Saturday, December 24, 2016

Noelle Joy is here

They say the second baby comes faster and it's absolutely true! On Wednesday I had my 39 week appt and my doctor said I was 4 cm dilated and she could induce me Friday morning if I wanted. I struggled all day trying to decide if I should induce or not. I finally decided to let her come when she wanted. This was something I wanted to do from the beginning.  So after all the time thinking about it...she decided Friday was her birthday!!

We did a few things to try and help the process. Some TMI and then eggplant parmigiano the night before. Which now we actually get her picture on the wall and get a gift certificate since we had her within 24 hours from eating at the restaurant. 

I woke up Friday with mild cramping around 5am. I was hopeful but knew I had felt them before. I took a shower and just got prepared incase. Then at 7am the contractions started. They were pretty painful and came every 5 mins and by 730 I was like "we HAVE to go" they were already so painful and I knew it would be awhile before I would get drugs.

So around 815am we walked through the hospital doors. I got a room and it took awhile for them to get fluids through me. I had to go through a whole bag before they would get the anesthesia. I finally got my epidural and thought it was smoothe sailing...but I was wrong. The epidural didn't work on my left side and I was in so much pain. They kept trying to give me more drugs...but it still didn't work. I felt like I was going to die!! They finally redid my epidural around 12pm and when my midwife came in she said I was fully dilated. She broke my water and said it was time to push. Thankfully I didn't feel anything during birth. It was definitely hard to push her out since I had no feeling down there, but she came fast! 12:52 pm on 12/23 weighing 7lbs 14oz, 20 inches long (same as Micah) 13.5 inch head.
She has my ears, darker hair, and I'd say looks more like me than Craig. 

She's so precious and we are so blessed and thankful for her. She truly is my miracle baby.

I'm scared of how many pics are in her future!

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