Monday, January 19, 2015


Hey everyone. Sorry I haven't posted in a little while. I have been sick with something since Thursday that made me weak and not able to eat. It wasn't the flu or anything normal, something I still don't understand. I went to the doctor only for him to tell me to wait it out and see how I feel over the weekend. That was a bust. My sister had issues with her gall bladder after having a baby and may be why I'm not feeling well. It's pretty much all digestive issues. I can't eat, feel nauseas and always feel like my stomach is trying to digest something even when I haven't eaten. It's not a good feeling. And just incase you thought.. No I'm not pregnant. I wish that was the case because than it would all make sense.. LOL

Anyways. Micah is so close to crawling right now.  I can't believe how smart he is these days. He listens and understands what I say. He also knows his name now. This weekend was our first night out using a babysitter. (Of course I wasn't feeling my best BOO) It went really well. We dropped M off at a women's apartment about 5 minutes away from us. She is a nanny during the week, so she had toys, bassinet and highchair already there. I suggested we drop him off since I asked her last minute and it worked out perfectly. Craig and I got to go to the Addison Improv Comedy Show for a friend's 30th birthday party. It was a great time to get away. Even though we left him for almost 5 hours, it felt like 30 minutes. haha. I thought I would have a hard time leaving him, but the babysitter watches him at church so he likes her and I felt so comfortable.

This week we are starting our New Testament Challenge. I have to read 10 pages a day to be able to keep up. I really hope I can do it.  We start meeting this Wednesday already. I'm so excited to get bak to a regular life group meeting. During the week too!! Also, my life group leader has asked me to sing a short little song for a different bible study. I have to do it with out music. Should be interesting. Hope my brain is working better now than it was when I was prego. I remember singing at church when I was 26-27 weeks prego and just forgetting stuff really easily. It was weird.

Since I have been sick.. the only and I mean ONLY good thing is that I lost like 2 pounds in 3 days. haha I'm sure I will gain it back but it was the positive side to all of this.

This picture is from yesterday playing bocce ball for a the same friend's birthday again. We took another pic with all of us but i didn't get one on my phone.

Hope you all have a great MONDAY!!

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