Blogging about FruGal Fashion finds and being a mama to my 6 year old son, Micah and 4 year old daughter, Noelle.

Thursday, July 31, 2014
Look who loves to chew and suck on his hands!!He is so cute when he does this. He is self soothing himself this way. On Tuesday he was awake for the first time at Mommy and Me Yoga. Oh my goodness...he had a blast.He was up the entire hour and was looking around and I think even flirting with the four month old little girl next to us. She was actually the same weight as him.
Last night he slept until 4:30 a.m. but of course we had the loudest and longest thunderstorm happen at 2 a.m. so almost had a good night sleep.
I am washing the 50 pairs of cloth diapers right now because we are getting low on disposables. I think we are about to start using the cloth, but he is still pooping like 5 times a day. Glad we invested in a good washing machine.
My sister is about to make the big move to Atlanta, GA. Maybe she will see Josh and Andi there. haha (Bachelorette) I'm really excited for her new journey. I know how hard it is to move and not know anyone and start all over again. Please be praying for her(Hannah) and her two cuties Averie & Riley, oh yes and her hubby Jason!! Love them
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Car nursing
First time for everything. I have yet to nurse in public. Like I said, it's not something I desire to do but sometimes it's the easiest way to feed him. Always taking a bottle is a little stressful because I never have time to pump. Yesterday I met a friend and we went out to lunch. Micah woke up and was hungry. There really is no "good" place to nurse. I do like the mall because they have family bathrooms, but that's still not in public. After lunch I went in my car and nursed him. It was fine. No big deal. I need to figure out how to get better with the udder cover. My car has tinted windows, so it works out in my favor.
Today is Mommy and me yoga and again it's during his nap time so we will see if he wakes up to play. Last week we did some ab work out moves that really put me in my place. I was having a hard time doing these moves and so I need to work on it more than once a week.
Craig needed to write a parody to any song for a convention they are holding in October and change the words to be about AT&T Partner Exchange Program. On Saturday during Micah's nap we sat down and wrote new words to the song "Radioactive." It was actually a lot of fun. They will be making a music video and everything to go along with it. Stay tuned because I will hopefully get a copy and share it with all of you!!
I'm totally thinking about hiring a maid service to come clean my bathrooms. Does anyone know if they will just do bathrooms? I don't need my whole house. I just hate cleaning bathrooms. I'm sure no one "likes" it, but I just don't have time. It's sad that I am thinking of hiring maids...but sorry Mom I didn't get your clean freak jeans...hehe
Today is Mommy and me yoga and again it's during his nap time so we will see if he wakes up to play. Last week we did some ab work out moves that really put me in my place. I was having a hard time doing these moves and so I need to work on it more than once a week.
Craig needed to write a parody to any song for a convention they are holding in October and change the words to be about AT&T Partner Exchange Program. On Saturday during Micah's nap we sat down and wrote new words to the song "Radioactive." It was actually a lot of fun. They will be making a music video and everything to go along with it. Stay tuned because I will hopefully get a copy and share it with all of you!!
I'm totally thinking about hiring a maid service to come clean my bathrooms. Does anyone know if they will just do bathrooms? I don't need my whole house. I just hate cleaning bathrooms. I'm sure no one "likes" it, but I just don't have time. It's sad that I am thinking of hiring maids...but sorry Mom I didn't get your clean freak jeans...hehe
Here's a pic of Micah when we went to the doctor. I never just leave him in his diaper, but thought I would snap a pic. Look at those feet!! haha His ears are starting to stick out more especially in his car seat. I keep telling him to put that ear away. I can't believe he has one ear like me and one like his daddy. Wonder if they will change when he gets older.
Happy Tuesday Everyone!!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
2month check up
2 months already!!
This may not look like a big difference to you...but to me he looks so much chunkier. I just love it. He weighed in at 12 lbs 3 oz which is the 45 percentile, his height is 24 inches and is in the 87 percentile and lastly his head is 15 and a half inches which is 78 percentile. So here's the thing, when I take him out with other moms who have 2 month old babies he is always the biggest. In my mind he is in the 90th percentile in the Plano area...haha. For the past two nights he has slept from 8:30 p.m. until 6 a.m. I really hope keeps at this. He is smiling and playing so much more during the day now and it's great.
Today was our first time putting him into the nursery at church. We actually could sit through the whole sermon. I was still worried, but they said he did great. We fed him right before we went to make sure he would be happy.
I got a great email from Craig cousin's wife Bobbi about my blog. I know a lot of our family members read my blog and I'm so happy you all can feel like your in our lives. Thank you all for caring and keeping up with us. We so wish to be around you all and have little friend's for Micah to play with. Hopefully one day everyone will move here (hehe)
Things are definitely getting easier with Micah and I feel like Craig and I are starting to make time for one another again. It's time for us to get back to being husband and wife. It's funny because we like to watch the Bachelorette (tomorrow is the finale) and everyone is always looking for love and then they say they want kids and a family. I turned to Craig and said.. "Hunny, we are living the dream." Such a simple dream, but people everywhere are dying to have what we have. I have to say it's a great life.
I don't know why I look like a vampire in this picture.. but I just love snuggling with this little man. I know when I have my second it won't be as easy to just lay with them and not have a care in the world. I'm trying to make these days memorable.
Craig thinks I dress Micah preppy. I don't think there's anything cuter than a preppy little boy. You gotta teach them early to dress nice. NO pants hanging off the butt in my house!!
My weeks have really gotten busy lately. I have Mommy yoga on Tuesday. Tuesday nights women's bible study. Wednesday is spirit moms, and the other days I usually make lunch plans with friends or play dates. It's been really awesome to have other moms surrounding me with love here. There are so many little boys being born Micah will have plenty of friends to play with!!
Love you all
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Big Boy
I can't believe how big Micah is getting and he's only 2 months. On Friday we are going to the doctor to do some shots and we are so thrilled to find out his weight. I mean I really think he is 12 pounds now. He fits so nicely in his daddy's arms. I feel he's already gotten too big for me. Carrying him in his car seat is already breaking my back. hmmm... Atleast I will have some pretty awesome guns soon.
This morning we went to Mommy and Me yoga and again he slept the whole time...however he was up all morning playing until we left at 9:45 a.m. I really hate to brag and maybe he will change one day and I will regret saying this but he is the best sleeper. Last night I put him down at 8 p.m. and I heard him making noises till around 830. He didn't wake up until 5 a.m. this morning. I actually think he would have kept sleeping if I didn't open his door. I put him back down at 530 and he slept till 8 a.m. I guess we are doing something right. It's best if he gets a good nap during the day and then stays up most of the night before bed. Seems like he does the best.
He's waking up from his nap so I gotta run.
This morning we went to Mommy and Me yoga and again he slept the whole time...however he was up all morning playing until we left at 9:45 a.m. I really hate to brag and maybe he will change one day and I will regret saying this but he is the best sleeper. Last night I put him down at 8 p.m. and I heard him making noises till around 830. He didn't wake up until 5 a.m. this morning. I actually think he would have kept sleeping if I didn't open his door. I put him back down at 530 and he slept till 8 a.m. I guess we are doing something right. It's best if he gets a good nap during the day and then stays up most of the night before bed. Seems like he does the best.
He's waking up from his nap so I gotta run.
Monday, July 21, 2014
Birthday time
Sooooo...It's been a little while since I updated you guys (ya'll) since Craig's sister, niece, nephew and brother came to visit. We had a FULL house but it was a lot of fun. Here's a pic of Micah right before they arrived. Tried out the golf hat. He wouldn't stay still though
Both Hannah and Zeke were so excited to hold him. It was adorable. They kept coming up to him and saying," Oh he's so cute." They did a really good job of helping with him.
Here's Zeke just chillin with Micah on the couch.
On Friday Craig took off work and we all went to the park and then to my fav place Watters Creek. I had to show them this area and of course get some Gelato. That night we made turkey burgers and the night before we had BBQ chicken wings, drumsticks. Craig is so good on his new grill we like to use is a lot these days.
So on Saturday it was Tammi's birthday. It was supposed to get up to 88 degrees and partly sunny. The sun never showed up and I think the high was about 78, but we still made it to the pool. It actually worked out really well because Micah loved the weather and I didn't have to worry about him getting too hot. I actually got to go down the slide and it was a blast. Ha. I didn't get a tan but got some good pool time in. Sorry to the family coming to Texas from Chicago.. they expected hot weather and they got cold and rainy. Something we never see here.
Of course I had to get in a pool selfie with baby Micah. He was such a peach.
Tammi made us an awesome cake... doesn't it just make you happy? It was my birthday on Sunday so we got to celebrate together. It tasted really good too!! I am 28 now and don't feel a day over 27. Ha
On my birthday our life group was holding a ice cream social. We went to that and got a pic of all of us girls that hang out.
These women are great. All of us have boys and one is expecting in December. So fun to get to know these women and can't wait for our "moms"bible study to start in September.
Thank you for the birthday wishes and cards!!
Playin in Da Crib
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Micah Smiling
Hopefully some giggles soon...ahh the joys of parenting. It's the little things in life that make my day.
Love you all
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Rachy Poo
This weekend went by way too fast. My sister got to come visit on Thursday night until Monday afternoon. It was a lot of fun and so good to have her here. She had to leave her two boys behind which I know was hard on her, but it was nice that she could have full attention on Micah.
On Friday we went to Bonnie Ruth's for lunch at Watters Creek and then went shopping afterwards. We went to Charming Charlie's and picked up some rings with our boys initials on them. So fun!! Of course Micah was the best baby and slept the whole time. We picked up some Grouper and Mahi Mahi for dinners, since we are both on a protein/veggie diet.
On Saturday we went to breakfast/brunch at a place called Breadwinners Cafe. It was awesome. I had steak eggs benedict..Woah pretty great. Craig tried the Fried Chicken and waffles. It was very interesting. A southern tradition we finally tried.
On Friday we went to Bonnie Ruth's for lunch at Watters Creek and then went shopping afterwards. We went to Charming Charlie's and picked up some rings with our boys initials on them. So fun!! Of course Micah was the best baby and slept the whole time. We picked up some Grouper and Mahi Mahi for dinners, since we are both on a protein/veggie diet.
On Saturday we went to breakfast/brunch at a place called Breadwinners Cafe. It was awesome. I had steak eggs benedict..Woah pretty great. Craig tried the Fried Chicken and waffles. It was very interesting. A southern tradition we finally tried.
Then we headed to the Galleria Mall in Dallas. Micah woke up and was looking around a lot at the mall. Nowadays he rotates. He plays every other time he eats now.Rachel though he slept too much during the day. But I told her it's because he is growing NONSTOP. lol She even though he grew within the few days she was here. I swear he is going to be a BIG boy. We were trying to figure out who's lips he has and after looking at Craig's baby pic I can now say they are definitely Craig's lips! And look at those ears!! Mr. Micah has got some fun sticking out ears. haha Love them!!

Oh yes.. And SUSHI night. soooo good. Got to try out Blue Fish at Watters Creek and was absolutely delish!! So glad my sister came to the Lonestar State. Hopefully she will move here one day and our boys can play together and become best friends like we are!
Craig's sister and our niece and nephew are coming to visit tomorrow. It has been a whirlwind these past couple of months. I am trying to find things for the kids to do around here, since it's so hot. Looks like it might be in the 80's this week though so we might get lucky!!
Love you all
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Guess who slept a whole 5 hours?? From 8:30ish until 2 a.m. Mr. Micah stayed asleep last night. I am so proud of him. I really hope this is a sign of what's to come. Longer and longer night of sleeping. If I only get up once a night that's perfectly alright with me for awhile. He woke up again at 6 a.m. which is only 3 hours but not bad. This morning after his feeding he fell back asleep until around 9 a.m. If I would have known he was going to sleep another 2 hours I would have went back to sleep myself. You just never know.
My doctor appointment went well yesterday. Everything looks good and I am cleared to be normal again. Meaning I have no excuses not to work my butt out!! My cousin has lost all her baby weight and more and she is giving me tips right now. Once Micah has more head control I want to exercise with him. I think it will make it easier to exercise and he won't be upset that I left him.
It's my Grandma's bday today. She is 76!! I was supposed to be born on her birthday, but I was 10 days late. She is an awesome grandma and I wish I could see her more often. Craig and I went to visit them in Hampton, Virginia back in December and it was so great to be with them for a week. I really hope I can bring Micah there to visit one day. I know they would love to see him. Man, it's hard being away from everyone. I want Micah to know all of his family. I knew it was going to be hard.. but I'm planning on taking him to visit home a lot. As much as Craig will let me before he turns two because then I have to start paying for him!! haha
Rachypoo flies in tonight and I am going to try and pick her up. Hopefully it works out. He will prolly be sleeping by the time she gets here but I'm sure she will be exhausted as well.
I'll be taking lots of pics.. don't worry
Love you all
My doctor appointment went well yesterday. Everything looks good and I am cleared to be normal again. Meaning I have no excuses not to work my butt out!! My cousin has lost all her baby weight and more and she is giving me tips right now. Once Micah has more head control I want to exercise with him. I think it will make it easier to exercise and he won't be upset that I left him.
It's my Grandma's bday today. She is 76!! I was supposed to be born on her birthday, but I was 10 days late. She is an awesome grandma and I wish I could see her more often. Craig and I went to visit them in Hampton, Virginia back in December and it was so great to be with them for a week. I really hope I can bring Micah there to visit one day. I know they would love to see him. Man, it's hard being away from everyone. I want Micah to know all of his family. I knew it was going to be hard.. but I'm planning on taking him to visit home a lot. As much as Craig will let me before he turns two because then I have to start paying for him!! haha
Rachypoo flies in tonight and I am going to try and pick her up. Hopefully it works out. He will prolly be sleeping by the time she gets here but I'm sure she will be exhausted as well.
I'll be taking lots of pics.. don't worry
Love you all
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Happy Boy
If this doesn't make you smile I don't know what will. Little Micah is finally starting to giggle and smile. I am ecstatic about his little laughs. He is the cutest little thing ever. My sister and Craig's sister and niece and nephew will get to see him at this stage and I'm so excited. He still loves to snuggle but gets in his moods where I can't put him down. He seems to be more content in the morning. I put him in his bassinet and he just laughs and giggles for a little while, but if I do that at night he cries. I think he's just a morning guy.
Yesterday we went to a Mommy and Me Yoga class. It was more like a Mommy Yoga class because he slept in the carseat the whole time. Ha I think he's a little too young for the class but it's nice to get out. Today I have MY doctor appointment to see if I'm all healed up. I feel really good so I'm sure everything is fine down there (even though I can't see it). LOL
I ordered some Fenugreek pills to help with milk production. I learned from a new friend who exclusively pumps to take this herb. I have enough milk for Micah right now but I would like to make extra to fill up bottles for the fridge to have when I go out. I really don't want to breast feed in public. I still don;t feel comfortable doing that. Not sure if I ever will.maybe with the second kid.
I feel so blessed with this little guy because I am not sleep deprived and he is a joy to take care of. I know it might get harder, but right now I feel so lucky because I can still take care of myself and take care of him. I've just heard so many bad stories about not having time to do anything for yourself and I have had time to take showers, go for walks, do my makeup, write in my blog and I feed good.
What more can I ask for?? I thank God for him everyday. I feel like he knows I am alone with no family around and is giving me an awesome experience so I don't go crazy : )
Love you all
Tomorrow night I will see my sister!!!!
Yesterday we went to a Mommy and Me Yoga class. It was more like a Mommy Yoga class because he slept in the carseat the whole time. Ha I think he's a little too young for the class but it's nice to get out. Today I have MY doctor appointment to see if I'm all healed up. I feel really good so I'm sure everything is fine down there (even though I can't see it). LOL
I ordered some Fenugreek pills to help with milk production. I learned from a new friend who exclusively pumps to take this herb. I have enough milk for Micah right now but I would like to make extra to fill up bottles for the fridge to have when I go out. I really don't want to breast feed in public. I still don;t feel comfortable doing that. Not sure if I ever will.maybe with the second kid.
I feel so blessed with this little guy because I am not sleep deprived and he is a joy to take care of. I know it might get harder, but right now I feel so lucky because I can still take care of myself and take care of him. I've just heard so many bad stories about not having time to do anything for yourself and I have had time to take showers, go for walks, do my makeup, write in my blog and I feed good.
What more can I ask for?? I thank God for him everyday. I feel like he knows I am alone with no family around and is giving me an awesome experience so I don't go crazy : )
Love you all
Tomorrow night I will see my sister!!!!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Micah is finally starting to play on his mat and is up long enough to tire himself out. I think we are at the point where he is taking naps now. He has been napping for almost two hours now (even though it feels like 15 minutes) and I am so happy we might be starting a schedule. Except every time I say this I feel like the next day is totally different. However it feels like he is up long enough to take hour long naps instead of 10 mins here 20 mins there. This is so much nicer. I can actually get something done!
Rachel is coming in to town on Thursday. I can't believe it. I never though my sister would be able to come visit me and it's happening. I just pray her two little boys stay nice and healthy while she is gone so there is no worries. We are going to have a girls night on Saturday and I'm excited to get out and have some Sushi and girl time. We both have little boys so girl time is very precious.
This weekend was pretty chill. Friday we went over Calie's house and had lunch for the 4th and then got home and pretty much went to bed at 8:30p.m. We thought about going to fireworks and decided it would be too much. Not just for Micah, but us too!! LOL
On Saturday we got to chill in the morning singing to Micah and playing with him in the bed. Craig is so good at just taking time and being with him. I need to get better at that. I'm always thinking of what I need to do and what's next and can I put him down for a nap. I am now trying to be in the moment and hold him a little longer and love on him. He is only going to snuggle like this for so long and I need to remember every second.
You guys.. he might look small in this picture...but he is getting SO big SO fast. Like I can't keep up with him. My little nugget is no longer a tiny baby. I am enjoying the coos and little smiles though. He is getting a personality and I can't wait for him to keep learning how to communicate.
Hope you all have a wonderful Monday.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Friday, July 4, 2014
Happy 4th
Hey Everyone...Happy Birthday America.
It definitely feels like Saturday today. So glad to have Craig home this morning. Micah is taking a nap before we leave to go over my friend Calie's house. This morning we used Selsun Blue on Micah face because he has little red bumps everywhere. I was told by the nurse this is a form of cradle cap, but looks more like a heat rash to us. Anyways, he told us to use Selsun Blue on his face twice a week because he's producing too much oil and causing yeast to grow and that's why he has the bumps. They don't bother him at all thank goodness, I think they bother me more.
This past weekend we met up with Ashley and Cory Dye at my favorite place: Watters Creek. It was Sunday (my last day before diet) so I got to have my favorite Gelato. Ashley and Cory just love Micah, it's so cute. Here are some pics from Sunday.
It definitely feels like Saturday today. So glad to have Craig home this morning. Micah is taking a nap before we leave to go over my friend Calie's house. This morning we used Selsun Blue on Micah face because he has little red bumps everywhere. I was told by the nurse this is a form of cradle cap, but looks more like a heat rash to us. Anyways, he told us to use Selsun Blue on his face twice a week because he's producing too much oil and causing yeast to grow and that's why he has the bumps. They don't bother him at all thank goodness, I think they bother me more.
This past weekend we met up with Ashley and Cory Dye at my favorite place: Watters Creek. It was Sunday (my last day before diet) so I got to have my favorite Gelato. Ashley and Cory just love Micah, it's so cute. Here are some pics from Sunday.
Lotte seems to be warming up to Micah more these days. She is happy to see him when ever we get home and it's really cute. Also in the mornings she goes to his room when he's crying to make sure he's OK. I took this pic of them the other day (before lotte got her hair cut on Thursday- she looks better now!!)
We have a cute outfit for Micah's first fourth of July and I will be posting those pics on Monday (hopefully). So happy to have a long weekend with my boys and little girl (lotte)!!!
Happy fourth everyone!! God Bless America
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Tummy time
We had some good ole tummy time yesterday and waited long enough after he ate so there was no spit up. He likes it for a couple minutes and then gets angry. It was fun while it lasted though. Last night he slept from around 6:30 until 12;45 a.m. I need to get him to move up to 9 p.m. and sleep until 3 a.m. During the day he is eating constantly so he can sleep longer at night. I have to say it was really nice to be able to have dinner with Craig last night. He slept and we got to eat together at the dinner table.
I was never a morning person when I was younger. I was one of those who could sleep until noon. These days I am loving my morning times. I really enjoy my coffee and watching the morning news with Mr. Micah or as Craig calls him Mr. Magoopy eyes or Magic Micah. We got to take a walk this morning before the temps were about to get too hot. I am trying to "lose" the baby weight and I want to start exercising more. And when I say lose weight I mean get toned.
These days I am wrapping Micah up in the swaddle blankets and even if he's awake and I know he needs a nap I put him down in his crib. Most of the time he falls asleep, but sometimes it takes awhile and he just grunts and makes noises. I am really so lucky to have such a good baby. He has been more needy lately, but he's a baby...haha of course he's needy.
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.
I was never a morning person when I was younger. I was one of those who could sleep until noon. These days I am loving my morning times. I really enjoy my coffee and watching the morning news with Mr. Micah or as Craig calls him Mr. Magoopy eyes or Magic Micah. We got to take a walk this morning before the temps were about to get too hot. I am trying to "lose" the baby weight and I want to start exercising more. And when I say lose weight I mean get toned.
These days I am wrapping Micah up in the swaddle blankets and even if he's awake and I know he needs a nap I put him down in his crib. Most of the time he falls asleep, but sometimes it takes awhile and he just grunts and makes noises. I am really so lucky to have such a good baby. He has been more needy lately, but he's a baby...haha of course he's needy.
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.
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