Here you go. All the photos I took yesterday on my phone. Lots of shots and a few good ones. Micah was in most of them so it was tough to get them BOTH to look and smile. Everyone is saying she is my mini me and I am loving it! My little twinkie. Happy 9 months to my sweet, baby girl.
And I had to make sure this one made the list. She will tell you what she wants when she wants it and how much she wants to do it. haha
Love this little girl to pieces. I really can't imagine life without her now. Even though her brother may torchere her sometimes and push her around...she still comes crawling back to him, because let's face it this will be life. They will have a love/hate relationship forever. He really does love her and she wants his attention even if it's annoying.
We have been loving our alone time when Micah goes to school. And I still get some alone time with Micah when she naps or goes to bed early. She is starting to walk a little bit more with her walker and is trying to be like her big brother. She wants to run around and be just like him. I have caught her saying, "ma ma" a few times now. I always jump and get so excited.
I'm am getting called away by cries and some laughter and that's never a good sign. haha
Love you all