Here she is playing by herself. No need for me.
Micah is sleeping in my bed right now for nap time. I have been laying with him some days and just rubbing his back. He loves it and falls asleep and so do I. We love laying in bed together and playing dinosaurs with our hands and talking about our day. Last night as I was laying next to him in his bed I said, "You're my boy," and he replied, "You're my girl." I like to lay next to him before he falls asleep because I think he likes the feeling of me being at the same level. He likes that I spend the extra few minutes to snuggle him and love on him. We were always playing with him more and at bed time trying to get him down quick. I've just realized I need to start earlier with his routine and just lay with him a bit longer. It's totally worth it. We love singing and talking about our day with our heads close together. It's such a sweet time in his life. He loves me and wants me close. I know one day it won't be like this anymore so I need to soak it in.
In the van the other day we were listening to the radio and Katie Perry came on. Micah said to me, "Mom is this you singing?" I was caught off guard, but wow what a great compliment!! ha I told it wasn't but it did sound like me.
Here they are making their own totality during the eclipse. We didn't travel far away to see it and they are just too young. 7 years from now we are going to do it right though!! It's going to pass through Dallas next time around too.
We went to twisted root on Sunday after church to get some burgers. Yum. Noelle loves to eat her puffs or anything. She would probably eat a whole burger if we let her.
This is going to sound kind of weird. I have been following this girl on Instagram for almost 3 years now. I found her before she had thousands of followers. She always has the cutest outfit/jewelry/handbags and all for a decent price. So I have loved following her. I started right before I left for Atlanta. When I came back to Dallas she was hosting a shoping party at this place called Hight Point Supply Co. where they sell goods that literally help other people. It's an amazing place that I bought some earrings from online for my birthday. So I always wanted to go to the shop and this was a great opportunity to go and meet this girl. Her name is Ryan Ray Roberts. She used to be a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. She was so sweet and I got to shop with her at the store. I just loved getting out on my own for a bit and doing something I love. I took some pics of the shop and wanted everything in there. They sell jewelrly to coffee mugs all handmade by people in other countries. Giving them jobs to support their families. IT's such a wonderful company that I hope to help more.

Saturday night we met another couple at Lakewood Brewery. It was actually a family friendly place and Craig and I could enjoy some beer. The couple had two older kids that really loved Micah and played with him so nice. We even decided they would be perfect babysitter. She is going into 8th grade so almost ready to watch them. Micah loves the older kids...well technically he loves everybody. haha
Hope you all are having a fabulous week!
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