I wish I could tell you every single detail about our weekend...but there was so much I am hoping to remember it myself.
Let's start with Friday night. I tried to keep myself calm and go on doing normal day to day activities. I knew I wouldn't sleep well since I had to be up so early and try to run 3 miles (for the first time in forever!!) I was surprised when I started making dinner to see my husband walk in the door at 5 p.m. We got so excited and Micah ran to him and gave him a big hug. I was like...WHA??? This is amazing. We were able to cook dinner together and I made a shrimp pasta meal that was OH SO TASTY!! yum. I tried not to eat too much since I had to get up and run. I didn't want to feel heavier.
I went to bed around 10:30 p.m. and probably didn't get more than 5 hours of sleep. I woke up and felt my heart racing. I was excited. We got Micah up at 6:45 a.m. and put him in the car. He wasn't too happy about this. When we got to the race he seems excited because there was so much to look at. Hannah and I went to warm up with everyone else and then got in line. She was nervous.. but I knew she was going to do great. We started off running together but it only took a couple minutes before she was ahead of me and then a few minutes later she was out of sight. I had decided that my goal was to keep moving. Even if I was jogging at a slow pace I didn't want to stop. It was hard to see so many people on the side walking. It was like they were saying to me, "It's OK just take a break. We are all doing it." I tried to get it out of my head that it wasn't an option for me. I thought if I finished the race and had walked it...what did I accomplish? I can walk 3 miles. I do it everyday.
Ok so I think after the first mile it was the hardest on me. I felt so tired and knew I had to go a lot farther. When I hit the 2 mile marker there was no stopping me. I was determined to make it the whole way without stopping. Yes, my legs turned to jello at mile 2.5 but it made it a little better. I didn't feel much. LOL. My time was 37:26 about 12 minute miles and I was in the top half for my age group. Not to mention I was the oldest in my age group 25-29. Yikes, I still can't believe I'm 29.
Anyways, I was really proud of myself. I made it. Not in good time, but knowing I can push through and do something I had never done before.

We all went and got something to eat and came back to my house. Micah went to sleep and had almost a three hour nap and Hannah and I got to take showers and feel refreshed before going back to the celebrate freedom festival. After the 5k they had a free concert and tons of Christian artists were there. We go to hear Meredith Andrews, and Crowder. The cool thing I thought of was that I sang the Meredith Andrews song, "Not For A Moment" at the Bridge when Micah was in my belly, also so her in concert when he was in my belly and then he got to see her live for himself. It seemed as if he knew the song. Let me tell you all how cute my son is. We were sitting in the bleachers and it was covered but outside. So yes.. it felt like 100 degrees, but Micah was so happy. He was clapping and listening. While I was holding him standing on my lap he reached over to Craig and hugged him and kissed his shoulder. I mean I almost started blubbering like a baby. I was overwhelmed with the love he had for his dada. It was that moment as a parent when you say... I think we are doing something right. He loves us and shows us with his actions. A one year old can show so much love and know so little about life. I mean, I can't tell you how much this moment meant to me. I never want to forget it. I'm so happy I have this blog to remind myself of these precious moments in life.
You can tell we were all hot!!
Here is a pic of Crowder on the big screen.
Pic of AV making M laugh while we were getting a bit to eat.
We headed home and were pretty much exhausted. All I wanted was a cold beer. And I got it!! Craig made chili because that's what you do when football starts right? A&M was playing Arizona at 7 p.m. Leslie and Jeremy came over with Nolan and we all got to eat chili and watch football while M was sleeping. It was awesome!!
The next day we were able to make church after M took his morning nap. He was a lot happier because I fed him lunch on the way there. He did well. I even saw a mom there from bible study. It was nice to see a familiar face.
We got home and Lindsay and Jeorry had invited us over for dinner. Here is a pic of her son Parker and Micah eating together. It was adorable, but only lasted so long before chaos ensued. haha
On Monday we all went to the pool, but it was actually too cold to get into. Micah stayed outside the pool most the time and played with Parker's toys. Later that night we all went to Lindsay's for dinner again. This time there was Micah, Parker, Baby Nolan, and Isabella. Needless to say we all tried to have a conversation but...too many kids. haha This Thursday Leslie is having girls night with NO babies and maybe we can all have a conversation. The joys of having neighbor friends. This is amazing. I'm telling you. I loved having my friends before in Texas but having people seriously next door has been a Godsend. I am so very blessed. Can't wait for the year ahead of us.
This week we are getting ready to go to Florida. This trip was semi-planned. Craig took off the days but we weren't sure if it was a go or not till the last month or so. We are driving there so hoping everything goes smoothly. Micah is going to have so much fun with his cousins Liam and Caleb. They are all the perfect age to play together. However after last night and having four kids around.. I'm preparing myself for a week of chaotic fun! Love you all