Today we dressed up like daddy as a sexy lumberjack. Isn't he cute? Goodness. Here's the thing. I had nothing to do with it. I'd like to think I made him. But I have to give all the credit to the one who truly made him inside my belly-God. He's pretty good at what he does if I have to says so myself. Haha
We got to go to brunch today with my friends from lifegroup that have small boys too. Its always fun and crazy at the same time.
Tomorrow night is moms night out and we will actually have an opportunity to talk without taking care of a little one at the same time. It should be nice. I hope a lot of the moms make it out. Its tough to get out at night when you just want to relax...but I'm always grateful I do.
We might try and go see some Christmas lights tonight. It was a tradition we tried to start a long time ago. Maybe this time it will stick.
Have a great Wednesday everyone!!
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