Tuesday, February 28, 2017

NJ @ 2 months

Happy 2 months Noelle JOY. You are such a beautiful little girl bring me so many smiles in a day. I just can't imagine life without you and you've only been here for a few short weeks. We all love this little girl so much.

We all took little (or chunky) baby Noelle to the doctor yesterday morning. She was 11 lbs 11oz and 23 inches long. So much cheeks to go around with this little one. She got 3 shots and it about killed my heart to watch. I hate that part so much. I made Craig hold her hand while it happened. I didn't want her to associate it with me.

(These pics were taken BEFORE the shots.)

She had a hard day. I mean she usually doesn't cry unless she has gas or is hungry, but yesterday I could tell she was in pain just crying. So I gave her tylenol for the first time. She is still a little warm this morning and may have a little bit of a fever. Those shots are so tough on their little bodies. Micah loved watching his sister get a check up and when we got home that's all we did for a little while. We gave each other check ups. He loves to help others feel better.  But before we went home, we stopped at Krispy Kreme. This is so hard not to pass up. It's across the street from the pediatrician and the HOT N READY sign was on!!! Micah said he wanted to go inside. So we had a little date with donuts and I won't tell you how many I consumed.

Poor Micah has been sick since Friday. He's had the bark cough going and snotty nose. It's been bad, but we still had a fun weekend. We didn't get to hang out with any of his friends, but went to the outlet mall on Saturday and got M some new NIKE's shoes. Craig got a few shirts for work. Then we went to lunch at Marlows. I think it might have been our first lunch outing with 2 kids (by ourselves) and it went great. Noelle was up for a bit and then fell asleep right when our food came. Micah got his food right away and was really happy the whole time. It was kind of a miracle lunch outing. I was so surprised how well everything went. I'm really glad we got to get out and do something as a family. Micah still has this horrible cough, but it slowly getting better. The hardest part for him is not touching his sister. It's really so sweet. He wants to touch her so bad, but I told him he has to wait until he's better.

Love you all!!

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