Hey there!
I feel overwhelmed with the amount of support and love I have received after posting my story. I also feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Everyone copes differently with situations, and this was my way. I can't tell you how well I slept last night. For the first time in awhile I fell asleep when I laid down.
So I just got back from seeing my doctor. I haven't seen her since my FIRST ultrasound. Right when she walked in she was ready to explain to me what happened. It was like she was prepared for me to be really upset with them, and they were right. First off she told me in all her 20 years she never seen anything like my situation. Wow. Ok ....so even though ectopic is uncommon I had the most uncommon ectopic pregnancy ever. LOL I have to laugh sometimes. She explained to me how my number started at 1000 and the next test they had dropped to 600. This was a significant drop and is very common for miscarriage. An ectopic pregnancy usually goes up slightly or may decrease by little. The way they usually catch it is because the number goes up, however you are suppose to double and triple every week and if you go up a few hundred then they know. Also she said the sac attached so close to my ovaries it was barely in my tube. Another reason why they couldn't see it or understand what was happening. She also said they can't even detect the baby with an ultrasound until your levels reach 2,000.
She wants me to wait 6 months and get my tube tested to make sure it's working properly before we try again. We could start trying in 3 months, but there's a 25 percent chance of it happening again. I'm not sure I want to risk it. I would be considered high risk and have to go in every 2 weeks once I do get pregnant again.. but thats A-OK with me!
I'm feeling a bit sad right now just because I felt like having another baby was what God wanted for me and now I just feel confused. I will keep praying and try to understand his plan and not mine.
On another note Micah seems to have a slight cold. He's teething so I can't really tell if it's from that or not. These are some pics from him sitting on the couch with me eating ice chips. That was the only way I could calm him down before I got the oragel.
Have a great HUMP day
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