Monday, July 21, 2014

Birthday time

Sooooo...It's been a little while since I updated you guys (ya'll) since Craig's sister, niece, nephew and brother came to visit. We had a FULL house but it was a lot of fun. Here's a pic of Micah right before they arrived. Tried out the golf hat. He wouldn't stay still though

Both Hannah and Zeke were so excited to hold him. It was adorable. They kept coming up to him and saying," Oh he's so cute." They did a really good job of helping with him.
Here's Zeke just chillin with Micah on the couch.
On Friday Craig took off work and we all went to the park and then to my fav place Watters Creek. I had to show them this area and of course get some Gelato. That night we made turkey burgers and the night before we had BBQ chicken wings, drumsticks. Craig is so good on his new grill we like to use is a lot these days.
So on Saturday it was Tammi's birthday. It was supposed to get up to 88 degrees and partly sunny. The sun never showed up and I think the high was about 78, but we still made it to the pool. It actually worked out really well because Micah loved the weather and I didn't have to worry about him getting too hot. I actually got to go down the slide and it was a blast. Ha. I didn't get a tan but got some good pool time in. Sorry to the family coming to Texas from Chicago.. they expected hot weather and they got cold and rainy. Something we never see here. 

 Of course I had to get in a pool selfie with baby Micah. He was such a peach.

 Tammi made us an awesome cake... doesn't it just make you happy? It was my birthday on Sunday so we got to celebrate together. It tasted really good too!! I am 28 now and don't feel a day over 27. Ha

On my birthday our life group was holding a ice cream social. We went to that and got a pic of all of us girls that hang out.
These women are great. All of us have boys and one is expecting in December. So fun to get to know these women and can't wait for our "moms"bible study to start in September.

Thank you for the birthday wishes and cards!!

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