Hey Everyone. I'm back!!
I wanted to finally share my story with all of you of how Micah came into this world. Wow...What an experience. One you can never really explain all the emotions, but I can try.
Wednesday, May 22nd I was supposed to go in for my induction at 9 p.m. I was all ready to go, took a shower, did my hair, and prepared myself for a long night. I got a phone call at dinner time saying the hospital was full of pregnant women and I would need to call back at 10:45 p.m. to see if I could come in at midnight. I guess they were hoping a couple of women would have their babies so a room would open up. I was upset, but there was nothing I could do. So I called back at 10:45 p.m. and sure enough still no room. A few more phone calls in the morning and they finally said I could come in at 11:15 a.m. and put me in a recovery room to start off because they still didn't have an open room.
My doctor broke my water around 1 p.m. and finally got moved to a Labor & Delivery Room. I got started on Pitocin and started to feel slight contractions around 3:30 p.m.- 4 p.m. I wanted to go as long as possible without the epidural because I heard it's better to move around to help dilation. They started getting really bad around 6 p.m. WOAH...I tell you what WOW. The contractions got so bad so fast I was screaming and the anesthesiologist was in the hallway saying, "I'm coming!!" Hah. Craig did so good trying to calm me down. I give so much credit to the woman who go ALL natural and endure that for hours. I got my epidural around 7 p.m. and felt so much better. It was such a weird feeling to be numb and not feel my legs. I was in heaven and thought that I had been through the worst of it.
They were able to up the pitocin and get my contractions to every 2-3 minutes. I got to call my parents and talk to them for a little bit while I was feeling pretty high. Micah started reacting to the Pitocin and his heart rate would go from 90 to 150. Kept going up and down and all the nurses would come in and check me out because they said it was very unusual for the baby to react to this. They monitored him for a while and decided to stop the drugs to see if his heart rate would go back to normal. from 9 ish to midnight I was on my own having contractions without drugs. My nurse Ali checked me at midnight and I would at 8 cm. Micah was doing much better. Craig and I thought we were going to have this baby in the next hour or so. We were wrong!!
They started me back up on Pitocin and put a monitor in Micah's head to monitor his heart rate better. I also got another monitor inside to see how strong my contractions were. I had like five wires inside of me...thank goodness I didn't feel anything.
Around 2 a.m. I was fully dilated and we were ready to start pushing. It took everything I had to push. I was doing it wrong the first few times and finally was able to find a good position for me to push. Craig would hold his breath everytime I had to push. It took 2 hours of pushing to finally get him close enough. Craig even watch his head crown. I thought he would have never looked down there. It was kind of hard not too. We kept asking our nurse if she saw hair. She said it was hard to tell. Looked like he had some hair, but it wasn't dark. I'm not going to lie, the pushing was one of the hardest parts. Even though I had the epidural I could feel so much pressure and it was so painful.
Around 5 a.m. my nurse got my doctor and is was finally time for this baby to come out. I pushed three more times and had to get snipped because Micah's head was too big to come out on his own. When the doctor reached in and pulled him out so much pressure was released. He put him on my stomach and I was in awe that something so big was inside me. HA He actually was only 7 lbs and 20 inches, but looked big when he first came out. Craig got to cut the cord and took pictures of him getting cleaned up. Micah and I were both screaming because I had to get stitched up and I started to feel it. It was very painful.
Micah was born at 5:23 a.m. on May 23 or 5/23. I was told later on the time and I didn't believe Craig when he told me. I think it's so awesome that the time and date are the same. He had a pretty good size cone head when he came out, but now it's a beautiful round head!!
Like everyone says, it was all worth it. I'm so glad I was able to have a vaginal birth. It was something I really wanted. I know these days many of my friends had to have c-sections, so I'm happy to have this experience.
The next few days in the hospital were pretty great. All the nurses were so nice and helpful. I was getting served and all the food I wanted. It was harder to take care of myself than Micah. Craig would sleep through the night and I would watch Micah and make sure he was breathing, so I decided to put him in the nursery at night.
Craig's parents were in town and watched Lotte for us and got to come visit Friday morning. It was so nice to have them there.
We went home Sunday afternoon and was so excited to finally start our lives as a family of three.
Love you all!!
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