Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Rio Secreto

It happened. I pulled out the old lap top and stuck in the CD they gave us with our one photo from Cozumel, Mexico. It was an all day excursion in the secret river underneath the earth. The caverns were beautiful and full of see through water. It was pitch black in there and only about 8 of us in a group. We all had flashlights on our helmets, but still dark. Swimming in the unknown and in close caverns unknown to us was a little frightening, but amazing experience. I had to buy one of the photos to remember our time. We wore wetsuits, helmets, and life jackets. It was an extreme adventure and one for the books. We couldn't bring anything with us, so this was the picture we bought that I loved the most. You can see the stalagtites and stalagmites all around us.

What a fun trip and still reminiscing about it. My friend is going on one in October and Craig and I were thinking we needed to go with them. HA I wish!!

Guess what?? I took pictures yesterday. It's been beautiful outside and we got out with our friends during the day at the park. Then ALL took a nap.. then went to our first Soccer practice! Micah and Samuel loved and listened to the coach well!! I was so proud of him.

 They were hungry after all that exercise!

Hope you all are having a fabulous week. I knew this week was going to be wonderful. Both my kids have been sleeping in and taking naps like champs. I'm confused on what to do with myself sometimes. It's just not something I'm used too, but I'll get used to it...I PROMISE!!

Love ya

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