Monday, December 29, 2014


It's happening..Micah is finally getting some hair! So exciting to see it grow. I was worried for awhile He would be a baldy forever!!

He is loving his new toys from Christmas. It's been great to keep him busy with different toys. I had the same ones for awhile. He just loves the book he got that sings and talks to him.

We are having fun being together today. Craig is working from home and so we went to target and tried to find some deals on Christmas decorations. We went a little late but still got some fun stuff for next year. 

M is taking a nap on me right Now. He is sleeping well during the day but is having a hard time falling asleep at night. He cries for almost 15 minutes before he falls asleep. There's Seriously nothing I can do. I think he is just really upset that the day is over. I can't understand why he is fine taking naps but makes a big fuss at night. He is starting to have some attachment anxiety. When he get a tired he seems to start crying if he doesn't see me. Makes me feel kinda good...haha but still that might be why he is crying at night. 

I feel bad but he's old enough now that I know when he's really crying and when He just doesn't want to do something. 

Hope you all are having a good Monday!!

Sunday, December 28, 2014


Is anyone else tired today? I feel overly exhausted and we didn't even do much. I don't know what it is about the holidays but it really does exhaust me.

We had our friends over yesterday for Christmas brunch. They were supposed to come over on the 24th but Cory got the flu. Ashley's parents were in town so they got to join us as well. It was a great time together. We made a ham casserole and sausage casserole (from pinterest) and some breakfast potatoes and Ashley brought a cinnamon roll casserole which was delicious!!!
Here are some pictures from our time together. Micah also got Ashley and Cory a little gift and helped them open it.

On Wednesday we will be going over Cory and Ashley's new home to celebrate the new year. Isn't it weird to think about 15 years from now Micah will be in his teens and it will be 2030. Does that scare anyone else? I don't know why but thinking about 2030 just feels strange. So much keeps changing in 20 years it's hard to think what it will be like that far in advance. 

Then on Thursday we are going over our other friends house to watch football and eat some goodies.  Craig will be working from home next week and so we will have a lot of time to spend together as a family. I have really enjoyed his time home with us. 

I am thinking about getting involved in something new and fun this semester but not sure what yet. Something to involve Micah. Since I have two bible studies (actually 3) that he is in the nursery. I want to plan to do something WITH him. Anyone have any suggestions? I did the Mommy and me yoga. I would like to do something similar but maybe with  more movement. 

Craig got me a fitbit for Christmas so I am counting my steps and going to start having a daily goal to reach so I can get healthy again. 

We got to many good things for Christmas and feel so blessed by our family. Here is a few pictures from Christmas morning.

Love you all and Happy New YEAR!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear:)
We did It! Sang tonight at a nursing home. I really think we brought some cheer to these men and women who were spending Christmas alone. Very sad to see and made me realize how good I have it even though I'm missing you all. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas!!! Love You all

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Weekend fun

This is Micah's friend Jackson in the stroller. He is 4 months now. He is too cute. We all went to the mall on Friday and saw Santa read a story and then looked at the toy trains. I was pretty tired from the night before. I went out with some moms for a night out on the town. It was a great time, but definitely stayed out passed my bed time.  We had a good time strolling out at the mall even though it was the Friday before Christmas and every single person and their mother was out shopping. 

I took off his pants when I changed him and didn't put them back on. haha so I swear I dress him all the way. This is not normal for me. He doesn't always look like a hobo but when he does he rocks it.

Here is a photo of our moms night out at a restaurant called Mash'd. It was a great time with friends and to just talk about anything and everything. 

We finally went and saw Christmas light on Friday night. It was so much fun to see M's reaction to the lights and music. He really did enjoy it. I had to indulge and end the night with a cheeseburger, sweet potato fries and a strawberry shake. While I was eating my sister texted me and told me she lost 8 pounds. I think God was trying to tell me something right then.. haha
I actually  think it's going to be Craig and I's new Years resolution to get back to post baby weight.
Let's hope we can actually keep each other in check and make it to our goals.

Last night we went to a friends house party called "Elf night" where we cook and eat breakfast food, hot cocoa, sweets, and sit and watch the movie Elf. It was actually an awesome tradition they started three years ago. Micah made it through the whole movie and was still happy afterwards. 
Gosh my kid is the best :)

We are stocked under our Christmas tree with gifts and feel so loved this year. Even though we are so far away Micah will have a wonderful Christmas and know he is loved. I will take pictures (did you really think I wouldn't?) and post about everything he got. We don't have many toys for him so he should be set for awhile after Thursday!

I am missing family already. I know M would just love being passed around at the dinner and present time. I will miss that. He is at such a great age to enjoy everyone around him. 

Hope you all had a great weekend. 

It's countdown 4 days till Christmas!!!

Love you all

Friday, December 19, 2014

Santa Claus Press Conference – Jolly | NBA on ESPN

Since I have to watch sports all the time. This has been my favorite Christmas commercial so far. Makes me laugh out loud every time.

Toy trains

Went to see toy trains today at north park mall in Dallas. Micah was mesmerized:)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mini sexual lumberjack

Today we dressed up like daddy as a sexy lumberjack. Isn't he cute? Goodness. Here's the thing. I had nothing to do with it. I'd like to think I made him. But I have to give all the credit to the one who truly made him inside my belly-God. He's pretty good at what he does if I have to says so myself. Haha

We got to go to brunch today with my friends from lifegroup that have small boys too. Its always fun and crazy at the same time.
Tomorrow night is moms night out and we will actually have an opportunity to talk without taking care of a little one at the same time. It should be nice. I hope a lot of the moms make it out. Its tough to get out at night when you just want to relax...but I'm always grateful I do.

We might try and go see some Christmas lights tonight. It was a tradition we tried to start a long time ago. Maybe this time it will stick.

Have a great Wednesday everyone!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Best boy

Christmas cookies

It's that time of year. I made some cookies and banana bread in mason jars this year. When M wakes up we are going to deliver some to our lifegroup friends and then the neighbors later on. Everything turned out pretty good. I didn't go all out like I did last year, but it was still a ton of work and a little stressful. A lot harder when you have a little one needing attention all day. It took me all day on Saturday to get this done but today I am happy to deliver. I just love giving a little something to those who are important in my life.. and maybe some surprises to the neighbors. I just hope they know we don't want anything in return. It's true..it's better to Give than Receive. 

This Sunday at life group we were talking about being a servant and humbling ourselves like Jesus did when he walked the earth. He could have made it known that he was the ruler and King of the Jews but instead he humbled himself and became a servant to those around him. It's crazy to think the Son of God wanted to serve people like ME and YOU. Makes you really think about your intentions in daily life. Are you doing things for yourself or others? When you have a baby you obviously are not thinking about yourself anymore and get a glimpse of what life was like for Jesus.

I just love Christmas. Today it's 65 degrees out...so doesn't feel like Christmas but it is a nice day to get out and deliver the goodies.

Looks like we may be caroling on Christmas Eve with our lifegroup this year. This will be my first time doing something like this.

Fun stuff!!

Love you all

Friday, December 12, 2014


He's not feeling good today but still a champ. Happy Friday y'all!!

Complete Control

Hello All...
Christmas is approaching fast and I can't believe it. This past Sunday our pastor Jeff Jones spoke about the EXTRAS in the Christmas story. He focused on Cesar Augustus.  It is crazy to think how important of a role he played in the birth of Christ. Mary was 9 months pregnant which most of us know is fun and exciting as long as your not going to travel on a donkey for almost a hundred miles or so. What is amazing to me is how we plan our labor and delivery these days and are so consumed with having drugs or no drugs, midwife or doctor, and in the end God is always in control more than we are. Cesar Augustus issued a decree to have everyone register in their hometowns and if he did not disrupt Mary's birth plan then Jesus would have never been born in a barn and slept in a manger. What probably seemed like a disruption to Mary and ruined all her plans was exactly what God had wanted for her little baby's birth.
What if we thought about that for everything that doesn't go OUR way in life? I can't imagine taking a trip on a donkey for 70 plus miles while I was 9 months pregnant. Sometimes I think ..wow God you really made Mary work to have the Son of God... haha it was definitely worth it!!! All babies are worth the pain.
My friend just had her baby last night and she is a Labor and Delivery nurse. I mean she probably had every situation played out in her head and I'm sure nothing went as planned. It's OK though because little baby Ben is here and beautiful as ever and I am reminded that God is in control.

Also the same night (Sunday) was Micah's dedication. Pastor Jones talked about those of us who "take control" which was ironic since that night I did just that. At the dedication the husbands were supposed to introduce everyone at their table and then give the mic back to the pastor. I had other plans though. I wrote out a simple but meaningful speech to explain each individual that came to the dedication. I thought people should understand why our family couldn't make it and why the people that came mean something to our family and how we met. So I talked for a little bit and then handed the mic over to Craig and he read Micah 6:8 and how we hope that will be a bible verse for our son's life. Anyways, I realize that I love to plan things out (especially if you were at my wedding) I think I had every 10 minutes planned. It can be a blessing and a curse. I also think it's the performer in me as well.  The dedication was amazing. The pastor loved what we said and I felt good about it.  Sometimes I think Craig is annoyed that I make him think about this stuff...but in the end happy we did it. I have to remember that I can only plan so much and so far in advance. I don't want to be consumed with that "I" want because I need to make sure I am following God's plan for me and my family.

Leaving Chicago while I was 6 months pregnant and coming to Texas almost felt like I was not in control of the future. God has proved to me anywhere we go he will follow and that's the best thing. Yes, I wish I could be with my family, but God has given us so much here in good old PLANO that I feel so blessed. I am reminded that I'm sure Mary was discouraged leaving family behind while she was about to give birth for the first time. It's nice to remember and connect with women from the bible. They really show us how to follow Christ and be faithful even through the toughest circumstances.

I don't have any new pictures today. crazy right? I will get some soon!! Love my little man so much. He is definitely talking away now. Talking my ear off! Not sure if I should pray for a little girl because we all might be in trouble. haha

Love you all


Wednesday, December 10, 2014


Starting to talk to mommy.

Funny man

Just have to tell you all a quick story. Last night Craig remembered it was "dip" day at work. Everyone makes a dip and beings it to work. So during dinner he looks through our recipes and found one my mom made us awhile ago called chipped beef dip. So he went to Wal-Mart and met some crazies and got all the ingredients. Spent most of the night chopping the beef and veggies and making the dip. It took an hour in the oven and when we walked out of our room in smelled fantastic.
Ok..so Craig could not resist and he convinced me we should just eat it. Yes.. 'all that work and we had a great little snack while watching our show. He cracks me up sometimes. He didn't take the half eaten dip to work. He said he had a meeting in the morning and so he may have missed all the dips anyways. It was a fun little snack we had while M was sleeping last night!
I just love my funny man :)

Friday, December 5, 2014


We finally found out from our cranial tech liaison that our insurance will most likely not cover a helmet for M because he does not meet the criteria. He does not have a severe enough case to make it a medical need and for that reason it would rely on us to pay for the helmet. If we were leaning a certain way it would make things way more easy that it is right now. We both want what's best for Micah but are praying that we know what that it. I keep hearing from people that they can't even tell it's there and we shouldn't worry about it.  I see it everyday but only because I'm his mom and I see everything. I don't want to be consumed with perfection  because no kid or child is perfect. I do want what's best for him though. 

The bible verse that keeps popping into my mind comes from Romans 12:2 "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

I know he is perfect in God's eyes and this little flat spot will not define him as a person. The most damaging lasting effects would be him not able to fit in a helmet later in life and jaw alignments. Really nothing serious. My happy, loving, sweet baby really doesn't need a reason to be sad. I don't want to see him be put through wearing the helmet just because of the uncomfortable situation.

I think we are going to wait and find out for sure if insurance will pay anything towards it. Also we don't want to feel rushed into making this type of decision. Pray for wisdom for us in this decision.

Also, today Craig is interviewing with a technology department at AT&T for his new position. Hopefully he will like it and start working soon. It took almost a full month to get him a new position...which has been a blessing in disguise since he has been able to be with Micah and I more.

I really hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Sunday is M's dedication so pray all will go well!! Wish our family could be there. But we will take pics and hopefully some video.

Love you all

Sunday, November 30, 2014

6 mo photo

Finally took his 6 month photo. We are enjoying our relaxing time at home these past few days. Just been the three of us hanging out. Its nice to have no agenda and chill. Thanksgiving was a blast. We had so much fun over our friend's house and felt so welcome. I made the corn bread pudding for dinner and everyone seemed to love it. Micah did great but needed the last two days to recover. He has been taking two hour naps. Haha
Friday we ventured out to go shopping. Went to target, old navy, the foundry and best buy. I needed (mom) jeans and found some at target and old navy.
Saturday we went to the oak point nature preserve and took a long walk. I mean I am super sore!!! It was 75 degrees So we had to take advantage of the nice weather. I don't want this weekend to end. Its been so nice being together as a family everyday.  Today was church and then met out lifegroup at a taco joint for dinner. Micah is such a good baby and loves to be out (even when it's his nap time) I will be watching my friends 18 month old on Tuesday while she goes to an OB appointment. Hopefully it won't  be too difficult. I need the practice anyways for two one day :) 

Craig and I tried to make a Brown sugar meatloaf recipe but it wasn't one of our favs. It was a first for me. Meatloaf seems like such an old tradition...I've just never been interested in it. Probably won't make it again. Not much too it. Not a big fan. If you have a recipe you think will change my mind.. I'm up for trying it though.

No word yet on the cranial doc update. Still waiting on a liaison to contact us.

Tomorrow I'm hoping for some good deals on Amazon for Christmas shopping!! 
Hope you all had a great thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Cranial appointment

Micah was happy to get photos taken of his head this morning. They told us again what we already know. Recommended he get a helmet and wear it for about 3 months. We have to wait until next week to find out if our insurance covers the costs. We feel if it is covered we will definitely do it! The only thing the therapist said was he might have jaw alignment issues and may not fit into a helmet for sports when he's older. Not a huge deal..mostly cosmetic issues. We are praying the right answers will come and we will know what to do.
Today I am thankful to snuggle with him with No helmet on. (And kiss his head all over)
Love you all and hope you have a wonderful and happy thanksgiving:)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

6 month appointment

Micah is 18 pounds 12 oz and is in the 80 percentile for pretty much height, weight and head size. No surprise the doctor recommended we go see the cranial doctor to get a consultation for M's head. She said it's really not necessary but we may want to try and fix it now because it doesn't look to be changing on its own. We are going tomorrow early in the morning because we are hoping insurance will cover the costs if we need a helmet. We only have so much time before the new year and that means we would have to pay out of pocket our deductible all over again. Just pray everything goes smoothly and if we do get a helmet it can be in our time frame. I have heard they usually cost around 3 thousand dollars...so not cheap at all.

It's Christmas time in the Hooker house and that means Micah gets to wear his Christmas jambes!! We tried to take a cute picture last night before bible study but everything came out blurry. Micah moves too much to get a cute photo. I think we might try one more time!!

Last night Bible study went great. I held it at my house and we had coffee, rice krispie treats, and a fire. It was a great night. Craig had Micah in our room the whole time and I didn't hear them at all! Even though our house is not that big it worked out well.

We decided not to go to Houston for Thanksgiving this year. It sounded good at first but we decided it would be so much work to get there for only one night. Hopefully when our cousins buy a house it will be easier to accommodate all of us. We will be going over our friend's house from Lifegroup and they live a few minutes away. It will work out that we can have breakfast with them, come home for nap time and then go back for dinner. Glad we could crash their party!

Hope you all are gearing up for some good ole fashion cooking. I'm making the corn bread pudding!!

Love you all

Saturday, November 22, 2014


Ok... I know it's a Saturday and I usually don't post on the weekends but I just had to take some time out and write this down. When I take showers I always pray and think about things I would never otherwise. Does anyone else have this? It's like the one time I feel alone and can think about anything and talk to God. This might sound weird and I hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable. haha Anyways I thought of how when Craig and I think of having another baby we are frightened because Micah is such an angel and so good to us. Every time people say you need to have more babies..we laugh and say oh yeah just wait we will have the crazy one next. OK so I am thinking differently about this. I was in the shower and decided no longer will I think like a pessimist. Maybe God gave me Micah to want to have another baby. I know it takes some couples years to even think about having another baby. For me I see newborns and COULD be ready if it happens. I'm not judging any other parent out there that wanted to wait several years, because I can definitely understand waiting. I'm turning 29 this coming July and thought I can wait...but I don't have too. God has put it on my heart that I love being a mom and can have more children.  I am NOT saying that I am pregnant by ANY means. I'm just putting it out there that if God were to give us another baby soon, I would be filled with Joy!

As we put up our Christmas decorations today my house is filled with the word JOY and also with the feeling. Christmas brings me JOY and so do my boys. Micah is loving the Christmas tree and all the lights and of course the music. We were dancing together and he just giggled the whole time. How fun.

I am hosting women's bible study at my house on Monday night and could not be happier!!! I also think God has given me the gift of hosting because I love people and am happy to serve.  I am so glad our house will be ready by then. Also we are lighting up the fireplace monday night. haha it's going to be a romantic girls night!!

Hope this brightens your day. I love you all and praying for everyone.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Professional photos

Look at these sweet babies!!! They are all so cute together. I remember when Hannah and Zeke were just little babes. I feel like they grew up so fast. It's crazy how time flies these days. Micah is turning 6 months on Sunday!! Can you believe it? It's his half birthday and only 6 months until he's 1. Yikes. I am loving this stage of life where he can sit up but still can't go anywhere. I don't mind if he stays still for awhile. HA It's easier on me. 

We are going to put up our Christmas decorations on Saturday. I mean Thanksgiving is so close and I would love to get everything up and pretty before we get overloaded with food and feel lazy. LOL We are trying to make our way out to Houston to visit my cousins for Thanksgiving. They had a little boy named Arden about 2 months after Micah. It would be fun to be with another couple with a little guy the same age. It's about a 4 hour drive (I know right??) but I think M will do fine. He enjoys being in the carseat at this time because he still can't crawl. I think once he figures out he can move on his own, the car seat and driving won't be as much fun anymore. Does anyone else feel like Thanksgiving came way too fast? For being a stay at home mom or SAHM as they say I would think it would feel like time goes by slow...but quite the contrary. I am so excited to spend family time together with Micah even though he doesn't understand anything. Family time like Christmas and Thanksgiving just have different meanings to me now. Of course I wish we could be with everyone back at home and celebrate, but we will have to make it the best we can here at our home. 
Not going to lie and am LOVING this fireplace. I never thought it would make Thanksgiving and Christmas so exciting but it's like better than TV. haha Micah loves to watch the fire too... : )

I better get some cleaning and shower done before he wakes up!

Love you all