I am blessed. Blessed beyond measure. I have hope in the Lord that one day I will be with him in Heaven. I look at my son and think how precious each moment is here on earth. My goal is to be a light in this dark world. To live the way God would want me too and love the way I am loved by him.
Sometimes things don't go the way we want them to go and we have to learn through difficult situations. I know these times are given to us so we can lean on him because He is the way, the truth and the life. As I grow older the one thing I know to be true is sorrow, grief, loss, comes at you without notice. The older I get the harder life becomes. Hope is something that never goes away. It's always there. Hope that one day there will be no suffering or loss. Only the joy of loving and giving praise to the one who made us all.
I wanted to let you all know that we had our neighbors over for dinner Sunday night. It went really great. It was my neighbor Leslie ( with the 3 month old) and her husband Jeremy. They are a fun couple. They are definitely easy to talk to. I think we all like to talk because sometimes we are jumping on each others sentences. So don't worry no awkward silence over here!! It is really wonderful to have a friend literally 10 steps away from my door.
M and I tried out a splash pad/pool on Friday. It opened at 1 p.m. so we couldn't stay long but he did have fun. Sad that it was on cement because it made for a nervous mom. Don't they know to make it rubber??? I need to be on City Council around here because there parks and rec department needs MAJOR help. We won't be going back to this pool, but it was nice to get out a bit.
Love you all!!
Blogging about FruGal Fashion finds and being a mama to my 6 year old son, Micah and 4 year old daughter, Noelle.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Marietta Square
First off.. here are my beautiful birthday flowers from the hubs. He's so cute:)
Yesterday M and I went to check out Marietta Square. It was really quaint and a nice little area with local shops and restaurants and a tiny play area for kids. Micah like the train but it was so hot he burned himself several times. I think he's still a little young because he uses his hands and knees to climb certain things and it's just too hot for that. I think he had fun. We were both so exhausted yesterday because of the heat. We got home and took naps. Haha
I don't think we will be going back there any time soon. Just wasn't the place for a one year old. Since we are closer to the city I see mostly singles and business people around here. I am still trying to figure out where all the moms are. I will keep trying.
This morning I decided to get out the WD40 and spray all the door hinges. I can't tell you how long I have wanted to do it. I mean all the doors were so squeaky I almost went coo coo. I can't tell you how happy I am that they are nice and quiet now. I feel like I accomplished so much in such a short period. Why did I wait so long??
I'm getting really excited to try out another church this Sunday. I am desperate to get involved. I need things to do! Hannah and I are having a hard time meeting up since we are so far from each other. She is going to help me on Monday so I can go to the doctor by myself. She will get a taste of what it might be like if she watched two boys plus her kids. I can't imagine having four kids at this point...but three will be a good trial run.
The other day I took M to babies R us bc we needed something for his diaper pale and he got to try out all the little chairs. This is what he needs next. He loves sitting in them it's really cute.
He also loved holding a big mickey mouse and sitting in the jeep bed. I think I may need to get him that one day!!
Have a great Thursday everyone!
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
This morning I took a walk for the first time in a long time. I need to get back in my routine. It was very nice, but I'm thinking I might drive to a nicer park to walk. This neighborhood is just not as fun to walk around. I hate that I compare everything to Plano, but it's hard not too. I absolutely love this house I'm in now, but the surrounding area just isn't giving me the encouragement I need. Someone told me to check out the Smyrna market village and when we did we were not impressed. I think it's not intended for families. Anyways, I'm sure I will find some stuff to do around here. I'm thinking of trying out the Marietta Square today. Maybe that will have some fun stuff for kids.
Love you all
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
Hey All.
Today I am 29 years old. Woah... Where did the time go? I think when you turn 29 it makes you really think about what you did with your life. I mean 30 is so scary because you hope that you have everything you want by the time your 30 years old..right? Well, I went out this past weekend with my neighbor and her girlfriends on Saturday. She is the one who has a 3 year old girl named Micah. We first stopped at her friends house to have a drink before going to dinner and a movie. I could tell when I got to her friends house, they were a little different than me but I couldn't put my finger on it. We talked and they found out I was a Hooker and we had a good time.
Later at the restaurant I found out they were all 10 years older than me. They were actually pretty excited to be hanging out with a younger girl. I hope I represented well :) As they all talked more I found out almost every single one of them had been divorced and either dating again or engaged. Only me and my neighbor had a child. Wow. I felt so out of place. I couldn't imagine being 38 and single(meaning not married) with no kids. I don't know why I was so shocked...but I was. Some of them were very much OK with not having kids at all. I couldn't imagine not having Micah in my life.
So as I contemplated this the whole night I knew what they were all missing. They were focused on themselves and their jobs and being with the right person...but what about their relationship with Christ? I don't think any of them had that. I really hope to shine some light on them and give them hope for the future. So today I sit here and relish in what I have. A husband who loves me and a son who (loves me but just can't say it yet LOL) and a Father in heaven who loves me the most. I feel so happy that I am 29 with all these things and hopefully more babies in the future to love.
I also am feeling very blessed to have as many friends as I do. I knew signing up for the TV world that I would never be staying in ONE place very long. However, even though I'm not working I'm still in that world of traveling almost every year. And today I realize how many people and friends I have made in the last 5 years of my life. It's insane how many people have been in my life and made a difference. I hope I made a difference in their life as well. I can tell you most of the friends I made I will make sure to keep in touch with. Now sitting here getting ready to meet more people it makes me excited for this journey God has me on. He didn't want me to stay in one place too long, and that's OK with me.
So Monday (my bday) was just another day in the life of being a mommy. I did take M to the mall and let him play first and then I got to shop.
It was so nice to buy a few things I needed. Then later on my other neighbor (Leslie) came over and hung out while M was napping. It was so nice to have an hour conversation and just sit still:) She didn't know it was my birthday until later that night when she went on FB. haha I didn't want to tell her either.
Craig came home and brought me flowers and a cake from Costco. It was really sweet of him. We actually celebrated my bday on Sunday night. We went to the Smyrna Village Market (which I have to say we weren't really impressed compared to plano) and then we headed to Pappasitos and had Mexican. The chicken quesadilla for kids were amazing. Micah ate almost ALL of them!! Here are some pics from that night.
He's almost at the point of running...ahhh
Ok and all our furniture is in and now we are finally decorating. Here is the couch and love seat.
Today I am 29 years old. Woah... Where did the time go? I think when you turn 29 it makes you really think about what you did with your life. I mean 30 is so scary because you hope that you have everything you want by the time your 30 years old..right? Well, I went out this past weekend with my neighbor and her girlfriends on Saturday. She is the one who has a 3 year old girl named Micah. We first stopped at her friends house to have a drink before going to dinner and a movie. I could tell when I got to her friends house, they were a little different than me but I couldn't put my finger on it. We talked and they found out I was a Hooker and we had a good time.
Later at the restaurant I found out they were all 10 years older than me. They were actually pretty excited to be hanging out with a younger girl. I hope I represented well :) As they all talked more I found out almost every single one of them had been divorced and either dating again or engaged. Only me and my neighbor had a child. Wow. I felt so out of place. I couldn't imagine being 38 and single(meaning not married) with no kids. I don't know why I was so shocked...but I was. Some of them were very much OK with not having kids at all. I couldn't imagine not having Micah in my life.
So as I contemplated this the whole night I knew what they were all missing. They were focused on themselves and their jobs and being with the right person...but what about their relationship with Christ? I don't think any of them had that. I really hope to shine some light on them and give them hope for the future. So today I sit here and relish in what I have. A husband who loves me and a son who (loves me but just can't say it yet LOL) and a Father in heaven who loves me the most. I feel so happy that I am 29 with all these things and hopefully more babies in the future to love.
I also am feeling very blessed to have as many friends as I do. I knew signing up for the TV world that I would never be staying in ONE place very long. However, even though I'm not working I'm still in that world of traveling almost every year. And today I realize how many people and friends I have made in the last 5 years of my life. It's insane how many people have been in my life and made a difference. I hope I made a difference in their life as well. I can tell you most of the friends I made I will make sure to keep in touch with. Now sitting here getting ready to meet more people it makes me excited for this journey God has me on. He didn't want me to stay in one place too long, and that's OK with me.
So Monday (my bday) was just another day in the life of being a mommy. I did take M to the mall and let him play first and then I got to shop.
It was so nice to buy a few things I needed. Then later on my other neighbor (Leslie) came over and hung out while M was napping. It was so nice to have an hour conversation and just sit still:) She didn't know it was my birthday until later that night when she went on FB. haha I didn't want to tell her either.
Craig came home and brought me flowers and a cake from Costco. It was really sweet of him. We actually celebrated my bday on Sunday night. We went to the Smyrna Village Market (which I have to say we weren't really impressed compared to plano) and then we headed to Pappasitos and had Mexican. The chicken quesadilla for kids were amazing. Micah ate almost ALL of them!! Here are some pics from that night.
He's almost at the point of running...ahhh
Ok and all our furniture is in and now we are finally decorating. Here is the couch and love seat.
We are slowly getting there!! It's definitely feeling more like home. Thank you all for the birthday love!! I'm excited to see what I learn this year and the people I meet.
Love you
p.s. I wrote this on JULY 20th and posted it the next day. Sorry for the confusion
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Woah Baby.. Look at that huge couch!! It's so comfy. We finally got to hang out last night on the couch and watch a show. Oh man it felt so good to just relax. When we went to bed I was dreaming about when football starts... I can see it now. Craig will be falling asleep down here many nights when he's watching sports. That's why I LOVE summer. No football, no basketball, just the Bachelorette to watch. haha I do love watching sports with Craig sometimes and try to get into it. But I am happy when he only wants to watch stuff with me:)
Tomorrow the painters come, so that should be interesting. I'm not sure if M and I are staying here or not because of all the fumes. We will see.
Here is another piece of furniture we got with our Rooms 2 Go deal. It's a TV stand but we are using it as an entry table. I really love it.
And here is it... Craig's finished product:
Tomorrow the painters come, so that should be interesting. I'm not sure if M and I are staying here or not because of all the fumes. We will see.
Here is another piece of furniture we got with our Rooms 2 Go deal. It's a TV stand but we are using it as an entry table. I really love it.
And here is it... Craig's finished product:
Just imagine what it looked like before it was all neat and organized. It was a complete disaster and he turned it into something so nice. He is really handy! He is proving to me all the time how much he is capable of. I know he can do anything he puts his mind too.
I need to go start dinner before M wakes up and I have a stage 5 clinger on my legs!! hah
Lov ya
Monday, July 13, 2015
These hills are beautiful, but a lot of work. I can't seem to do much of anything without stuff falling over or being able to keep my balance with a shopping cart going down hill. It's tough out here. I'm hoping my legs get real strong REAL fast. When I thought about having pretty mountains to look at I didn't realize how much work it would be to LIVE in them. You win some .. you lose some.
We got to go to the pool this Saturday. It was so much fun. We went with our neighbor and her daughter MICAH. Yep. What's the odds of that happening? Spelled the exact same way. Anyways, we had a good time. She is almost 3 and Micah loved playing with her.
We got to go to the pool this Saturday. It was so much fun. We went with our neighbor and her daughter MICAH. Yep. What's the odds of that happening? Spelled the exact same way. Anyways, we had a good time. She is almost 3 and Micah loved playing with her.
Yesterday we tried out a church in Marietta called Peidmont Church. It reminded me a lot of my old church The Bridge form the website. The music was great and the sermon was good. The pastor didn't seem to take a breath the whole time he was preaching though. It almost made you hold your breath and then realize... you can breath normally. You just want him to take a breath or slow down for a second or maybe even pause. I mean that man could talk... and very well at that. We might try a few more churches before we choose, but this one was very nice.
Also we met my sister for lunch after church. It seems the best time to get together since the weekdays have so much congestion on the highways practically ALL day. So after lunch we were letting M walk around before we left and he finally go to meet the sidewalk for the first time.
I don't think we can go an hour without him falling or hitting his head. He has about 5 bruises and a few mosquito bites that look like big bumps. So in all I feel like I'm doing a really good job at being a mom. He's supposed to learn on his own right? Problem is... they don't learn yet. It's like if he were to fall down the stairs.. he would turn around and do it again. This stage is very tough. VERY tough. I think I need meals brought to me now....the baby stage was easy compared to this. HAH
Looks like I may have a little time to myself before the crazy one wakes up. I'm going to sit on my COUCH and rest for a minute. woohoo!!!! couch is in and it's huge. Picture to come!
Love you all!!
Saturday, July 11, 2015
Almost there...
I just need to hold on a little longer...... my one couch for the basement comes on Monday and I am just way too excited. I never knew how much a couch meant but now only sitting on hard chairs for like a week...I need some comfort.
Here's what we have lowered ourselves too.. sitting in LOTTE"s bed. The only comfy seat I have right now. m and I switch off. haha
Yesterday the basement carpet was cleaned and it's like a new space. I can finally come down here and feel clean and breath. Ugh I don't understand how some people can live in such filth. When I spill something on the floor or carpet I do my best to clean it up. I feel like that's being normal .. however the last two houses we rented we have seen how others live and it's disgusting. Anyways, I am excited to be together these couple of days on the weekend. Today we are planning to go to the pool all together. It will be nice to switch off with M. Maybe I could like lay out for a minute...ahhhh that would be nice.
Can I ask you all for prayers? I am going through a rough time right now and am not sure what my body is doing. I am going to see a doctor at the END of this month. The earliest I could get in was July 27th. That's a long time to wait. I am praying everyday and know I am in God's hands. He is my protector and healer. I am so glad I can rely on him.
Some bad news is that Lotte went to the vet and may have the start of kidney failure. We got her some medication and new food to help, but it's hard to know how far to go to help out your dog who is almost 12 years old. She is such a sweet pup and I can tell she is getting older. Craig is not big on spending a lot of money on her and I can understand why. Kids and family comes first.
Anyways, I hope she will last another few years. Gosh.. it's hard to think of losing her. :(
Ok, so when Micah talks it's the funniest thing. I tried to get it on video yesterday but failed miserably. Instead I got him pooping. I still uploaded it because it really made me giggle.
So hopefully I can catch him talking because (no offense) he sounds like he's talking Chinese...literally. It sounds like he knows the language.. no joke. It's so funny.
Here's my attempt:
Here's what we have lowered ourselves too.. sitting in LOTTE"s bed. The only comfy seat I have right now. m and I switch off. haha
Yesterday the basement carpet was cleaned and it's like a new space. I can finally come down here and feel clean and breath. Ugh I don't understand how some people can live in such filth. When I spill something on the floor or carpet I do my best to clean it up. I feel like that's being normal .. however the last two houses we rented we have seen how others live and it's disgusting. Anyways, I am excited to be together these couple of days on the weekend. Today we are planning to go to the pool all together. It will be nice to switch off with M. Maybe I could like lay out for a minute...ahhhh that would be nice.
Can I ask you all for prayers? I am going through a rough time right now and am not sure what my body is doing. I am going to see a doctor at the END of this month. The earliest I could get in was July 27th. That's a long time to wait. I am praying everyday and know I am in God's hands. He is my protector and healer. I am so glad I can rely on him.
Some bad news is that Lotte went to the vet and may have the start of kidney failure. We got her some medication and new food to help, but it's hard to know how far to go to help out your dog who is almost 12 years old. She is such a sweet pup and I can tell she is getting older. Craig is not big on spending a lot of money on her and I can understand why. Kids and family comes first.
Anyways, I hope she will last another few years. Gosh.. it's hard to think of losing her. :(
Ok, so when Micah talks it's the funniest thing. I tried to get it on video yesterday but failed miserably. Instead I got him pooping. I still uploaded it because it really made me giggle.
So hopefully I can catch him talking because (no offense) he sounds like he's talking Chinese...literally. It sounds like he knows the language.. no joke. It's so funny.
Here's my attempt:
Craig is at it again. Hoping to build himself something to hold all his tools. He's at home depot right now. I'm telling you. I don't know how he does it. He just keeps going. We do need something to organize stuff in the garage, so I understand this time.
I'll take a picture of it when it's finished and show you all.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
I'm back!!!
OmG. You guys. It's been so long! I am still trying to get used to my new surroundings. Doesn't quite feel like home yet because we don't have all of our furniture. Some of it is coming on Monday and then more on the 19th. I don't even know where to start. Ok, so the road trip. It went pretty good. Micah did cry a few times and I had to keep driving, but overall he was great. We tried to be on his schedule and drive mostly during his naps. We did set up baby Einstein so he could watch it while we drive and he liked that. He has been a champ at sleeping. Taking good naps and sleeping through the night at Hannah's and the new house. Thank goodness. However he has been SOOOO clingy. I can't leave his side for a second. I mean not ONE second. I don't know if it's cuz he doesn't know where he is...or just that age. I think he is getting his molars in and has been really upset about it as well.
The move didn't go exactly as planned. The previous tenant decided she didn't want to move out when she was supposed too. We didn't get the walls painted or downstairs carpets cleaned before we got in the house because they didn't have time. It's just a bad situation, but somehow I knew not everything would go according to plan. I moved enough to know how to be flexible.
Here is a video of Micah walking. He is so good at it now it's a little scary.
The guy is coming to clean the downstairs carpets in a few minutes. I'm really excited b/c it just smells like a dusty old carpet and I'm like ewwwww. It's a great place for M to play for I feel bad that he's breathing it in.
Let me tell you all ....I love this house. It's beautiful. It's actually a townhouse. It's going to be so amazing once everything is done. The stairs are a challenge, but hopefully will whip my butt into shape. My legs are killing me already!! We have a little pool nearby that we can go too and it's perfect for M. Not too many splash parks close, so I'm glad that we have the pool!!
I'm excited to be back and tell you all what's going on in the ATL!!
These pictures are from Chuck E Cheese. We celebrated Riley's birthday a little early.
Micah really liked the girls' computer. I think he wants to be like his dad.
Love you all!
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Coming soon
I'll be coming back soon!! We get internet tomorrow and hopefully I can get back to this blogger world! Love you all
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