Thursday, September 11, 2014

Happy Spitter

Happy Thursday..

Looks like we got a spitter on our  hands. Micah has been spitting up more than usual these days. Its all curdled and gross and now is smelling pretty bad too. I called the nurse today and she said to try and burp him more and keep him upright after eating for 30 minutes. He was in nursery today for about two hours because I started Mom's Connection which is a church group for mom's to get together. When I went to check on him the worker said he had spit up on both her shoulders and then when I got him another big spit up. The nurse called him a "happy spitter" since he's not fussy or upset. It's not horrible.. just definitely feel like I smell like sour milk all the time now. It's so much that I may not even notice it so I feel bad if other people do. Anyways the "MoMs" church group was awesome today. I have been looking forward to going since I met our Lifegroup friend Lobelia and she told me about it. Just tons of moms getting together and spending some time AWAY from the babies! So very nice to have such loving people surround you..especially when family is far from you.
Here is a pic of my lifegroup MOMS and they are all in my "MOMs" group too!!

Not long now I will be on a plane with the little man. Craig said if he's anything like him he has a hard time with the pressure in his ears. I will try and bring a bottle or nurse him during take off. I'm also going to try and bring frozen milk. I hope they let me through with it. They said breast milk is fine to take with.

September 11th is such a hard day to be happy. Today my parents are flying and I can't help but to be a little nervous for them. I'm nervous about flying on Sunday. With Isis and the threat to America so imminent  right now it's a scary time. I can't believe it's been 13 years since 9/11. I was sitting in class at Chicago Christian in one of the trailer's they had outside. I remember it was Miss Kouman's class (i might be spelling her name wrong) they brought in a TV so we could watch what was going on. I called my dad and was so out of it I needed to make sure he was OK. Even though it wasn't even close to us.. it felt like it was. Most of my memory is kind of a blur about that day. It wasn't until I was in college and got to watch several documentaries about that day when it really hit me what happened. I can't understand why a religion could hate so much that they think it's right to kill so many innocent people. I know they will be judged by God one day or already have been. How does your mind get so warped that taking a life or hundreds is a good thing?

We will always remember 9/11 and never take our lives for granted. I also thank God that he tells us to love our neighbors, and to treat others the way you would want to be treated. These are things that I can teach Micah and know he will be blessed by them. I am so happy I serve a God who loves all and accepts everyone. No matter what you have done... he will love you and take you in his arms and care for you. Such a great message to teach our young ones.

Love you all.

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