Friday, May 9, 2014

Black Out

It's Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday!!

Thunderstorms and rain all day on Thursday has kept me from posting. I couldn't save anything because of the storm yesterday. I did, however, get a lot of cleaning done because we were stuck inside all day. On the plus side I didn't have to water the plants/flowers.

I can't believe we will have our parents here soon. It's such an exciting time to have family see our new home and our new baby boy. I wish we could celebrate our Mother's WITH them this Sunday, but we will be celebrating soon!

On Wednesday night Craig and I took our last baby class. We learned all about when to call your pediatrician, how to take your babies temperature, give baths, take care of circumcisions (yikes!) and swaddling. Right now taking care of myself seems so easy compared to taking care of a newborn. I'm not worried as much anymore about the actually delivery, just want him to be healthy. I don't care HOW or WHEN he comes out...Just for him to be healthy is my main concern. I've said before he is a very chill baby. He never bothers me or kicks me to the point of hurting me. He sleeps through the night and moves a little bit throughout the day. I just remember always hearing prego's being so frustrated with the baby and the movements they make after awhile, so I feel lucky because I am perfectly content with him inside.

I went out with one of my good friends last night and her friend who has a 5 week old baby girl. It was so encouraging to see a mom out with her baby still enjoying a girls night out. This is her second baby so she is more confident this time around I'm sure. She made me realize just how fast time will fly by and I shouldn't worry too much about routine or doing things the "right" way because you only get so much time to snuggle with your little one before they grow out of it. I don't want to regret not snuggling with my lil man.

For moving to a whole new area, being pregnant, no job, practically no life (HA) God has blessed me with some awesome people in my life here. My childhood best friend Ashley, College Station MBA wife Katie, my new prego friends Cali and Johanna, my life group friends Lobelia. And these girls want to come see me in the hospital. I feel so loved!! Before we moved I thought Craig and I would be all alone at the hospital. Now I will have family and friends come see me.
Trust in God and he will provide in ways you can never imagine.

Couple more maternity photo's edited by Erin R. Photography.

Have a great weekend everyone. This could be my last weekend without a baby..all goes to plan I will have this weekend and the next. Thinking maybe Dave & Buster's this weekend or a movie date? We'll see.


1 comment:

  1. So Glad you have met some great Godly friends in the new area! That always helps, and what a blessing to have them before baby Micah comes into this world!
