Tuesday, July 28, 2015


I am blessed. Blessed beyond measure. I have hope in the Lord that one day I will be with him in Heaven. I look at my son and think how precious each moment is here on earth. My goal is to be a light in this dark world. To live the way God would want me too and love the way I am loved by him.
Sometimes things don't go the way we want them to go and we have to learn through difficult situations. I know these times are given to us so we can lean on him because He is the way, the truth and the life.  As I grow older the one thing I know to be true is sorrow, grief, loss, comes at you without notice. The older I get the harder life becomes.  Hope is something that never goes away. It's always there. Hope that one day there will be no suffering or loss. Only the joy of loving and giving praise to the one who made us all.

I wanted to let you all know that we had our neighbors over for dinner Sunday night. It went really great. It was my neighbor Leslie ( with the 3 month old) and her husband Jeremy. They are a fun couple.  They are definitely easy to talk to. I think we all like to talk because sometimes we are  jumping on each others sentences. So don't worry no awkward silence over here!! It is really wonderful to have a friend literally 10 steps away from my door.

M and I tried out a splash pad/pool on Friday. It opened at 1 p.m. so we couldn't stay long but he did have fun. Sad that it was on cement because it made for a nervous mom. Don't they know to make it rubber??? I need to be on City Council around here because there parks and rec department needs MAJOR help. We won't be going back to this pool, but it was nice to get out a bit.

Love you all!!

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