I recently had the copper IUD put in and thought this could be my body reacting to this foreign object. And I was set on taking it out... it was my last resort. I decided to call my regular doctor today and go in to see what could be next for me... a CAT scan is what I was thinking. So Craig came home early and I went to the doctor at 4 p.m. She looked at all my blood work done (by the hospital) and was happy to rule out all of those typical problems with lightheadedness. She looked in my ear and said that I may have some fluid in my inner ear and could be causing the brain to be unbalanced. Wait... what??????????? After all this craziness it's my ear? God made us so amazingly I cannot even fathom it. She said the inner ear tells the brain how to balance and all this craziness. I had never even thought of something being off in there. She said since it's been so hot and the pressure all over the place here in Texas I may be allergic in some way building up pressure in my ear. There was absolutely no sign of sickness to even think about my ear... So right now I'm praying this medication she prescribed me will start to help in the next few days. Obviously, if it doesn't a CatScan is next and I DONT even want to think about that.
I know Craig will call me a little psycho for this experience, but once you realize health comes before money it's a different ball game. I couldn't imagine leaving my kiddos right now. What they would remember and how I left them. I really had some moments this week that I will take away forever. How precious each moment with them is and how I want them to remember me for being a loving, caring and Christ following mommy.
Thanks for letting me rant... and now to the cute little babes in my life..
OMG... Look at this Girl!!!!
Love you all and Pray for me!!!