Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Mission

Our latest chapter in our book, "You and Me Forever" talked about the "mission" each one of us has here on earth. It's the most important part of our lives, but can get lost in the shuffle. Francis Chan touches on "happy marriages" and how we focus so much on being happy that we forget to be on the mission. The mission to disciple others and serve. When a couple is on the mission together and serving as a couple a happy marriage comes along with it. This week our challenge was to figure out your mission. What is God calling you to do. I think we get caught up on "mission trips" and going to Africa. Yes, I would love to do that, but at the time of my life it's just not possible. There are so many other ways to live out the mission. What if we all just invited our neighbor over for dinner. An act of kindness to someone who may or may not deserve it. Giving up your time and resources that you would spend on yourself on someone or something else. That can be a big part of the mission. We all want to help those in other countries..but there are so many a few feet away that we are missing.

I was on Facebook this morning (like usual) and someone had posted that for Lent they were giving up Facebook for 40 days. This convicted me. How do I spend a lot of my time? Looking at other peoples lives. Don't get me wrong. I don't think there is anything wrong with Facebook. It's just how you use it. I realized I need to be focused on my mission with my son rather than trying to catch up on gossip and what everyone is talking about online. I have deleted the app from my phone and decided that I will only look on FB when he is taking a nap or bedtime. On my own time on the computer. This was hard for me to do. As a mom you can feel so alone and the pictures or videos can make you feel human again. For me right now I feel liberated. Sometimes you need to focus on things that matter. Instead of checking it 10 times a day...I want to pray for someone, read, talk to my son, think about eternity, relish in the toddler stage (wink wink) connect with people face to face, learn something new. I don't know how long I will last, but I'm excited to see how it may change the way I think.

I haven't taken many photos this week. It seems hard when you are on the go constantly. I wish I would have snapped one today though. We went to our music class and then lunch afterwards. The chick-fil-a near church has an outside playground and today it was just warm enough that we could all sit outside and let our kids play and we could have adult conversations. As a mom ...you live for this stuff!! I wish I could let you seem M's face as he climbed up the slide (the wrong way) and slid down. His face was so content and happy. It was the sweetest. He also likes to share leaves with all the adults sitting outside. He is the most social little boy I know.

I wanted to attach a few more pictures from Superbowl Sunday. When we were playing outside.

We got a package recently from my dad with some hand me down clothes. The best part was the box!! 

One last thing...Micah is calling me "Ma." I don't know what to think about it. He calls Craig, "daddy" and I'm MA. haha it's really funny.

Love you all

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