Friday, February 13, 2015

I'm no longer a Stay At Home MOM (SAHM)

Hello all.

There's been something on my mind lately and I would like to address it, because why else would I have a blog if I didn't write what was on my mind? So here I am with an almost 9 month old baby and when people ask me what I do I usually (timidly) say, "Stay at home MOM." I don't know why but it bothers me a little bit to say it. I know our jobs have become widely known as one of the toughest jobs out there.. but why was I still feeling inadequate saying it? I can't explain how much joy being with my son everyday brings me. I was blessed with a wonderful little man who loves to be out and about. The other day it struck me. I no longer will tell people I'm a stay at home mom because I'm not. I am an Out and About Mom (OAAM). There are very few days in a month where I actually stay home all day. Micah and I love to get out and socialize whether its at a friends house, a park, the zoo, the mall, or just driving to get lunch, or (of course) Target!!

I feel like I am a different brand of mom. I don't like to clean. Cooking is OK somedays (I've been getting better). I can leave my house a mess. The kitchen will NEVER be clean and I'm ok with that. As one friend put it...your kids won't remember how organized the sock drawer was, just the time you spent with them. I want to speak out for all the moms out there who get out and socialize their children with the world and the people in it.  Getting Micah up and dressed is as important as getting myself dressed. It's something I appreciate. I love putting together an outfit (that's why I need a girl one day) and trying to look cute. It's just in my blood. If I were to stay at home all day...I think I would go nutso. I do have a schedule but I'm very flexible. I believe in the eat, play, sleep routine but if we mess up we just hop right back on the wagon later.

Let me just say for all the moms who do love staying at home all day, I do envy you. You are content with staying in and being with your little one. You probably have a cleaner house than me (that's why I'm coming over later), eat better than me, make your own baby food and have every type of toy possible. Honestly, I see nothing wrong with this. I just am not that type of mom.

So here I am, an out and about mom giving me freedom to feel good about it. I don't think the term "stay at home" is bad.. but it feels bad when it doesn't define me or my job. However, I still get all the stay at home job requirements done through out the day. The laundry, dishes, cooking, feedings, taking care of my sweet pup and cleaning. At the same time I am still able to free myself up for using my gifts outside the home.

For example. Recently I was able to help out a friend and sing at several different women bible studies in the morning. Micah came with each time and loved it. Being flexible and able to get out has made it easier for me to be a blessing to others. I offer babysitting services for my friend who has a one and a half year old and go to her house so she can get out. Also I start babysitting a two month old next week.

Now every baby is different. I can't speak for everyone, but for my son I think he has done better getting out earlier in life. He was 2 weeks old when I started to bring him places. Of course he stayed in his carseat most of the time, but we still went out for 2-3 hours a day. As he got older leaving him in the nursery or with a babysitter never seemed like a big deal to him. He loves everybody and wants everybody to love him. He loves attention (I'm sure he takes after his parents in this way too). I don't know if taking him out all the time has helped but he seems to do great. He no longer sleeps in the stroller when we got out, but does take a nap in the car. I hope he will do this for a while still. I know some kids have attachment issues, but Micah never did.

I can't speak for moms that have more than one child. I hope I can still call myself an out and about mom with three kids, but I can't promise anything.

So cheers to all those moms like me still going shopping and getting your latte while making funny faces at your baby to make them laugh.  Just because I'm a mom doesn't mean I'm a good cook, or that I have a clean house. An out and about mom is a different kind of breed and I know there's a lot of you out there.

I hope some of you can start using this term from now on and help spread the word. I love it and it makes me feel good.

I will see you at the mall OAAM's :)

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