Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Feeling better

I'm doing much better today. I have realized he was exhausted on Monday and there was nothing I could have done differently. I keep thinking he doesn't need naps because he has such a hard time, but then these days happen and when we got home on Monday he slept from 1:30-4:30p.m. So then I realized he was just out of whack. We had a long weekend and I just feel like he's so much older now and doesn't need naps. I am smacking myself for that one. I didn't see any of the signs that he was tired until it was too late. He seems to be back to his sweet self. I realize when he gets tired and out of sorts he is mean to his sister and me. Sometimes it's just too late for a nap and it's 5 p.m. and I have another 2 hours of a mean little mister. Not sure how to handle it all, but I know that's why they call it the "Witching Hour."

Noelle is napping now and Micah is at school. I got to clean up the kitchen, eat lunch, take a shower, and now writing on here. All by MYSELF.  Phew.  It was a surprise when I laid Noelle down at 11:40 a.m. for her nap and she did not make a peep. I really hope she is finally getting used to it and realizing she likes to nap. She is still sleeping through the night and both of them always seem to sleeping when we have something to do in the morning. Like today for instance they NJ at 7:45 a.m. and Micah at 8a.m. and of course we have to leave by 8:40a.m. to get to school on time. On days that we have nothing they will be up at 7 a.m. That's just called LIFE I guess.

I don't want to make anyone jealous...but Craig and I have booked our excursions we will be taking on our cruise and it has really got us pumped. Right now we only have 3 days booked and left one day for something spontaneous. In Costa Maya we will be driving ATV's in the jungle and then find a beach at the end where they serve us fancy drinks and relax. In Cozumel we are taking an amazing secret river tour where we go inside caves and wear a wetsuit. I mean seriously!!! Then in Roatan we are swimming with dolphins and snorkeling. I just can't imagine it all, but I am so excited for all this fun in the sun and with my love. Back to finding ourselves and connecting again with doing new adventures together. I'm so glad our friends gave us this idea back in June. What a long time to wait, but so worth it. We feel so lucky to be able to do this together even when our kids are still so young.

I know I will miss these little buggers...but they will be in such good hands!! Makes me so much more calm and relaxed.

This walk in our red wagon took place on Monday after everyone had napped. It was so nice to get outside and get some fresh air.

I'm glad we did it too because it's been raining ever since. Stuck inside. When that sun comes out... I will be outside!!

Love you all

Monday, February 26, 2018


Today happened and it wasn't pretty. I knew Micah had been a little off the past few days/week with listening and obeying but I tried to take him to the museum today. He was doing very well this morning and helped me clean up and got dressed. I thought it would be a good day. I invited a friend to the museum with us and felt comfortable going since we all went as a family on Saturday. So we met our friends there and Micah switched on a different attitude. He just would run crazy and not listen to me at all. This is pretty normal for him to act differently around friends and it's happened before. He was desperate to see the dinosaurs upstairs before we went to the children's museum so I wanted to make him happy. My friend and I took them up and they were having fun (still not doing well listening or obeying) They started having a hard time sharing a dinosaur puzzle upstairs. Micah just got so upset he started having a meltdown. So we decided to split them up and give them a minute and we would meet them downstairs. Then all HELL broke lose. He started screaming at the top of his lungs and crying. I couldn't calm him down and he kept trying to run away from me. This was real folks. I wanted to put my hands up and call the police. I really didn't know if I would be able to get out of there alive. He is so big now and strong. It was impossible to talk to him and I was so confused what had set him off. I told him we would have to leave if he didn't calm down and that's what we did. He finally said he was hungry and told him we would have to go outside to eat. Well.. I just kept on trucking right to the car. I had never been so scared that he would lash out again and I would never make it home without calling for help. Right when I got to my car I called my friend and starting crying to her. I told her how I didn't even care that I was embarrassed, I was more hurt and didn't even know my son at that point. I couldn't comprehend who he was and why he was treating me so bad. So I practically bawled the whole way home. I think Micah was very confused at what was happening. He told me I could have a snack if it would make me feel better. So we go home and I told him he had to stay in his home and think about how he treated me at the museum. I told him I needed a break from him. He told me he wanted to be naughty to me all the time. And again my heart sank. My sweet boy, what happened? I feel like someone injected him with someone else's personality. It's just not like him to be this way.

He cried for awhile and I think he finally fell asleep. I really pray he was just exhausted from the weekend. I know exhausted kids can take on a whole new personality. I pray that I never have to deal with him like that again, but now I am so scared to take him anywhere. I really need prayer today for my heart to heal from how he treated me. Why is being a mom so hard? All I do is try to make him happy and love him and care for him. It just hurts.

So that being said we did have an awesome weekend and did a LOT so that could be why he was so tired today. We went dinner Friday night with our Lifegroup, then to the Perot Museum on Saturday and Sunday went to church, rode the four wheeler and then went to Lifegroup. Lots of fun pictures to share with you!

Valentines Dance later on Friday night at my friends church!!

museum fun..

Four wheelin!

This is from today. Not many pics to share. But I think he did have fun for a little while!

Love you all and thanks for your prayers.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

No time

Lately I haven't had any time to take a break and write on here.  The kids schedules are all over the place and I never know who's going to take a nap and whose not. Yesterday Noelle only took one nap. That's been a reoccurring thing for her. It seems like whenever I lay her down she poops. So she has a hard time going back to sleep once she does. Micah is taking naps every so often. I kind of like to put him down at 7 p.m. because then I get to spend time with Craig. However, we both seem to fall asleep pretty soon after that since we are so tired. This time of life is exhausting. I am feeling it. Especially with no time and no break for me these past few days. Noelle is at a great age, but she is so much work. I mean, I cannot get anything done. She just follows me and undoes everything I try to do. I feel bad saying that, but it's so true. Micah and I did clean the tubs together yesterday while she was sleeping. He really wanted to help me and I needed to get it done. I love that he wants to be with me all the time, but I also can get a little snippy at him since he also has to be my side at ALL times. I am so excited to get away for a whole week!!! It's something I keep telling myself. I can get through this and love on them and give them all my strength. I will get a break soon!! I have been able to do a few things by myself here and there which has been so nice, but still doesn't feel like a break. So I am so very thankful for Kim and Gary, and the kids for coming at the end of March. Micah is going to love spending time with them and so is Noelle. I think it will be good for ALL of us.

Noelle is ready to do all the park stuff on her own. She has grown up too fast. So independent...running away from me, but also running to me at the same time. She loves to follow her brother and gets upset if she can't do the same things he does.

Noelle and I both wore our jean jackets to church and I had to get a picture. She was having a hard time keeping her finger out of her nose. It's constantly running because she is always teething. I can't wait till we can wear matching outfits!! I love having this little girl. 

We went to Red Robin after church. Craig found out we had one close by so we had to try it out. The kids loved their balloons and had some sword fights with them. 

Today we went to the gym, then got Micah's haircut, then out to lunch at Panera. I just laid Noelle down for a nap and it's 1 p.m. I am hopeful she will take a long nap and we will just try for one nap a day and see how that goes this week. I also have not nursed her yet today. Only bottles. Yesterday I nursed her in the morning and thought I could just try to do mornings a few days...but by lunch time she still remembered that we had nursed and she cried for a good 10 minutes for me. It really took a toll on me to not let her nurse. So today I decided to start off with the bottle because it is too confusing for her. If I nurse her...that's what she wants. So I think it's officially over. My little baby is about to be weaned and no longer need me. It makes me so sad to think about, but so happy she can be without me for a week without me worrying. It's a relief and mourning at the same time. 

Hope you all had a great weekend and are having a great Tuesday~

Monday, February 12, 2018


Micah keeps asking me when Valentines day is. I got him a few chocolates to surprise him on Friday and he thought it was for Valentines. I said he could have it early and he was telling me we needed to wait until the day. That's because we got his dad some of his favorite candy and I told him the same thing. He listens to me I guess. We have to send valentines with him to school on Wednesday. It will be interesting to see all the stuff he comes home with.

On Friday it was a crazy day. I have been so exhausted all weekend. Just trying to keep up with everything. Craig had a focus group and a shop along that he needed to take Noelle on. So I got most of the morning to myself. Went to target, worked out and even got some sushi (wasn't the best), got to talk to my mom too. It was a nice break. Then Micah didn't take a nap so they all went to bed early. The next day I got to go to breakfast with a friend and then ended up going to the gym again...(rock hard abs ya'll). Craig went and got a daybed for Micah. Now we will have an extra bed for when the Hooker's come to watch the kids. Micah cannot wait for Hannah and Zeke to come to his house. He has been asking me daily how many more naps till they come. That's a tough math equation. I may need to ask Auntie Tammi about that one. haha
While Noelle was napping Saturday Micah and I went to Target to get him some valentines. He loves this place. I love taking him too. First we got popcorn and then picked out some stuff. Then I was going to get starbucks, but the line was so long we decided on an icee. While we were sitting there eating it we saw the pictures on the wall. Micah said we had to take pictures and do what they were doing. So you can see our popcorn pic and the icee pic matches. He was such a sweet boy. I think he really appreciates alone time.

Saturday night we took a risk and went out to eat with the kids. We were ready for another date night so this had to due. We went to Abuelos Mexican Restaurant. The kids did awesome and I love when we are surprised with the outcome of a dinner out. Noelle found a new love for beans and Micah found out he could order desserts on the kiosk at the table. So we had to cancel the cheesecake...lol

Sunday we tried out a different church with some friends. It was nice to try something new and in our  city. Still about 15 minute drive. After church we went to Smashburger and again the kids did great. Noelle can really push herself these days. She just keeps going and is happy if you give her food (especially sweet potato fries). 

 This was Micah's walrus look he did with the fries.

We are still doing good with our diet and eating small portions, but we do need to have our burgers, and pizza every now and then. Craig is at the lowest weight he's been since college. I'm really proud of him. I have lost about 7 pounds, but feel better than that. I know it's going to take a lot for me to lose much more than this. It will be a very strict diet. However, I like where I'm going and feel like it may take me even after the cruise at this point. I hope I can keep on track. It's not going to be easy with a boat full of never ending food and drink though. Wow... I'm so excited. I can't believe it's coming up so fast.

Today we did the jump place again with our friends. Samuel and Micah just love it here. They take off and go where ever they want and they have a blast. We love how much fun they have WITHOUT us. It's like they can finally play without mom for once. Those first born kids have such a hard time playing independently.

 She is so independent I can't stand it. She just goes anywhere and doesn't even look to see if I'm there. Girl...slow your roll. YOU need me, don't deny it!

Latest Micah quotes/questions:

"Momma, can I have a pet like a dog, cat or penguin?"

"Jesus is in our hearts, how does he live there?"

"If I am naughty Jesus still loves me, right momma?"

Lots of good questions. I had to tell him today that a police officer got really hurt my some naughty people. He actually passed away and we have blue ribbons around all the trees here in Richardson. I didn't want to tell him that he died. I told him God still loves the naughty people, but if we love God than we have to love and respect him. Treat others how we want to be treated." He even told me that Jesus can make our hearts clean again. I love hearing these intense and inquisitive questions from him. I just pray that my answers are easy and understandable. I need to go to a class on how to teach a 3 year old about salvation. He understands more than I think he does. So I want to give him a big picture and let him soak it all in.

Hope you are all enjoying the cold/snowy weather. I am ready for some Spring up in here!!