Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Audition update

Audition went well and tonight I had ANOTHER part to it. I had to learn the alto part to the songs for the week and go to the rehearsal with the other singers. It went well....but I can tell he makes it a long process. It's hard when you've waited so long to be in another long process. I know how it works and I know I have to start from the bottom... pretty much like any job. So I'm ready to put in my time to get out the joy I receive from it and giving to others. Another update is that I am feeling ALL back to normal and am so relieved. I can't even tell ya'll how scared I was. It was definitely life changing to check your priorities in life.

I have been really busy with a book club on Tuesdays, Choir practice today, tomorrow we have a meeting with the core team leadership for Richardson Campus and Saturday I have an all day training to be a MOMS Connections Discussion Group Leader. Then on Sunday it's the start to a new year at LIFEGROUP. We are staying in ours again because we have started so much we want to keep something the same and familiar for a little while.

I'm still trying to figure out how to get certified for cycling/spinning. I am so loving this type of workout and want to keep going and push others as well. I don't know how much I should be jumping in with  responsibilities for one year... but I've just been waiting so long to jump and do something. I want to do it all at once.

This cutie potootie keeps me on my toes, but oh so much fun these days!

Perot Museum today!!

Popsicles pretty much everyday when it's this hot out!!

Cannot wait until it gets a bit cooler out!!! It's crazy how we moved from the coldest to the literal HOTTEST place on earth. sheesh

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