Thursday, September 8, 2016

Pee in the Potty

Today I stayed home. I know right? Like what's wrong with me? What happened? It was weird, but also really nice. My parents are coming into town to take my nephew and niece to Florida for the week. I am picking them up at 330 and since I didn't want to go anywhere and rush home for nap I decided to stay here. We took our time and got up this morning. I was about to change M's diaper and then just didn't put one back on him. I figured we were staying home, so I could try out the naked approach to potty training. I really haven't been pushing it on him since I don't care myself. Yesterday after MOPS the childcare worker told me he was ready to be potty trained. I don't know why she told me this, but I guess she was right. He peed twice in the potty today and was so happy about it. I think the naked training will work best for him, but I never stay home all day so I am really going to have to commit to it soon. I just don't want too. I know it would be nice to have only ONE in diapers soon. It just really doesn't bother me to change him.  It's nice to know he can do it if he wants. And he definitely loved getting M&M's for it. I think I may have slipped him a few too many.

Here's a pic from today:
It's PG rated.

We had a blast at the Apple Orchard and can't wait to go again with the Hooker's in Illinois. It was still a little hot outside and the bees were everywhere. I'm glad M didn't get stung because that would have been a sad situation. We got like 70 apples. haha I made apple crisp last night and will probably make something else soon. My neighbor let me borrow her apple peeler and it's the best thing ever!! I was so excited to see my apple peeled like a flower pedal. ha M loved it too!

Here he is just as excited as I am to eat a peeled apple.

Tuesday night we went to food trucks and it was 100 degrees out. BLAH. I'm so ready for fall ya'll!!! just like 80's would be nice. I'm getting all hot and bothered. I'm so happy I'm not going to be huge while it's 100 degrees. I'll probably be wearing dresses until December here. haha
Here's a pic of Lindsay and baby Weston at food trucks. They are the cutest.

First dress I ever purchased for my sweet baby girl. It's from screaming owl. IT's an online boutique. It's so cute and actually matches the coral color pretty well in her room. I can't express how excited I am to be able to see these cute outfits and actually buy them for my own! I'm trying to keep calm right now and wait awhile till I see everything I have. With hand-me down and gifts. I don't want to go too crazy. But c'mon...this is too much cuteness. Now all we need is a sweet face to put in it.

Can you guys believe it's Thursday? I don't even know where the time has gone. We should have Monday's off every week. I declare MONDAY as FAMILY day forever! (only in my dreams) 

Love you all.

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