Monday, February 26, 2018


Today happened and it wasn't pretty. I knew Micah had been a little off the past few days/week with listening and obeying but I tried to take him to the museum today. He was doing very well this morning and helped me clean up and got dressed. I thought it would be a good day. I invited a friend to the museum with us and felt comfortable going since we all went as a family on Saturday. So we met our friends there and Micah switched on a different attitude. He just would run crazy and not listen to me at all. This is pretty normal for him to act differently around friends and it's happened before. He was desperate to see the dinosaurs upstairs before we went to the children's museum so I wanted to make him happy. My friend and I took them up and they were having fun (still not doing well listening or obeying) They started having a hard time sharing a dinosaur puzzle upstairs. Micah just got so upset he started having a meltdown. So we decided to split them up and give them a minute and we would meet them downstairs. Then all HELL broke lose. He started screaming at the top of his lungs and crying. I couldn't calm him down and he kept trying to run away from me. This was real folks. I wanted to put my hands up and call the police. I really didn't know if I would be able to get out of there alive. He is so big now and strong. It was impossible to talk to him and I was so confused what had set him off. I told him we would have to leave if he didn't calm down and that's what we did. He finally said he was hungry and told him we would have to go outside to eat. Well.. I just kept on trucking right to the car. I had never been so scared that he would lash out again and I would never make it home without calling for help. Right when I got to my car I called my friend and starting crying to her. I told her how I didn't even care that I was embarrassed, I was more hurt and didn't even know my son at that point. I couldn't comprehend who he was and why he was treating me so bad. So I practically bawled the whole way home. I think Micah was very confused at what was happening. He told me I could have a snack if it would make me feel better. So we go home and I told him he had to stay in his home and think about how he treated me at the museum. I told him I needed a break from him. He told me he wanted to be naughty to me all the time. And again my heart sank. My sweet boy, what happened? I feel like someone injected him with someone else's personality. It's just not like him to be this way.

He cried for awhile and I think he finally fell asleep. I really pray he was just exhausted from the weekend. I know exhausted kids can take on a whole new personality. I pray that I never have to deal with him like that again, but now I am so scared to take him anywhere. I really need prayer today for my heart to heal from how he treated me. Why is being a mom so hard? All I do is try to make him happy and love him and care for him. It just hurts.

So that being said we did have an awesome weekend and did a LOT so that could be why he was so tired today. We went dinner Friday night with our Lifegroup, then to the Perot Museum on Saturday and Sunday went to church, rode the four wheeler and then went to Lifegroup. Lots of fun pictures to share with you!

Valentines Dance later on Friday night at my friends church!!

museum fun..

Four wheelin!

This is from today. Not many pics to share. But I think he did have fun for a little while!

Love you all and thanks for your prayers.

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