Tuesday, February 28, 2017

NJ @ 2 months

Happy 2 months Noelle JOY. You are such a beautiful little girl bring me so many smiles in a day. I just can't imagine life without you and you've only been here for a few short weeks. We all love this little girl so much.

We all took little (or chunky) baby Noelle to the doctor yesterday morning. She was 11 lbs 11oz and 23 inches long. So much cheeks to go around with this little one. She got 3 shots and it about killed my heart to watch. I hate that part so much. I made Craig hold her hand while it happened. I didn't want her to associate it with me.

(These pics were taken BEFORE the shots.)

She had a hard day. I mean she usually doesn't cry unless she has gas or is hungry, but yesterday I could tell she was in pain just crying. So I gave her tylenol for the first time. She is still a little warm this morning and may have a little bit of a fever. Those shots are so tough on their little bodies. Micah loved watching his sister get a check up and when we got home that's all we did for a little while. We gave each other check ups. He loves to help others feel better.  But before we went home, we stopped at Krispy Kreme. This is so hard not to pass up. It's across the street from the pediatrician and the HOT N READY sign was on!!! Micah said he wanted to go inside. So we had a little date with donuts and I won't tell you how many I consumed.

Poor Micah has been sick since Friday. He's had the bark cough going and snotty nose. It's been bad, but we still had a fun weekend. We didn't get to hang out with any of his friends, but went to the outlet mall on Saturday and got M some new NIKE's shoes. Craig got a few shirts for work. Then we went to lunch at Marlows. I think it might have been our first lunch outing with 2 kids (by ourselves) and it went great. Noelle was up for a bit and then fell asleep right when our food came. Micah got his food right away and was really happy the whole time. It was kind of a miracle lunch outing. I was so surprised how well everything went. I'm really glad we got to get out and do something as a family. Micah still has this horrible cough, but it slowly getting better. The hardest part for him is not touching his sister. It's really so sweet. He wants to touch her so bad, but I told him he has to wait until he's better.

Love you all!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Netflix ON

We are finally starting to watch shows together at night again. Last night was our first time watching a show together with both kids asleep in their rooms. It was really weird. Noelle is still sleeping in the RockNPlay but she does really good in it. I left her in there last night still awake and she fell asleep on her own. It would be really nice if that lasts! We started a show called "Stranger Things" on Netflix. It was a little scary though and I don't know if I was ready for that. I heard it's a good show, so we will see. At least we are watching something together again. I've missed that time with Craig. I need to get to know him again. I feel like I know my kids way better. I try to stay in the loop with him, but he's a guy and doesn't like to talk about work too much.

Noelle is starting to move her arms and legs like she is running. I totally remember  Micah doing this and even have a video of him.

I can't believe she will be 2 months on the 23rd. Growing so fast. She is very good at Eat, Play, Sleep routine right now. When she wakes she eats and then is only up for 20-40 mins and then sleeps. She will never eat right before she goes to sleep though. It's like she read the Baby Wise book and knows that's not the routine. haha She's doing really great though and loves the car. She sleeps good in there. Thankfully we can go to BSF and MOPS and the park. Monday we stayed at the park for 3 hours. I was so surprised we could do that. I brought our lunch and we made sure to enjoy the nice weather.

Today it's rainy so we are staying inside. I'm trying to get some things done. Selling some cloth diapers and vacuuming. Printing out our questions for lifegroup and taking a spiritual survey. I'll be interested to see what spiritual gifts I have.

Also excited to say I will be taping the announcements for our church next week. Back in front of the camera! It's been a long time, but I'm really looking forward to helping out and loving it!!

Here are some pics from our play date with Nolan and baby Eliza last week. Micah and Nolan play so nice together. It's really refreshing to not worry about them in a different room. They are so sweet to each other and makes it nice for us to be able to relax (as much as possible) with the other babies.

Hope you all are enjoying this last week of February!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

I'm a great mom

This post may sound like I'm bragging but it's far from the title. I've been thinking alot today about my life and how I keep singing to myself every morning, "Just keep swimming...just keep swimming." I love that phrase because it can push you to keep going whatever your circumstances. Mine is to keep going and loving my kids. Right now that's what I'm good at ....and that's it! I'm falling behind on being a good wife, daughter, sister, friend.

I'm posting this to say out loud  (not literally) that's it's okay for now. I can't be the person I was before with one kid. I can't text all the time and talk on the phone. I can't swing by and come over real quick. I can't run to the store and buy valentine's gifts. I can't help you with your kids anymore (as much as I want too). I have to let go of the life of had before and realize that it will be awhile till I can be who I want to be again. For now I have to be confident that what I'm focusing on is the most important.  I'm thankful my little girl will sleep most days we are out...but that won't stay that way for long.

I just want to put it out there that I'm sorry if I don't text or send you a card. Sorry that I'm not all there. I really have no brain these days. But let me tell you something..I'm a GREAT MOM!! I'm feeling  amazing that I have two little people in this life to take care of. They are my focus and are still alive and that's because of me!! I'm so grateful this is my job however I don't get to come home from a long day and relax. It's never ending ongoing love I pour out on these two constantly.

Thankful for the grace God gives me in these times of being a mom. I need it from everyone and especially him. My time with him has dwindled and I am realizing how much I need him back in my daily routine. I need love as much as these babies do.

Pray for me as I am learning my new role and steps I need to take to get everyone where they need to be. Today was the first day I felt exhausted. Like I might fall over when I carry someone up those stairs. But that's when I realized that I need to go to God. He gives me strength and guidance.  And today he told me..I'm a great mom and that's all I need to be right now.

I love you all and am so happy to be holding my sweet Noelle while typing this. Everytime I'm tired or ready for a break I remember to thank God for feeling that way. It's what I always wanted😆

Friday, February 17, 2017


Why? Why? Why? All day long that's what I hear from Micah. I guess it's that time of his life when he want to know why everything is what it is and does what it does. At dinner I got the question "why is this meat?" And there are a lot more like those that I'm not quite sure how to answer. Sometimes I ask him the same thing..why? And do it multiple times, but he doesn't get annoyed. It's more of an enjoyable thing for him. I will try and enjoy this stage too.

I have to admit I have never been good at remembering birthdays but yesterday was my own mom's birthday and I didn't even say happy birthday till 915pm!! I'm such a horrible daughter. These nights and days get all mixed up. It was so nice to have her here and snuggle Noelle. I am so glad we got to spend a week with them. She's 57 and it's hard to believe. So I've decided to make it up to her I will post on here 57 things I love about my mom. Just because I'm forgetful doesn't mean I don't love them soooooo very much.
(Also I told Noelle last night she better not forget my birthday!) Lol

1. Love: her love for her family is unconditional. She shows love daily to all of us. I am so lucky to have a mom who showed me how to love my littles.
2. Perseverance: through thick and thin she has stuck it out for her family.
3. Strength: it may look a little different in the older years but she has been so strong to hold her family together and to keep her strong hold on Jesus. She always knows when to turn to the one who knows how to mend.
4. Beauty: she has always been a sister to our clan. A beautiful woman inside and out. Many people thought she was an older sister. I hope I am as lucky to be called that in my 40s!
5. Caring: sometimes almost too caring. Lol she cares so much she will go ahead and buy you those organic soaps. 
6: smiley: all my life I remember a mom who was smiling.
7. voice: beautiful singing voice that always made me strive to be better. She always would help me find my notes and was there when I would try out for competitions.
8. patience: with three girls in the house you have to have this and she was great at it.
9: selfless: she went to work just to put us in private Christian school. We all were and still are grateful for this!
10: understanding: she opened up to me as a young woman and told me stories that helped me through tough times.
11. Faith: life doesn't always go as planned but she is a woman of faith. She (and dad) started and lead me to know my heavenly Father and I'm the woman I am today because of their faith.
12. Leader: she showed me how to lead worship. I followed her example.
13. Nana: loves her grandkids as much as her own.
14. Listener: an amazing listener. She practically has to be with three girls!! Haha
15.  MOM: an amazing mom. One I will forever be grateful for. I can call and talk to for HOURS literally. We have talked for hours and didn't even realize it.

OK- so did you guys think I could really write 57 things with a newborn and a toddler? haha I have 57 in my head, but don't have the time to write them all down. I hope this video makes up for the rest. We love you NANA and are so happy God has given you to us. Happy 57!!

Nana we had a smoothie yesterday in your honor.

Micah loves his sister...

Love you all!!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Nana and Papa visit

This last week just flew by so fast. I got so many things accomplished and the most exciting was that Micah got into the school I wanted for him. I had to be online at 10 a.m. and it was by chance/luck that he got in. It was crazy. I still feel like it's too good to be true. Right now I have him registered for 5 days a week from 9:30-1 p.m. It doesn't start till September, but it's still exciting! Preschool registration is so competitive around here. I didn't realize how hard it was to get in. Most of my friends are on the wait list right now.

I was also able to take Noelle to her 1 month, but she was actually 6 weeks. She weighed a whopping 10 lbs 13 oz!! We all guess and were wrong.  I thought for sure 10 lbs, but almost 11!!  She is growing so fast and is becoming a little chunk. She's starting to smile and talk now. It's so cute. She's still getting up around 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. for feedings. I am determined to put her in her bed at 8 weeks old. That's this weekend... I think it will be good for both of us.

On Thursday we all went to the Aquarium. I had never been before and it was so awesome!! I mean the best aquarium I've ever been too. It was also pretty cool because we had watched Finding Dory the day before. Everything in the movie, we saw at the aquarium and got to learn about the fish. Micah was really excited to take a picture with Nemo and Destiny.

Then on Friday we went to Hannah's and all had brunch together. The kids all played with Papa and had so much fun. They all play really nice together. We even tried to take some selfie's of all of us!

Craig and I got to get out one night too!! We celebrated V-day and Baby Noelle. We went to a place called CHOPS and had steak and lobster. Oh MY!! IT was delicious. We were so happy to get out and have a nice dinner without kiddos. Wish we could do that more!!

Hope you all have a fabulous week!

Sunday, February 5, 2017


It's not too super around here. I'm so sad that we had to cancel superbowl celebrations because Micah broke out with a fever last night. It happened right after his nap and then again at 3am. The weird part is that he has had no other symptoms.  Maybe it's still coming...but he has been feeling fine all day. Even peeing on the potty and dancing around for his sister. He did end up sleeping most of the morning since he didn't get much sleep last night. I'm glad I don't talk much about plans anymore. I had to stop telling him when and if he'll see his cousins bc it never happens. Poor guy.  He would have loved to see everyone tonight.

Nana and papa are still coming to visit so atleast I can tell him one thing for sure. We definitely need the help right now especially if Micah still keeps popping a fever. I don't want him around Noelle. Which is really hard for him because he loves to touch and kiss her. I tried to explain to him that he can't right now and he got really upset. Hard thing to explain to a 2.5 year old. 
Noelle is starting to smile and we are seeing little bits of personality coming out. She has her one month appt on Tuesday. She is actually 6 weeks already!! Crazy how time flies.

I have a busy week ahead and hoping to get a lot done while I have some help. Thankful for this time with family and praying we all stay healthy!