Wednesday, March 18, 2015


I got M a cool new pop up tent for him to crawl in and out of. He is a little afraid of it right now, but seems to be liking it more and more. I just started to put away his 9 month clothes. He can still fit into some of it but I figure it's not going to last long so might as well get out the 12 month summer stuff. Yesterday we went to the park and it was absolutely gorgeous out. I forgot to take pics but it was so fun dressing M up in shorts and a t-shirt. I bought some sunscreen yesterday for him because I already am starting to worry about it. With nice weather comes sunburns. M is very, very pale.  He could use a little sun! ha
M is starting to snuggle more in the mornings. It's so cute. He will just lay in our bed for a little while before he's ready to go, go, go. It's nice of him to be a little more chill right when he wakes up. I know once he starts walking we might go back to the crazy stage, but for now he seems to be happy laying by us and snuggling.

This morning he woke up around 6 a.m. and I am not sure why. I took him in our room and he slept on my chest. It's been so long since he's done this. I couldn't go back to sleep, but I got to remember all the precious moments of when this was a common thing for us. I was thinking back to when he was 4 months old and I was so excited he was sleeping in his own bed. If I could go back now I would probably just snuggle with him even more. First time parents get to consumed with sleep training that we miss so many snuggle sessions. Live and Learn.

On Monday night I got to go to the movie theater to see a documentary called "The Drop Box." I would recommend it to everyone. It was all in subtitles since it was filmed in Korea, but definitely worth it. It's about a Pastor who decided to make a baby box where women could safely drop off their babies instead of abandoning them in the dumpster, or alley. What a heart wrenching story. The Pastor has taken in almost 15 kids with his wife and most of them are disabled.  If you have a chance to watch it please do!

Latest M developments: He just started to wave to people. Also started to share this week. Trying to give his paci and teething wafers to me so I can try it. It's very cute!!

Love you all

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