Friday, May 16, 2014

Saying Goodbye to Bump Love

Last Friday morning rested.

Even though I am thrilled to have my baby in my arms, I am already trying to say goodbye to my bump. It's been with me for the past 4 months. As I was tossing and turning last night, I tried to think of all the things I love about my bump.

1. Never looking bloated
2. Fun, cute clothes to show off the bump
3. Feeling him kick or push around and knowing he's happy just where he is.
4. No worries about feeding, changes, sleeping.
5. I can take my baby anywhere and everyone can "see" him
6. The anticipation of new life
7. Getting treated with respect- people letting you go in front of them, holding doors, picking things up for me
8. Taking naps at any time of the day
9. Feeling inner and outer beauty
10.Not feeling AS guilty eating dessert (ha)

I never had any problems with people touching me and I wouldn't have minded it if they wanted to. I am so happy I had a great pregnancy and a wonderful experience. I already am looking forward to the second baby! When we were shopping yesterday at the outlet mall there were many baby strollers and young babies out, but it's funny because they are all covered up and you never actually "see" them. You also don't want to be a creep and go pull back the blanket and ask to see the baby.

Craig has to give some of his projects over to his co-workers during his paternity leave and  he had planned to meet with a girl on Monday. Yesterday I guess she asked him to talk with her about it because she had a premonition I would have the baby this weekend. Kinda weird...huh? She's pretty smart, playing it safe. I don't think he's going to come early.

Today I'm going for a walk with my friend Calie with our pups. Hopefully it doesn't get too hot. I saw that it was snowing in some parts of Illinois today. I can't believe it. How depressing. Feeling really bad for my family. Can't wait till they get some nice weather!!

Have a great weekend... and I will let you all know if baby Micah decided to make his debut earlier!


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