish he would just sit on the big pot at home...but he liked to do it himself. Anyways. We will be ready for school in September. I have no doubt!!!

 We took Noelle's 4 month photo shoot this morning. Just remember I'm not doing it on the right days. But I'm only 2 days behind. That's pretty good.
She's such a cute little bugger.

So the other day I shot a little video of me trying to make her laugh. I was shocked when i looked back at it and we both had the same double chins. LOL This video cracks me up. I never got her to fully giggle, but lots of open mouth smiles.

Happy Birthday to Ezekiel today!! We love you Zeke. Micah can't wait to see you again. Wish we could be there to celebrate with you. I'm really missing the Hooker parties and all the cake and coffee!!

Love you all

Monday, April 24, 2017


Hey all!! What a whirlwind of a weekend. It always goes by so fast.
We had a cd release party at church Friday night. A birthday party on Saturday and Sunday I sang and sisters came to support me.

We had a great time at Nolans birthday party. Micah had a blast with all the little activities they had. Lots of kids there too. Noelle had some playmates too. Lots of little babies there to play with. After the party we went to a place called crafty hog and had dinner. They have a sand pit with lots of toys for the kids to play with. It was pretty awesome. Our first time and we will definitely be back.

Sunday I was extremely nervous. It had been so long since I had sang. Of course I had a blast while we were singing but the whole time waiting for it I was a mess. Haha I can't believe it. I may have more anxiety since having kids. Maybe I just need to get back in the swing of things. My sisters came and it felt like the old days with all of us together at church. Missing our parents of course. Everyone came over after church since it was raining out. Micah was so so so happy his cousins came to his house. I also didn't really tell him so it was a total surprise. The worst part was him going down for a nap and waking up looking for Caleb's and Liam. It was the saddest thing ever. He was like.., "mom I can't find leenum and kbob. They aren't in the garage either." Sometimes they stay and so he thought they would be there when he got up. Oops.

Update on the housing situation.  All the offers fell through and now we are hoping to stay here another year. Our Neighbor wants to buy the house and rent it to us...so we are hoping it all works out. Or we may be out on the street.

Also this is my third day of no coffee.  I've been feeling really sick lately and I'm trying to detox and get better. Coffee has always been my favorite part of the morning so its taking alot of self control to do this. I don't know how many days I will do it but I just want to feel better.

And noelle is only waking up once in the last two nights around 3 or 4 am and sleeping till after 9am. Pretty awesome 😙😙

Love you all

Friday, April 21, 2017


Guess what??? Micah woke up this morning and told us he needed to go poo. He went downstairs pulled down his diaper and pooped in his little potty. This is so huge. This is the first time he's told us he needed to go without us prompting him or him being naked. I really hope this is a sign that he's ready. It's so exciting.

More exciting news is we put an offer in on another house and may be hearing back from them today.  Here's the crazy part..I haven't even seen the house. I let Craig go without me on a weeknight and we could ultimately buy a house without me having gone in it. I think I trust him a little too much. I'm sure I'm the only woman who would ever let their husband pick out a home. He knows what I like and what I want and sometimes I think he's pickier than me.

Also I'm singing 3 song on Sunday morning and I'm am pretty nervous about it, but also super excited. I was so excited to be apart of leading worship but am feeling a bit overwhelmed with 3 songs!! This mommy brain sometimes isn't as good as it used to be!!

Happy birthday to my sisters tomorrow!! There are so many people that have birthdays on the 22nd! My roommate from college and baby Nolan. We are going to his bday party on Saturday and seeing my sisters on Sunday!!

Love you all

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


What a great weekend we had! We put an offer in on two houses we saw on Saturday. We may not get either of them but it's a good start to finding something we like. The market is so crazy right now. The house we want was bought three years ago for 100 grand less than they are asking this year. Seems crazy. We got a counter offer, but may be sticking to our original offer for the house. We really don't like paying more than we think it's worth. It's an old house too so you know things are going to go wrong.
Lots to think about and consider. Easter was fun. The kids looked so fun and we loved celebrating Jesus and that he is alive so we can have hope. Micah made a cute little craft at church and he kept saying, "Jesus is alive." It was so fun to hear him say.
Our little girl is really showing her personality these days. She is starting to giggle and smile at everyone (not just me). When she nurses she will stop and look up at me and give me the biggest smile. It melts my heart every time. Like she says thanks mom. Haha I don't think Micah ever did that.
She had a blast at her cousins house, but not as much fun as Micah did. He loves his cousins. I can't imagine leaving them now. He asks for them constantly.  They are part of his best friends now. I shot a little video of the Easter egg hunt at Hannah's. Each kid had their own colors so it worked out great. That's why you hear Micah saying, "lellow" (that's how he says yellow).
Pray for us to figure out our next steps soon. Craig should hopefully heat back from Dallas this week too.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Loves babies

I was right. That was a one time thing. She is waking up again at night. Oh well. This stage will end soon and I will miss it. She is just the sweetest baby. Micah had so much fun with her today . We played with a friend who has a girl Micah's age and had a little boy 2 days after me. They took some adorable pics today and I needed to share. Micah just loves babies!!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

First night of sleep

It's been awhile since I've had time to get on here and tell you all what's going on. It's just been really busy and I've been so tired I try to rest when I can.  We've been looking at houses on the weekends and trying to get a feel for what's out there in our price range. Nothing perfect yet...but I'm sure when we find it we will know.

I'm behind and here are pics from last week Tuesday when we went to the zoo for the first time with little sister! It was spring break so everyone in ATL was there with us, but we had a ton of fun without Blonde friends. Noelle slept most of the time.

 JJ is beside Micah and Little Hannah is to the right of him. They are his best buds!!

I took a pic for everyone who wants to pinch Noelle's cheeks. They are so cute and chunky. 
 She loves her brother. I mean she smiles at him everytime and loves watching him play.

This was on Friday before we left to go to our cousins house. 

Noelle and I had some selfie time while brother and dad played at the park. This was after we saw a few houses on Sunday. 

Look at those cheeks!!!

Brother/Sister love

We went on an easter egg hunt yesterday at a Senior Living Center with our MOPS group. They loved all the littles there. Noelle and Micah got all dressed up for the occasion. I told Micah all the girls would think he is really cute in this hat and so he kept it on the whole time. Then he told his dad later that everyone thought he was cute in his hat (this was very true). haha

 Everyone kept saying he looks like a model in a GQ magazine. I was like yeah.. he gets that from his mom. LOL

So the title of this blog... Let me get to that. Last night I put Noelle down at 9 p.m. and she slept till around 11:30 p.m. and nursed again. I thought maybe she was going to have a growth spurt and keep waking up but I was wrong. She then slept till 7 a.m.!! Almost a full 8 hours of sleep. I couldn't believe it when I woke up. I actually woke up a few minutes before her and checked out the clock. I was so surprised. I honestly don't think it will keep happening consistently, but at least I know she can do it! She is such a mover. Sleeps on her belly and I find her at the top of her crib, so she much be moving forward. Craig and I decided she has a small head and makes it easier to get around. Unlike her brother whose head was so big he decided to never move.

She is such a good baby and so happy. I think her brother has a lot to do with that though.

We are going to try and get to the outlets today and get Micah some new sandals for the summer! Also I need a bonnet for Noelle. Her poor little bald head is getting to much sun.

Love you all and I hope you are having a great week.

Here are some videos incase you have missed them on the youtube site: