Sad news... our little fish, Caleb, passed away. We cleaned his tank this weekend and in doing so must have hurt him or he just wasn't doing well in the first place. I don't really know what happened, but it was pretty sad. We had to tell Micah that he wasn't going to heaven...tough conversation for a 4 year old. Now the fun part of picking out a new fish though!! This time we won't be getting a baby because they are just too small and delicate.
Also, my beautiful flowers planted for me on Mother's day had to be replaced. I felt really bad, but they were getting out of control and growing so tall they were breaking and just looking sad. I had a hard time telling Craig, but he came home with some new plants and I had to replace them. Now there is only two plants in each pot. Hopefully it will work a bit better. We are really new at this home owner gardening thing. I'm learning what I can and can't handle. I have a brown thumb...trying my hardest to make it green.
Micah really wanted to go to the dentist and he did an awesome. And my plan worked. They gave him a timer and told him he needed to brush until it went off. He has been doing amazing with brushing his teeth and his sister loved to do it with him. I hope she has a better habit because of this.
We have been feeding ducks on our bike rides in the morning. We love to do family bike rides on Saturdays and feed the ducks/turtles. It's a great way to get Micah on board with riding around. He gets to feed animals and we get our exercise in!
This is a picture of Noelle and Miss Lily. Lily is Ashley and Cory Dye's little girl. She is 6 months old now and I can't believe it. We haven't been able to see them as much as I wanted because Ash works and Cory has been working night (police officer). So it's tough to get on their schedule. I wish we could see them more though. How sweet are these two girls??
We tried out a new popsicle bar by our house. These are getting more and more popular. We spent 15 bucks for 3 popsicles...woah. Craziness. They were dipped in chocolate and sprinkles and all so I guess you only do it once in a while. It was fun to see the kids enjoy them!
Micah's friend from school had a birthday party and he loved it. It was at a little play place with lots of pretend/dress up and make believe little town. Both my kids love this stuff. Micah got to be a princess along with Noelle...haha
I am getting excited for my birthday and planning a special weekend. Craig and I asked a few of my couple friends to go to a line dancing country bar on Saturday and we are all sleeping over at a hotel. It's going to be an expensive weekend, but I can't wait to celebrate! Turning 32 this year and it's hard to even say the words. I don't feel this age. Glad I can celebrate with some friends and plan a fun little getaway. Looking forward to it! Also, starting learning the Watermelon Crawl because the guy who sings it will be playing there that night! All I need now are some cowboy boots!!
Love you all!
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