Tuesday, February 20, 2018

No time

Lately I haven't had any time to take a break and write on here.  The kids schedules are all over the place and I never know who's going to take a nap and whose not. Yesterday Noelle only took one nap. That's been a reoccurring thing for her. It seems like whenever I lay her down she poops. So she has a hard time going back to sleep once she does. Micah is taking naps every so often. I kind of like to put him down at 7 p.m. because then I get to spend time with Craig. However, we both seem to fall asleep pretty soon after that since we are so tired. This time of life is exhausting. I am feeling it. Especially with no time and no break for me these past few days. Noelle is at a great age, but she is so much work. I mean, I cannot get anything done. She just follows me and undoes everything I try to do. I feel bad saying that, but it's so true. Micah and I did clean the tubs together yesterday while she was sleeping. He really wanted to help me and I needed to get it done. I love that he wants to be with me all the time, but I also can get a little snippy at him since he also has to be my side at ALL times. I am so excited to get away for a whole week!!! It's something I keep telling myself. I can get through this and love on them and give them all my strength. I will get a break soon!! I have been able to do a few things by myself here and there which has been so nice, but still doesn't feel like a break. So I am so very thankful for Kim and Gary, and the kids for coming at the end of March. Micah is going to love spending time with them and so is Noelle. I think it will be good for ALL of us.

Noelle is ready to do all the park stuff on her own. She has grown up too fast. So independent...running away from me, but also running to me at the same time. She loves to follow her brother and gets upset if she can't do the same things he does.

Noelle and I both wore our jean jackets to church and I had to get a picture. She was having a hard time keeping her finger out of her nose. It's constantly running because she is always teething. I can't wait till we can wear matching outfits!! I love having this little girl. 

We went to Red Robin after church. Craig found out we had one close by so we had to try it out. The kids loved their balloons and had some sword fights with them. 

Today we went to the gym, then got Micah's haircut, then out to lunch at Panera. I just laid Noelle down for a nap and it's 1 p.m. I am hopeful she will take a long nap and we will just try for one nap a day and see how that goes this week. I also have not nursed her yet today. Only bottles. Yesterday I nursed her in the morning and thought I could just try to do mornings a few days...but by lunch time she still remembered that we had nursed and she cried for a good 10 minutes for me. It really took a toll on me to not let her nurse. So today I decided to start off with the bottle because it is too confusing for her. If I nurse her...that's what she wants. So I think it's officially over. My little baby is about to be weaned and no longer need me. It makes me so sad to think about, but so happy she can be without me for a week without me worrying. It's a relief and mourning at the same time. 

Hope you all had a great weekend and are having a great Tuesday~

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