Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Up Up and Away

It's happening. I'm taking both kids on a plane by myself. This is it. I'm nervous, but praying for safe flights, on time, and kids who listen and obey. For passengers that understand and for patience on my part. I am really excited. Thankfully we each have our own seat and will have plenty of room to play games, color, and watch movies. We leave on Sunday morning (early) and get to Florida around lunch time. We will be there for a week with our cousin Caleb, Nana and Papa and MY cousins and aunts I have seen in a long time! Dad and I wrote a new song of the kids and I am so excited to play guitar together. I have been practicing and really enjoying it. Last night I sang "Baby Shark" and ran around with the kids. They thought it was the best thing. I really hope they have that memory forever! Soon I hope Micah will start learning guitar with me.

Craig and I are both recovering from a cold this week that brought us down. Also, Craig got hit with his back pain that put him in bed for about a week now. It's really tough on both of us. I am praying about what steps to take next and that we can figure out what is wrong and hopefully prevent it. It's not fun for him either... to be stuck in bed. He is even considering going to a yoga class with me.. woohoo!!

Saturday we went to the Perot Museum with our friends Jackson and Logan. We love this museum!

 Micah is helping us figure out where to go.

Saturday night I had my MOMS night at our Mentor Moms house. She made an amazing soup, homemade bread, and a beautiful and tasty dessert! We play the Game of Things and were laughing most of the night! It was a blast!

At church they have a "transformation table" going on that you can take a picture using these fun wigs to dress up. The kids of course took over and had more fun with it!

I took Noelle to a Play Street place all by herself last week and she made sure to take care of all the babies there. She also didn't let anyone else play with them. She's doesn't like to share with anyone...especially babies. She is sleeping with about 3 babies in her bed at night. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. 

Matthew and Micah playing at the park.

Our new Wednesday Nights for the next couple weeks at church called "happy place" We are trying to get involved in a new life group. This is our first attempt to trying a new group in Richardson.

 And of course I was early and thought it started at 6 instead of 6:30 p.m. so we got to dress up and have fun.

We love you all 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Walk by Faith

I was reading a devotional this morning about having faith verses walking by faith. It's a lot easier to have faith and stay inside your comfort bubble. Recently, I was asked to lead a women's bible study at our church. This will by our "first" women's study at our campus and they want me to lead it. Wow. I love women and I love talking, but I am NOT good at reading an entire book. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't like reading. (which is sad) I love reading to my kids, but I can never seem to finish a book. So with that I am stepping out on faith and knowing God will meet me where I need him in this next challenge. Reading an entire book and leading discussion on it. I am so grateful for this opportunity and that our campus pastor chose me as his first option. I can't tell you how much this campus has fulfilled my dreams of being part of the church. We are growing and learning so much about being leaders it gives me such a great purpose for my family and to reach outside our home. This study will be happening in about 7 weeks, so be praying for me and wisdom for me to lead.

We are finally starting to get back to the swing of things around here. And once we are all settled it's time to travel again! We are heading to Florida to see our (my cousins) and Aunt's from my dad's side that I haven't seen in a LONG time and some Micah and Noelle haven't even met yet. We are excited, but a tad nervous about the plane ride. Miss Noelle is starting to do better with talking and communicating, however she still have tantrums that no one can stop and even if she gets her way she keeps crying until EVERYONE knows. So hopefully we don't have one of those on the flight. We all get our own seat, so that will be nice (and expensive!!).

We are back to getting our Kolache fix on!! Noelle loves it there and so do I!

Baby girl got her first haircut. It was more of a bang trim though. She did really great!!

NO more hair in the eyeballs!!

Right when we got home from Chicago we had a party with the production/worship team from church. It was one that I co-hosted with a friend. I was pretty much in charge of games. So it was a blast!! Karaoke and fishbowl were on the menu!!

And some story time at the library with these two!!

Hope you all have a fantastic week!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Home for the Holidays

Another year has gone and passed. Can ya'll believe it's 2019? Seems so futuristic to me and my kids will think 2019 was "back in the day" when they get older. That's so crazy to think about. We are starting this year off right with a fun road trip back home from Chicago. It was (like always) so great to see our family and be with everyone during Christmas. Things were different this year but the only thing that stays constant in life is change. So we embrace it! Lots of love and time together singing, laughing, dancing, playing cards, making forts, eating pizza, going out to eat, cycle class, hawks game, DA BEARS, and lots more. I love making memories with these kids!

During our first road trip: trying to get some energy out
 poor Micah.. trying to sleep

First Christmas party

Parkview Christian Church Christmas Service

December 23rd. My baby is 2!!!

Christmas Eve Cracker Barrel Date with Grands

 Christmas Eve party at Tammi and Rick's house
 Hannah, Me, Haley, Zeke

 Tammi and I


Reading "The Night Before Christmas"

Christmas morning presents from Santa

 Orland Park CRC Christmas

 Kaitlyn Voss and our little girls!!!

 Tried to get a good photo.. but ya know

 Kim's beautiful masterpiece fondue dinner

Painting with GRandmere

Visiting Leah my friend from high school. She just had her second little boy Kolton Grey. We fell in love with him.. All of us!!

downtown Winter Wonderfest

Got to see our good friends Junior and Nicole from The Bridge Community Church.

Went out with Tammi and Rick in Rosemont for New Years Eve. 

Lots of fun!!

And saying goodbye to Zeke! It is so sad to leave and time goes so fast when you are having fun with your loved ones! Can't wait for next year!!

God bless you all in 2019!!