Life is really hard right now. Noelle has been not taking naps again. She is so tired but refuses and is so stubborn. I finally broke down today and cried. Cried because I wanted to take a break, cried because I wanted her to get some rest, cried because I knew that meant come 4 o'clock I would have a melt down little girl till bedtime. I just don't know how much one person can handle. All I want is for her to feel good. I wasn't even crying because I wanted her to sleep, but I actually felt bad for her little body trying to push through. She literally was in her bed for 15 minutes this time and then started screaming. The time is getting shorter and so is my fuse. So I like to come on here and ask for prayers. She is such a blessing, and I need to keep reminding myself of that truth. The whole truth is that I am really not strong enough to handle it all. I do need help...and sometimes I would give anything for family next door. Right now my only help comes from the Lord and he hears my prayer. Thankful that I have a good God and I can rely on that truth all the time.
I also don't think it's helping that it's stil l100 degrees outside and I can't breathe. It's suffocating outside and I'm going crazy inside....just a bad combination for this out and about mom.
This is pictures of Noelle at the library while brother is in school. I signed her up for story time on Fridays so she get to do something by herself. She is really a sweet girl. I love her but goodness a tough one. Thursday night we had a core team meeting for the Richardson Campus church and left her with the babysitter. I told her the routine and said bedtime is the easiest she should go right down. haha I guess Noelle wanted to make a fool out of me. She decided not to sleep for the babysitter and for the first time EVER climbed out of her crib. Then she woke up and 2:45 a.m. and decided the only way she wanted to sleep was in my bed. Needless to say... this is going to be a rough time. I hope it's only a short phase but I'm already really scared she is going to be a stage 4 clinger for some time.
On the other side of being tired and exhausted I am doing really well in my weight and health goals. I started a new challenge called Intermittent Fasting. It's when you only eat during a 7 hour period and then fast for 12 hours. Right now I eat at 12 p.m. and then snack at 2 and dinner around 530p.m. I have to be done eating by 7 p.m. So I might change it to 11- 6p.m. because waiting that long in the morning has been getting harder and harder. I found this type of plan from my pastor this weekend. He looked good and I asked him what he was doing. So he told me he is on this plan and that it had really helped him burn fat and tone. I'm going to try for 10 weeks until I hit my goal weight. I will just say my goal right now is wedding weight. Meaning I'm trying to get down to were I was when I got married. I know it's a stretch, but I realized that I can achieve anything I put my mind too. So week one is almost complete and I'm feeling pretty good. During the week you are supposed to fast for 24 hours once or every other week. I am not sure I want to do this because a tired and hungry momma might be a mix for total breakdown.
We love you all and are so thankful for our family and these two little humans. I am trying my best to be thankful for the small things. It can be easy too miss the beautiful things in life when your focused on all the hard things. Life is hard but God is so good!!
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