Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Florida with Cousins!!

Let me start by saying... isn't it funny how so many things can go wrong and all you remember is the good parts? I have pics to prove all the fun and enjoyable times we had in Florida. Yes, not everything went as "planned" but what does with three boys 3 and under. It was a FULL house except uncle Jesse didn't show up which I was bummed about. (that was a joke LOL)
When the week was over and everyone was saying goodbye we waved to the kids, Auntie Leigh, Papa and Nana in the van. Right when they pulled away Micah started balling his little eyes out. So there you go. That's how much he loves them. Just from one week. He was enamored with Liam. Especially in the mornings. They would play on my bed and Liam would do all sorts of crazy things to make Micah laugh. The truth: many of us did not get much sleep.  There wasn't enough rooms for all these crazy babies. We made it work though. And I will never forget all the sweet memories made.  Many of you have seen the pics on FB. But here they are again...

 This was at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. This is a routine stop for us now when we go to Orlando. You can eat with the animals right outside the window. The boys loved it.

 I had to get Craig to take a pic with the HULK. He is my hunky hulk.
 Story time with all three boys.

 Tierney family.
 I set my phone in the palm tree and put the timer on for 3 seconds. We had fun taking lots of crazy shots.

 One of many times Papa got out the backpack guitar and played.

 This was our goodbyes. Micah didn't want to let go of that Liam boy!!
 However.. Liam was like..Ok little man gotta go.
They both have hat hair. hehe LOVe you MOM!!

Here's something I put together. It shows last year in Florida and this year. Look at that sweet baby!! I want another one!!! haha

Ok and now here is a little taste of our mornings with the boys.

I know they sacrificed a lot of "space" for us to tag along on this trip and I am very grateful. It was a lot of work and technically I don't think you can call it a vacation when you have kids with you. I will call it a nice getaway with cousins to play with!! haha I think my parents need a vacation now from the vacation....or maybe just some sleep.


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