Monday, January 14, 2019

Walk by Faith

I was reading a devotional this morning about having faith verses walking by faith. It's a lot easier to have faith and stay inside your comfort bubble. Recently, I was asked to lead a women's bible study at our church. This will by our "first" women's study at our campus and they want me to lead it. Wow. I love women and I love talking, but I am NOT good at reading an entire book. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't like reading. (which is sad) I love reading to my kids, but I can never seem to finish a book. So with that I am stepping out on faith and knowing God will meet me where I need him in this next challenge. Reading an entire book and leading discussion on it. I am so grateful for this opportunity and that our campus pastor chose me as his first option. I can't tell you how much this campus has fulfilled my dreams of being part of the church. We are growing and learning so much about being leaders it gives me such a great purpose for my family and to reach outside our home. This study will be happening in about 7 weeks, so be praying for me and wisdom for me to lead.

We are finally starting to get back to the swing of things around here. And once we are all settled it's time to travel again! We are heading to Florida to see our (my cousins) and Aunt's from my dad's side that I haven't seen in a LONG time and some Micah and Noelle haven't even met yet. We are excited, but a tad nervous about the plane ride. Miss Noelle is starting to do better with talking and communicating, however she still have tantrums that no one can stop and even if she gets her way she keeps crying until EVERYONE knows. So hopefully we don't have one of those on the flight. We all get our own seat, so that will be nice (and expensive!!).

We are back to getting our Kolache fix on!! Noelle loves it there and so do I!

Baby girl got her first haircut. It was more of a bang trim though. She did really great!!

NO more hair in the eyeballs!!

Right when we got home from Chicago we had a party with the production/worship team from church. It was one that I co-hosted with a friend. I was pretty much in charge of games. So it was a blast!! Karaoke and fishbowl were on the menu!!

And some story time at the library with these two!!

Hope you all have a fantastic week!

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