Monday, April 9, 2018

Good Morning

It's 7:44 a.m. and both my kids are still sleeping. This is a miracle folks. I have tried so hard to get them back on a schedule since getting back. Guess what Micah said to me yesterday, "I love Grandmere because she gave me lots of candy!" So you can imagine how this week went. He thought I was his grandparents and he could have whatever he wanted and didn't have to listen and obey. Also he took a nap pretty much everyday this past week because he was so exhausted. Noelle is even starting to take two naps again. Last week was really tough because both kids were super clingy and were just not themselves and to put the icing on the cake Craig was so sick. He was in his room Mon-Thurs. I was baring getting any sleep and I knew that the trip was worth it and just kept dreaming of those days and nights. However... It's slowly getting better. They seem to be adjusting back to me and my rules. Micah is doing amazing taking naps and noellle is too! I decided to put her in the sleep sack for nap times and she has done much better. It must be a security thing for her. She loves her sleep sack!! So I bought a new one because she is getting so big. She is growing up too fast.

This weekend was a good time to be a family again and try to be normal. It dropped down to 30 degrees on Saturday so made us all take is slow and stay inside. Micah has been a little off and not himself. I keep thinking it's going to be the hardest year. I'm calling him a fournager already. Looks like I will be praying much more and calling out to Jesus during the day. Last week he pretty much didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. It was like he just wanted to be home and I can appreciate that after a busy week, but I had things on our schedule. One day he almost stayed home while I went to my MOMS group (bc Craig was home) but at the last minute he said he wanted to go. We are still trying to understand him and get through to him---but I'm telling you, he's defiant, and very moody just like a teen.

This is very sad...but I took absolutely NO pictures of my kids this last week. I think they were all videos on snap, and instagram. So I have nothing to show. Maybe it's good so I can forget this week and move on to this next one. Today is starting out MUCH better!!! It's going to be a fabulous week with my sleeping beauties!!

I took a few videos from the trip and I thought I would share with you all. Still dreaming of our next cruise...We already told each other we are ready again. lol

Don't get me wrong, I am so grateful for my time away and the kids just needed a week to get back on track. With any trip this will happen, even trips I take with them! IT's all worth it!!

Love you guys

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