Monday, November 18, 2019

New ME

Oh my. I was updating some things on my google account and saw how long it had been since I posted on here. It has been a crazy time in my life. New job, new routine, new life. It all happened so fast that I didn't even have time to write it down. So here I am now updating you all 3 months later.

I am now working at the Chase Oaks Richardson Campus Admin. I love it so much. I have started to feel like I'm getting back to the world or people, building relationships, getting things accomplished and still being a mom. Part time has been everything I could have dreamed. I work from 8-2 p.m. M-Thurs and am able to have Fridays off to spend with my little Noelle Joy.

I am still singing at church 1-2 times a month along with leading Women's Ministry. Craig and I have always been all in at church, but these days we are definitely feeling it more. Sometimes I try to hold back in everything I WANT to do because it's just not possible with small children. Noelle and Micah still love going to church even though they are there from 8 a.m.till 1 p.m on Sundays. They don't complain. Everyone knows who they are and they feel at home there now.

We are still in a temporary building for our campus. Our goal is to have our own building by Easter (April). That will be so amazing, but also change a lot for our staff.

One of the best perks about my job is party planning. I get to plan events and functions for our church. I love hosting and so this has been right up my alley.

Recently, we had our Christmas party... I know it's a bit early. We wanted to kick off the season right away! We had a great time playing fishbowl and reflecting about the past year. Another perk about my job is my boss. We get along so well. Becoming great friends and we communicate to the point of over communication sometimes. However, I love a good communicator!! We get things done, but also have fun while we do it. Thankful for that part.

The last job I had was working at The Bridge Community Church in Chicago and really do have the best memories from that place. Now I get to have another favorite job working at Chase Oaks. The community and relationship building that goes on at a healthy church can be so rewarding. When your co-workers care about you and your personal well being it makes all the difference.

My kids are doing well too! They are growing up so fast. Micah is loving kindergarten and getting some major independence. He is starting to say "NO" to me a little too much and I can see him taking on some bad tendencies. Something he might be seeing at school. That's the major problem with school is not knowing who is influencing him and how to steer him on the right path.

Noelle is starting to talk more and will be turning 3 next month!! I can't believe she is getting so old and even using the potty regularly. She still loves baby dolls, strollers, and anything baby related. She is going to be an amazing mommy... for sure!!

Here is my photo on our website: Check it out HERE and scroll down to the bottom!

And now a few photos from the past week or so.

 Visiting Micah for Lunch at school

 Princess Peach and Mario

 Village People at Work Halloween Party

Family dinner supporting Micah's school

 Monster Truck time!!

Halloween at the ZOO

State Fair day!

My cute Kindergartner!!

Love you all

Have a blessed week!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Cousin Week

We just had our cousins here for a whole week and it was so much fun! Micah enjoyed having Liam and Caleb as his older brother/best friends all to himself. It was like they were never apart and started right where they left off. They were so cute how they played all week and Noelle loved every second of it too. So much so that she never wanted to sleep or take a nap. We did so much and it went by so fast. I got to have my sister by my side every day as well which made life so much fun and better.

First I took them to the Arboretum on Monday to the Children's area and it was a blast. Lots of learning about energy with water, sun, and wind. Then splash pads and we even found a real snail. That was so exciting for some reason.
Tuesday we went to the zoo and did everything there. Got to see some big iguanas and I realized I saw the same ones on my cruise. Then I looked at the sign and I was right, they are from the Cayman Islands. We stayed home Monday and Tuesday night and then Wednesday we went to the pool and I had my 2nd interview for the church job on Wednesday at 4 p.m. then hosting a book club for church at 6p.m. It was a busy late afternoon, but all went smooth. I was so happy to have Rachel at one of my women's ministry events. She enjoyed the book and talking about friendships.
Thursday we went to the trampoline park and Rachel and I reminisced about having our own trampoline in the back yard. We tried to do some tricks we did younger... it was so fun to jump around and see the kids have so much fun. After jumping we got burgers at Micah's favorite spot with a playground. We tried to wear them out because we were going out that night for a girls night. Our original plan was to get tattoos, but we both didn't have a solid plan yet. So pedi and manicures were on our next plan and then sushi! We got to have dinner with a couple of my close friends and made it so special for me.
Rachel and I really had a great time bonding and we really needed it. It has been too long since we had sleepovers with one another where we could really talk about life and love.

Friday was splash pad and pool day. Longest day of water ever!! I can't believe Noelle could keep up with everything. She just kept going and never complained. She loved hanging all over her new "brothers." Friday night we made tacos and stayed in to catch up. Rachel and I watched a few episodes of friends during the week and the last night we watched the season finale. It was fun to watch that one again on our last night.

I should be hearing back this week on the job and I will let you all know. I'm excited about my future for starting work, but also haven't let go of having another baby just yet. That's on hold right now, but I am still praying for a sister for Noelle one day!!

Enjoy the pics!

First night making pizzas together.
 Caleb and Micah matched pj's and were super excited about it

First ChURCH!!! Sunday we went to church and the boys loved being together in the same class.

 Then burgers!!

Totally forgot we went to see Toy Story 4 Sunday night as well!!!

 Monday: Arboretum

 Bikes outside Monday night.. Rachel was getting eaten alive by mosquitos.. so long sleeves and pants for her. haha

Tuesday: Zoo day

 I love when Liam would take Noelle's hand.....precious.

Wednesday I forgot to take pics :((((

Thursday: Trampoline park/ Girls night

 Burgers again!!

Friday: splash and pool

Saturday morning singing "This little light of mine" and taking photos!!

We are so thankful for this time with them and will cherish our memories!!

Have a great week!