Friday, December 5, 2014


We finally found out from our cranial tech liaison that our insurance will most likely not cover a helmet for M because he does not meet the criteria. He does not have a severe enough case to make it a medical need and for that reason it would rely on us to pay for the helmet. If we were leaning a certain way it would make things way more easy that it is right now. We both want what's best for Micah but are praying that we know what that it. I keep hearing from people that they can't even tell it's there and we shouldn't worry about it.  I see it everyday but only because I'm his mom and I see everything. I don't want to be consumed with perfection  because no kid or child is perfect. I do want what's best for him though. 

The bible verse that keeps popping into my mind comes from Romans 12:2 "Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect."

I know he is perfect in God's eyes and this little flat spot will not define him as a person. The most damaging lasting effects would be him not able to fit in a helmet later in life and jaw alignments. Really nothing serious. My happy, loving, sweet baby really doesn't need a reason to be sad. I don't want to see him be put through wearing the helmet just because of the uncomfortable situation.

I think we are going to wait and find out for sure if insurance will pay anything towards it. Also we don't want to feel rushed into making this type of decision. Pray for wisdom for us in this decision.

Also, today Craig is interviewing with a technology department at AT&T for his new position. Hopefully he will like it and start working soon. It took almost a full month to get him a new position...which has been a blessing in disguise since he has been able to be with Micah and I more.

I really hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Sunday is M's dedication so pray all will go well!! Wish our family could be there. But we will take pics and hopefully some video.

Love you all

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