Tuesday, January 9, 2018

One year old problems

It all started yesterday when I put her down for her afternoon nap. Something just clicked and she decided she needed to stand up and cry the whole time. So after an hour I decided to go get her and skip her nap to go to bed early. So at 7 p.m. I put her down and again she stood up and cried. So after 40 minutes I went in and tried to nurse her and put her back down. She kept crying and then Craig tried to put her down. It wasn't until 9:30 p.m. she fell asleep and I couldn't believe it. So I was hoping it was a fluke, but nope. the same thing today. She wouldn't nap this morning and then fell asleep in the car and now she has been crying for 30 minutes. I really don't know what to do. I feel like every time I go in there it's hurting my chances of her going to sleep. So I had to go outside for a while to cool off.  She's always been a good sleeper. I've had to let her cry it out a lot, but not like this. She is screaming her head off and standing up. I've been calling her "relentless." I feel bad for Micah because he's trying to take a nap too. I am trying to not let it get to me, but it's tough when I know she needs it so bad. I'm not giving up on naps.

We go some cute photos of the kids in from our trip! Here are some photos of us and Hannah and Zeke and Tammi!

These kids are so cute!! I am glad we got all four of them together!!

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