Saturday, May 31, 2014

Baby time

Today Craig's co-worker and friend Callie came over to take pics of Micah. It was easy at first because he was milk drunk, but an hour into it got a little tough. We made it through though and I am soo excited about them. She did a few naked pics and he peed on her blanket. I felt bad but I told her it would happen. I think I get peed on at least twice a day. haha
He did so good and we even got a few pics with Craig and I. Right now he is sleeping in his swing. He is definitely pooped out!

We are feeding every 2-3 hours now and I am pumping sometimes when I don't think he drank enough. Craig gets to feed him in the morning or late at night with a bottle. But all day I breastfeed, so we try to limit bottles. They told me not to introduce a bottle for a few weeks, but it's nice to have a break every so often. He still seems to latch on fine with my breast shield, so I'm not worried. As long as he is getting breast milk, that's the most important thing.

It's so crazy how fast the day goes by and how slow night time lasts. Last night he was up from 10:30 p.m. until almost 2 a.m. I don't know why. He finally fell asleep around 2ish and didn't wake up till 5 a.m. Thank goodness. I feel good in the morning though. I have to take an hour or two nap during the day, but other than that I am feeling great!!

It's so nice to have Craig home and helping me with things around the house. We are having fun watching shows and talking all day. It's great to have a little family.

I got to take a walk this morning with Lotte while Craig held Micah and it was so nice and refreshing to walk at a fast pace and get exercise outside the house. I am loving my mommy role and enjoying every moment.
I have so much to look forward too. Mom and Dad coming on June 6th and then my sister in July and I think Craig's sister and brother later in July as well. It's going to be a crazy summer and I am ready for it!!

Love you all!!

Friday, May 30, 2014

My Birth Story

Hey Everyone. I'm back!!
I wanted to finally share my story with all of you of how Micah came into this world. Wow...What an experience. One you can never really explain all the emotions, but I can try.

Wednesday, May 22nd I was supposed to go in for my induction at 9 p.m. I was all ready to go, took a shower, did my hair, and prepared myself for a long night. I got a phone call at dinner time saying the hospital was full of pregnant women and I would need to call back at 10:45 p.m. to see if I could come in at midnight. I guess they were hoping a couple of women would have their babies so a room would open up. I was upset, but there was nothing I could do. So I called back at 10:45 p.m. and sure enough still no room. A few more phone calls in the morning and they finally said I could come in at 11:15 a.m. and put me in a recovery room to start off because they still didn't have an open room.

My doctor broke my water around 1 p.m. and finally got moved to a Labor & Delivery Room. I got started on Pitocin and started to feel slight contractions around 3:30 p.m.- 4 p.m. I wanted to go as long as possible without the epidural because I heard it's better to move around to help dilation. They started getting really bad around 6 p.m. WOAH...I tell you what WOW. The contractions got so bad so fast I was screaming and the anesthesiologist  was in the hallway saying, "I'm coming!!" Hah. Craig did so good trying to calm me down. I give so much credit to the woman who go ALL natural and endure that for hours. I got my epidural around 7 p.m. and felt so much better. It was such a weird feeling to be numb and not feel my legs. I was in heaven and thought that I had been through the worst of it.

They were able to up the pitocin and get my contractions to every 2-3 minutes. I got to call my parents and talk to them for a little bit while I was feeling pretty high. Micah started reacting to the Pitocin and his heart rate would go from 90 to 150. Kept going up and down and all the nurses would come in and check me out because they said it was very unusual for the baby to react to this. They monitored him for a while and decided to stop the drugs to see if his heart rate would go back to normal. from  9 ish to midnight I was on my own having contractions without drugs. My nurse Ali checked me at midnight and I would at 8 cm. Micah was doing much better. Craig and I thought we were going to have this baby in the next hour or so. We were wrong!!

They started me back up on Pitocin and put a monitor in Micah's head to monitor his heart rate better. I also got another monitor inside to see how strong my contractions were. I had like five wires inside of me...thank goodness I didn't feel anything.

Around 2 a.m. I was fully dilated and we were ready to start pushing. It took everything I had to push. I was doing it wrong the first few times and finally was able to find a good position for me to push. Craig would hold his breath everytime I had to push. It took 2 hours of pushing to finally get him close enough. Craig even watch his head crown. I thought he would have never looked down there. It was kind of hard not too. We kept asking our nurse if she saw hair. She said it was hard to tell. Looked like he had some hair, but it wasn't dark. I'm not going to lie, the pushing was one of the hardest parts. Even though I had the epidural I could feel so much pressure and it was so painful.

Around 5 a.m. my nurse got my doctor and is was finally time for this baby to come out. I pushed three more times and had to get snipped because Micah's head was too big to come out on his own. When the doctor reached in and pulled him out so much pressure was released. He put him on my stomach and I was in awe that something so big was inside me. HA He actually was only 7 lbs and 20 inches, but looked big when he first came out. Craig got to cut the cord and took pictures of him getting cleaned up. Micah and I were both screaming because I had to get stitched up and I started to feel it. It was very painful.

Micah was born at 5:23 a.m. on May 23 or 5/23. I was told later on the time and I didn't believe Craig when he told me. I think it's so awesome that the time and date are the same. He had a pretty good size cone head when he came out, but now it's a beautiful round head!!

Like everyone says, it was all worth it. I'm so glad I was able to have a vaginal birth. It was something I really wanted.  I know these days many of my friends had to have c-sections, so I'm happy to have this experience.

The next few days in the hospital were pretty great. All the nurses were so nice and helpful. I was getting served and all the food I wanted. It was harder to take care of myself than Micah. Craig would sleep through the night and I would watch Micah and make sure he was breathing, so I decided to put him in the nursery at night.

Craig's parents were in town and watched Lotte for us and got to come visit Friday morning. It was so nice to have them there.
We went home Sunday afternoon and  was so excited to finally start our lives as a family of three.

Love you all!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Family of 3

Its been awhile since wrote on here. Micah is home and we are learning so much about each other. This is the hardest job I will ever have and I have to remind myself to enjoy every minute even the crying screams at 3 am.
Craig is sick and cant hold Micah right now and it is so sad. He got sick the day we got home from the hospital.  He always seems to get sick in the worst times.
Craig's parents left today and it was very sad. It didnt seem like they were here that long. Only got Sunday and Monday with them at home. It was so nice to not worry bout Lotte while we were at the hospital.  

Im planning on writing my birth story this week. I dont want to forget any of it...well you know what I mean.

Anyways..I cant believe my little man is here. He is so cute. Blonde hair and all. He is everything I ever wanted and more. I love him more than anything and cant wait for us tp grow together.  

Love you all and thanks for the prayers.  Keep em coming!!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Thursday, May 22, 2014


Tentatively going in at 11:15 am. Hoping for a smooth and semi fast delivery!!

We are getting Craig's haircut right now and then on our way!! He needs to look good for his baby!!

Love u all!!

Waiting Game

Well.. I'm still at home. Yesterday the hospital called and said they were swamped with women coming in having babies. So they told me to call at 845 pm to see if I should still come in. I called and they told me to callbback at 1045 pm. Again no one delivered yet...so they said to call around 630 am.  They called me at 530 am saying the women STILL did not have their babies and they dont have a room for me. Now I have to call at 8 am. I'm not sure why this is happening.  I keep telling myself its all in God's hands. Im sure there is a good reason for waiting. Right now I dont understand. ..but sitting here feeling like I'm never going in is devastating.  I just wanted to start this process and now I'm just anxiously awaiting my time. Almost hope my water breaks and they HAVE to take me.

Oh well. Pray that I can still get in today.

Love you all

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tonight is the night

I feel so heavy today. Kim said it looks like Micah is going to fall out of me and it definitely feels like it. I am finally at  that point where I'm done...I loved my pregnancy and my bump. But it's time!!

Today was my last day to walk Lotte with my bump so I took a pic. Then we went and picked up the lazy boy and went to Jason's Deli for lunch. We got to visit Craig at work and then go to the Allen premium outlets for a bit.  Now we will eat mexican for dinner and then I am coming home to get ready for the hospital.  It is so great to have Craig's parents here to keep me company. I might be going insane if I was by myself. Everyone is getting so anxious and so am I!!
I will update once he's here!! Pray for us!!
♥love u all

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ready.. Set .. Push

It's GO time!! I am scheduled to go in tomorrow (Wednesday) night. I will start Pitocin early Thursday morning and hopefully he will come within 24 hours. Doctor said he's not small and it pretty much taking up all the room he can in my belly. I have a feeling he might be pretty long. He is pushing on my bladder all the time and it's a little painful. I can't believe I will get to hold my little man so soon.

I am going to pick up Craig's parents from the airport in a few minutes. I am so glad they are coming because it will help take my mind off the waiting process. Even though it's tomorrow night... it seems like awhile.

I went to the hospital yesterday and filled out a bunch of paperwork. And for the first time signed something for Micah. The nurse told me to take a picture because it was my first time to sign something as a mother.

Aww!! Still doesn't seem real until I am holding him in my arms. Please be praying for us as we take this journey together. Pray for safe delivery and for Micah to be healthy. I have so much anxiety right now, I can't imagine not having this induction planned. It would be really hard to sit around and never know when to expect him. I guess I'm lucky to have this planned for so long. 

Thank you all for keeping up with What's Happening in our lives. We love everyone and miss our family and friends so much. 

Soon pictures of baby will be on this blog!! woohoo


Monday, May 19, 2014

"All My Bags Are Packed"

I'm ready to go, I'm standing here outside your door. I hate to wake you up to say goodbye. But I'm leaving ...to go to the hospital soon!!

3 days to go... I am 39 weeks and one day today. This photo was taken on Friday.
Today I am cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. It's the last day to clean before parents come in. I have an appointment today to meet with a nurse at the hospital to sign paperwork and go over the procedures for getting induced. Also tonight is my last yoga class to attend. I can't believe it!! Tomorrow morning I have my last Dr. appt to see where I'm at and when I will go in to get induced. 

I'm not going to lie to you all, I am getting very nervous. There are many things going through my mind. I actually hope I go in on Wednesday night because I don't think I would be able to sleep at all at home. This morning Craig said he was nervous, and I said he is the one that has to stay strong. We wouldn't probably be as nervous if we didn't take all those classes. haha We know too much.

We had a great last weekend out and about. We got to go to the Byron Nelson Tournament and had a blast. We got to sit in a suite with all the free food you could eat, free beer (& water) and dessert, ice cream cookies. I stuffed my face and loved it. Everyone kept coming up to me saying, "Aww you must be miserable," and I said, "Actually, I feel great." haha It was only like 82 degrees and I had a bathroom close by. I had a great time. I wasn't feeling bad at all. We were wiped after we got home. We both fell asleep and didn't wake up until around 8:30 p.m. Something we won't be able to do in a few days. 

The reason we got free tickets and were treated to the Four Seasons hotel suite was because Craig is hosting an event there in October for AT&T. So we were treated like royals. Listen to this... they even came around with chilled towels and Evian spray. Yes...it was water in a hairspray can and they would spray your face. Like a spritz. I thought it was hilarious. Of course... I got both!

Oh and Our LAZY BOY is in!! Just in time for the baby. I think since I called they got the point!! We will hopefully pick it up on Wednesday.


Friday, May 16, 2014

Saying Goodbye to Bump Love

Last Friday morning rested.

Even though I am thrilled to have my baby in my arms, I am already trying to say goodbye to my bump. It's been with me for the past 4 months. As I was tossing and turning last night, I tried to think of all the things I love about my bump.

1. Never looking bloated
2. Fun, cute clothes to show off the bump
3. Feeling him kick or push around and knowing he's happy just where he is.
4. No worries about feeding, changes, sleeping.
5. I can take my baby anywhere and everyone can "see" him
6. The anticipation of new life
7. Getting treated with respect- people letting you go in front of them, holding doors, picking things up for me
8. Taking naps at any time of the day
9. Feeling inner and outer beauty
10.Not feeling AS guilty eating dessert (ha)

I never had any problems with people touching me and I wouldn't have minded it if they wanted to. I am so happy I had a great pregnancy and a wonderful experience. I already am looking forward to the second baby! When we were shopping yesterday at the outlet mall there were many baby strollers and young babies out, but it's funny because they are all covered up and you never actually "see" them. You also don't want to be a creep and go pull back the blanket and ask to see the baby.

Craig has to give some of his projects over to his co-workers during his paternity leave and  he had planned to meet with a girl on Monday. Yesterday I guess she asked him to talk with her about it because she had a premonition I would have the baby this weekend. Kinda weird...huh? She's pretty smart, playing it safe. I don't think he's going to come early.

Today I'm going for a walk with my friend Calie with our pups. Hopefully it doesn't get too hot. I saw that it was snowing in some parts of Illinois today. I can't believe it. How depressing. Feeling really bad for my family. Can't wait till they get some nice weather!!

Have a great weekend... and I will let you all know if baby Micah decided to make his debut earlier!


Thursday, May 15, 2014


It's Thursday!!

Last night I started having some pain, but I'm not sure if it's just from the pressure or actual contractions. They come and go. Don't worry I know from class to Pee, Drink, and Lay Down. Sometimes you can just get pain from dehydration. I'm always drinking water though, so I highly doubt that would be the problem.

Dinner was a success last night. I made Broccoli Chicken Alfredo Shells (again from Pinterest) and took my own photo this time.

 They were very good and easy to make. Just used a lot of pots and pans and that means dishes today!

The storm on Monday has made these last few days cooler. It's very enjoyable to feel the fresh breeze and crisp air when I walk Lotte. Looks like it's going to be in the 80's this weekend and well into next week. 

Time is flying by... only 7 more days, exactly one week from today I will be admitted to the hospital. We will finally get to see our little man. We are praying for strength and wisdom as parents of this boy and to keep him healthy through the delivery process. Please be praying for him and his little body. I am very interested to see how much he will weigh. 

Craig went running this morning and came back in to do some sit ups. I thought it was cute because Lotte wanted to be by him and was excited he was on the floor. I took a pic of course.

She wouldn't leave him alone. She is getting as much attention as possible before Micah gets here. I can't wait for Lotte and Micah to become best friends. I know she will want to protect him : )

Tomorrow is Friday, but make today just as good!

Last day of shopping for me. Going to the outlet mall in Allen with Ashley. This might be the first time I don't need anything. I told Craig I just need to buy something because it's in my blood. HAH (He understands)

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone!


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Lazy LaZboy

Hump a bump day...

How long does it take to get a LaZboy? I'll tell you. When the sales guy said it never takes the whole 12 weeks.. I guess he was lying. We ordered our chair at the end of February and thought for sure we would get the chair before Micah gets here. Now when I call they say it's scheduled to be done in June... so I said can you tell them to stop being LAZY and hurry it up. I have a baby coming next week people!!!

This Saturday we are going to the Byron Nelson golf tournament. We got free tickets from AT&T and it's being held at the Four Seasons Resort and Club. If they feed me I'll have fun! Should be interesting. I think Tiger Woods will be there. Probably the only Pro golfer I know, and don't even like him.

I am going to make a play list for the hospital today. What do you all think I should put on there? Not sure if I need calming music or pump up loud music. I don't really know how I will feel. Did you find music helpful in this situation? If so, what songs?

So yesterday I was driving to meet a friend for a walk and I don't even know what song came on the radio but I started to tear up. I think any love song or pretty much anything that reminds me or home, family, love, babies, life... I just get emotional right now. It's hard to think of life without everyone here. I know they are coming soon and I will see family. It's still so emotional because I know it will be here and over so fast. I want to cherish every moment, but when everyone is gone it will be so hard for me to stay positive.

I was thinking about how far Craig and I have come since we first starting dating. Here is one of my favorite photo's. We both dressed up and took the Odyssey downtown for one of our first dates. That was the day I knew this man was meant for me. He would dress up, go dancing on a boat and not have a care in the world about what others thought of us. We pretended we were celebrating something... but we just wanted to dress up and have fun. And Yes.. this is my prom dress. Thought I would get more use out of it since I loved it so much. And I have thought about doing the same thing with my wedding dress.

8 more days and I will be a momma bear! woohoo

Have a great Wednesday!!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

9 days...

Easy like Tuesday Morning...

Today I am 38 weeks and 3 days. Woah.. look at that belly. It's getting pretty huge. Not sure if I can stretch anymore than I already have. Went to the doctor today and still measuring at 2 cm dilated. Next Tuesday will be my last appointment and depending on if I have progressed enough I will either go into the hospital Wednesday night around 9 p.m. or early Thursday morning around 7 a.m. to start the induction process.
Craig's parents come in on Tuesday afternoon (the 20th). We will have two nights to eat out and indulge before I have to go hours without food. I feel like I'm choosing my last meal. haha What should I eat? Where should I go? 

I have been asking the same questions this week on what dinners to make since I won't be cooking for awhile after this week. Last night I chose to make one of our favorites. It's actually called Lizzy's Macaroni and Cheese. What a coincidence. I first made it this past Thanksgiving as a side, but now I make it with Ham Steak and make it a meal. 

Here's what you need:
  • 1 lb mozzarella cheese, shredded
  • 1 lb sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
  • 16 oz macaroni, cooked
  • 15 oz jar Alfredo sauce
  • 2 eggs
  • milk
 Add Ham or even Chicken to make it a meal.

  • Mix macaroni, cheese, sauce and eggs in a large bowl.
  • Place in a greased 9X13 pan.
  • Add enough milk to fill the rest of the dish
  • Bake uncovered at 350 for one hour.

I mean seriously could this be any easier? I like to make it with the shell noodles instead of small macaroni. So try it out and let me know what you think.

Keeping myself busy this week. Walking with a friend this afternoon,, Tomorrow lunch date, Thursday shopping date and Friday a different friend for a walking date with pups. Gotta keep moving so this baby will come out!!

Love you all.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Pre-Baby Fun


10 more days till induction. This weekend was a blast. We had so much fun being together and making every moment count. Friday we went out to lunch at our spot "Shaddy's" and it was yummy. Then at night we tried to go to a movie, but it was sold out so instead we went to a restaurant and watched the Hawks game.  Saturday morning we woke up early because we can't sleep late anymore and had our coffee, took Lotte for a walk, and did all the lawn work. We ate lunch at home and then headed out to the golf course to hit some balls. It was a hot day, so I didn't wear much and I was probably the talk of the course.

Actually everyone was starring at me. One man even asked if it was possible to hit the ball with my stomach in the way.  My response was...actually I've seen men with bigger bellies who are golf pros. Surprisingly, NO it did not get in the way. The biggest problem for me was bending down to put the ball on the tee. That was the hardest part. Then after hitting some balls we headed over to WatterCreek Shopping Center. They had lots of artists showing off their painting on the streets and we got to walk around and look at all of them. We got some Gelato (banana cream pie) and then headed to Pandora. Craig wanted to get me two color charms for Mother's Day.

I got two blue charms and wore them the next day. On Mother's Day Craig took me to a restaurant called "Bonnie Ruth's" and they had a Mother's day Brunch buffet. It was very nice and came with as many Mimosa's and Peach Bellini's as you wanted. So Craig drank for both of us since we were already paying for it in the price. I think we ate a week's worth of food. We took our sweet time and spent at least two hours trying to eat slow and try everything including... blueberry crepes, french toast, eggs Benedict, bacon, spiral ham, fruit, spinach dip, salmon, yogurt, muffins, red velvet cake cupcakes, caramel bread pudding, carrot cake.. and the list goes on.

Afterwards we met a couple from our LIfe Group at church for the late service at 12:30 p.m. Then decided to go to a matinee movie "The Neighbors" at 5:45 p.m. The movie was hilarious. I mean Craig stayed up the whole time and we were both cracking up. I didn't actually want to see this movie until I saw the reviews. Critics gave it a 74 percent and users an 80 percent rating. I haven't seen a high rating like that in a long time. I was pleasantly surprised it was a perfect movie for us. It was about a couple who had a baby and a fraternity buys the house next door. They struggle with still wanting to be cool, but also being parents. I wouldn't recommend the  movie to my parents or anything, but for us it was really funny.

Had a wonderful (could be) last weekend. Wanted to add one more thing. The funny thing about Craig is he falls asleep on the couch very quickly when he's tired. It's so hard to get him to bed and put his pajamas on. On Friday he got up and made it to bed but didn't get his pj's on. He got far enough that he took his jeans off but fell asleep with them in his hands.. so what did I do? I took a picture.
Don't worry.. I warned him that I would take a picture and but it on the blog. haha

Have a great MONDAY!!


Friday, May 9, 2014

Black Out

It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!!

Thunderstorms and rain all day on Thursday has kept me from posting. I couldn't save anything because of the storm yesterday. I did, however, get a lot of cleaning done because we were stuck inside all day. On the plus side I didn't have to water the plants/flowers.

I can't believe we will have our parents here soon. It's such an exciting time to have family see our new home and our new baby boy. I wish we could celebrate our Mother's WITH them this Sunday, but we will be celebrating soon!

On Wednesday night Craig and I took our last baby class. We learned all about when to call your pediatrician, how to take your babies temperature, give baths, take care of circumcisions (yikes!) and swaddling. Right now taking care of myself seems so easy compared to taking care of a newborn. I'm not worried as much anymore about the actually delivery, just want him to be healthy. I don't care HOW or WHEN he comes out...Just for him to be healthy is my main concern. I've said before he is a very chill baby. He never bothers me or kicks me to the point of hurting me. He sleeps through the night and moves a little bit throughout the day. I just remember always hearing prego's being so frustrated with the baby and the movements they make after awhile, so I feel lucky because I am perfectly content with him inside.

I went out with one of my good friends last night and her friend who has a 5 week old baby girl. It was so encouraging to see a mom out with her baby still enjoying a girls night out. This is her second baby so she is more confident this time around I'm sure. She made me realize just how fast time will fly by and I shouldn't worry too much about routine or doing things the "right" way because you only get so much time to snuggle with your little one before they grow out of it. I don't want to regret not snuggling with my lil man.

For moving to a whole new area, being pregnant, no job, practically no life (HA) God has blessed me with some awesome people in my life here. My childhood best friend Ashley, College Station MBA wife Katie, my new prego friends Cali and Johanna, my life group friends Lobelia. And these girls want to come see me in the hospital. I feel so loved!! Before we moved I thought Craig and I would be all alone at the hospital. Now I will have family and friends come see me.
Trust in God and he will provide in ways you can never imagine.

Couple more maternity photo's edited by Erin R. Photography.

Have a great weekend everyone. This could be my last weekend without a baby..all goes to plan I will have this weekend and the next. Thinking maybe Dave & Buster's this weekend or a movie date? We'll see.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Happy Hubs

Hope you are all having a good week. Mornings lately have been so enjoyable with my hubs. He gets up and reads every sports article, then reads his devotions, then either goes for a run or down some ab work outs. He is so happy. It's so nice for him to not be stressing over his job and be able to focus on other things in life. I took a pic of him this morning with his AT&T polo and you can just tell he is loving life.
I know Micah will change our morning and our lives all together, but we are so excited to give this love we have to our baby. As I'm reading "Babywise" it talks about figuring out who will do what once the baby comes home. Like chores around the house and just everyday cleaning and cooking. So the other night I told him he needed to make the coffee for the next morning. I said it's a small step, but it's something I do every night. So he finally made it right before coming to bed. I said thank you, this is just one step to doing a lot more things especially when he's off for 2 weeks. I was then laying in bed and I could smell the coffee...Yep he accidentally made a whole pot of coffee at 10 o'clock at night. I laughed really hard for awhile and thought...this is the way I have to look at things. Just laugh and know he tried. But seriously I made fun of him for awhile. 

You can prepare all you want, but we have no idea what it will be like when the baby comes. The good thing is I am sleeping through the nights again. Except I have to get up like 2 times to go to the bathroom. Other than that I am doing a lot better with sleeping. My hips don't hurt anymore. I don't know what I'm doing differently, but I am thanking God for this time I get to rest before I'm up every 3 hours.  

This week I made Southwest Pasta Salad for lunches. I really like this recipe. It makes tons of pasta and lasts us the whole week. I add chicken to it so it's more of a meal than a side dish. 

Thanks again for reading and keeping up with "The Hooker's" .. Don't be afraid to leave a comment!!

Happy Hump Day

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

37 wks

Tanning Tuesday.

Today I am going to Ashley's Pool at her apartment complex. Yay!! So excited.  

This morning I had my 37 week appointment. Everything looks good. I am measuring around 1 -2 cm dilated and 60 percent effaced. I might even go into labor on my own : ) 

Babywise book is going great. Learning so much about a healthy home environment for a baby. It's all about Parent-Directed Feedings and setting your baby up for a routine which will in the end help with sleeping. I know Craig was a big sleeper when he was a baby, but I don't want to count on chance to have a happy, sleepy baby. 16 days till induction. Are you guys ready? I don't know if I am. haha. 

Yesterday I went to Ikea and was looking for one last thing for Micah's room. I think I had been to Ikea one other time in my life and it was about 10 years ago. That place is insane!!! People asked me if I was there to start the labor process. Makes sense since it's huge. Took me forever to figure out where I was, what I wanted, and how to get it. 
I figured it out eventually. And this is what I got:

Now I need some teal organizers for the other two spots. Still want to get a couple more decorations, but it's tough when you don't have the easiest theme. Trees, owls, orange and teal and black. Not much at the baby stores that go with this room. I need to stop looking and then hopefully I will just run across something perfect. 

Hope you all had a margarita for me yesterday!! Cinco De Drinko 


Monday, May 5, 2014

Baby Wise

Good Monday Morning

Hope you all had a great weekend. It was a hot but beautiful couple of days here in Texas. Craig and I went to a place called Garden Ridge and picked out some new decorations for our living room. It was so much fun to pick out things together. All of our decorations in our house were wedding presents or things I picked out. This was the first time we designed together. I'm telling you... for being a guy he has really good taste and is super picky. He didn't want to just get it done and over. He took his time and made sure we got all the right colors and designs. I'm really happy with the results.

We went over to another couple's home for dinner on Saturday. Craig and the guy are in the same LDP program at AT&T. They have two boys. One is 6 months and the other is almost 2 (i think). I asked what I could bring and she said a salad. So being the prego that I am I made a great salad and also found a dessert on Pinterest I couldn't pass up. Here is it:
It was super easy to make... no baking and even the kids could enjoy it.

Anyways, I am not one of those new moms that is reading every book about parenting, however, since I moved here I have heard of the "Baby Wise" book several times. This book is mostly about sleeping habits and getting your kids on a schedule/routine as soon as possible. Our friends have used the book as a guide and had their kids sleeping through the night at 9 weeks old. So I downloaded the book on my phone and I am hoping to get through it before Micah gets here. That means I have 17 days to read a book, and if any of you know me I don't read very fast. I'm thinking sleeping through the night could be a life savor for me and Craig so I am going to try my best to finish it. I will update you all on what I learned from this book. 

Last night our church held a music concert releasing their new CD called "Jesus Victorious." We got to hear some of the songs they produced, and wrote. My favorite was, "Hiding Place" and the main song "Jesus Victorious" as a worship song. Here is the song online if you want to listen to it.
I like Wendy Child singing it better, but Tyrone is really good too. He is our worship leader at Chase Oaks.

Tomorrow is my 37 Week Appointment. I will give you an update on my progress and of course a bump pic!


Friday, May 2, 2014

Friendly Friday

Happy Friday Ya'LL!!

I'm so sorry to say this....It has been so gorgeous out and I am loving this weather. Yesterday I got to go for a walk with a new friend from Life Group. She is so very nice and has a son who just turned 1 yesterday. She also moved here a year ago for her husband's job. We have a lot in common. Her house is so nice. I can't wait till we are ready to purchase a home. Don't get me wrong I do love this rental house, it's perfect. I am so grateful for what I have and look forward to the day I have a HUGE kitchen (open concept of course). I have learned a lot from HGTV House Hunters. I hope to put my knowledge from that show into action soon.

Mother's Day is around the corner and I have been thinking about all the moms in my life. My own mom, of course, mom in law, sisters, sister in law, aunts, grandma's and my mom friends. They have all been an influence in how I look at parenting. Everyone is so different, but they all have so much love for their children. I feel so lucky to be a part of a family who will do anything for one another. My mothers have shown great love for their kids and I see it everyday. Looks like this whole "mom" things is a never ending job. The rest of my life I will be a mom and I can't wait. Awhile back at The Bridge Community Church I remember Pastor Scott talking about a Mother's Love for her baby can be compared to how God loves us. A mother has a newborn that only takes and takes, needs milk, and love from his mother. The mother cannot hear her baby say I love you and thank you mom. As a mother we want to take care of the baby because they are OURS and we have unconditional love for them even though they can't return the favor. We our God's children and even though we don't always thank him for what we have or give back to him like we should, he still loves us unconditionally. I don't get to hold my baby this Mother's Day (or maybe I will) but I am thankful for all the moms in my life who can love on their babies big or small.

Craig got lucky because this Father's Day he will be celebrating being a new daddy. I can't wait!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Here is a pic of Lotte with her Sophie toy. This is the "IT" chew toy for babies. So we got one for Lotte and one for Micah.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Tour de Hospital


Last night was our last childbirth class. I guess that means we're ready... NOT.  This morning we both woke up feeling nervous and scared of what's to come. I mean there are so many emotions right now it's hard to feel one certain way. The hospital was OK. The bed's they have for me don't look very comfortable, but I guess I'll find out. They have suite's you can upgrade too for 250-350 a night. We were considering it, but it just seems like we would regret spending all that money on a bigger room.

We also learned about C-sections and postpartum depression.  Craig didn't seem too interested in what the nurse was saying and later I learned he was upset that I would be going through all that. He said he wished he could take all the pain and go through it for me. It was kinda gross to here about how to take care of yourself after a baby comes out.

Today I'm starting the calendar countdown until baby Micah is here. I love this month. Everyone is always so happy when May comes around, and I will forever love this time.

Today I read a blog about having me-time. Something I've heard a lot about once you have a baby...there is no me-time anymore. She talked about how instead of feeling like we are giving away our time for others we should be making our me time about them.  Choosing to spend our "me time" with our babies just like Jesus chose to die on the cross for our sins. He could have chose an easier way or sent down the angels to save him, but he chose to be crucified and suffered because he loves us. This baby may take all my me-time from now on, but I will chose to love him and give myself to him wholeheartedly. Just as Jesus gave himself for me.
Praying for warmer weather for my friends and fam in Chi-town!! I love you all.