Wednesday, October 1, 2014


His new thing is grabbing his feet. He is so cute when he does it. Every time I put him down he grabs his foot. PROGRESS. Today we went for a walk and I put him in the Baby Bjorn facing outward. He just loves it. He loves looking at everything and soaking it all in. I'm ready for some cooler weather though. The 85 degrees didn't feel too good. It got up to 93 today.. yikes. 

I had to drop off Lotte after our walk to the groomer. She needed a cut badly. Now she is looking pretty darn cute. When they called to let me know she was done they left a message and said "Your baby is all done." It caught me off guard at first. Then I thought to the time when she was my one and only baby. Now I consider her a big SIS and she is doing a good job at her new role. She is very protective. Oh yes and I didn't get to take a pic but when lotte got tired today during our walk I put her in the storage compartment underneath the stroller and she FIT!! IT was so funny and cute. The girls I was with were laughing. 

Yes.. and I'm starting this new "health" kick (I guess you could call it that). I bought Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to start using internally and externally. I know that sounds weird. At women's bible study the other night they had brought it up and how it was good to drink and kills bacteria that causes cancer. When I got home I looked it up and WOW .. it does way more than that. It supposed to help so many other problems including but not limited too: body aches, nausea, high cholesterol, weight loss, helps you fall asleep, colds, coughs. Seriously YOU should google it and find out what it could help you with. Might as well try it. It's all natural so at least your not putting a drug in your body.

Hope you all are having an awesome week!!

Love you

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