Thursday, July 10, 2014


Guess who slept a whole 5 hours?? From 8:30ish until 2 a.m. Mr. Micah stayed asleep last night. I am so proud of him. I really hope this is a sign of what's to come. Longer and longer night of sleeping. If I only get up once a night that's perfectly alright with me for awhile. He woke up again at 6 a.m. which is only 3 hours but not bad. This morning after his feeding he fell back asleep until around 9 a.m. If I would have known he was going to sleep another 2 hours I would have went back to sleep myself. You just never know.
My doctor appointment went well yesterday. Everything looks good and I am cleared to be normal again. Meaning I have no excuses not to work my butt out!! My cousin has lost all her baby weight and more and she is giving me tips right now. Once Micah has more head control I want to exercise with him. I think it will make it easier to exercise and he won't be upset that I left him.

It's my Grandma's bday today. She is 76!! I was supposed to be born on her birthday, but I was 10 days late. She is an awesome grandma and I wish I could see her more often. Craig and I went to visit them in Hampton, Virginia back in December and it was so great to be with them for a week. I really hope I can bring Micah there to visit one day. I know they would love to see him.  Man, it's hard being away from everyone. I want Micah to know all of his family. I knew it was going to be hard.. but I'm planning on taking him to visit home a lot. As much as Craig will let me before he turns two because then I have to start paying for him!! haha

Rachypoo flies in tonight and I am going to try and pick her up. Hopefully it works out. He will prolly be sleeping by the time she gets here but I'm sure she will be exhausted as well.

I'll be taking lots of pics.. don't worry

Love you all

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