Saturday, February 13, 2016


What a stressful weekend it started out to be. I am so thankful that my nephew is recovering this morning. We were so worried about Zeke. He had a ruptured appendix and went a few days without going in to get it checked. I couldn't believe it when I got the call Thursday night. Kim Mom called me and said she had some bad news. I think I almost threw up when she said that. I get so scared it could be the worst thing ever. She told me that Zeke went to the ER and they found out he had a ruptured appendix and was rushed to Christ hospital for further treatment. We all thought he was going to have surgery right away, but then found out the bacteria had spread so badly they thought it would be too risky. They decided to wait it out and put him on strong anti-biotics and see how he reacted. Well.. a few hours later Tammi texted everyone saying Zeke was not responding well to the medicine and still throwing up. They decided to do the procedure and take it out. I was so scared and texted my immediate family. I told everyone to stop what they were doing and please pray for Zeke and the doctors. I was feeling so bad for Zeke and everything he was going through, but also Tammi was so heavy on my heart. I know how much it hurts to know as a Mom, you should have done this..or maybe it's your fault for waiting. So many times we take our babies to the doctor when they are young and they look at us like we are crazy. As they get older you realize sickness comes and goes A LOT. There's usually nothing you can do. This... this was so rare. Usually ages 10-19 are most susceptible to a ruptured appendix. All the symptoms are flu- like. I know anyone who has been throwing up around here or anywhere for the last two months know it's the stomach bug. This time was different and so humbling to remember sometimes it's worth it to take them to the doctor.

It reminds us that none of us are perfect. Even doctors sometimes don't catch something like this. There's really no way to find out without a CAT Scan. Kids that young don't understand where the pain is coming from they can't figure it out like adults can. They only know they don't feel good and their stomach hurts.
I'm so thankful that the surgery went well and Zeke is on his way to recovery. I don't know how long it will take, but I'm so thankful his family will be right by his side for the long haul.

I'm also thinking about my other nephew Caleb. He starting relapsing again and peeing out protein.  We are praying his body can fight it off and his kidneys will start working again. He's only 2 and he is already going through so much change. I just want to take all the pain away from these kids.

Suffering is so hard to understand. It's because there is sin in the world and there is nothing we can do about it. It says in the bible that if we suffer then we are followers of Christ. Those that give up their life for Christ will find it and those who are selfish will lose their life. Our suffering here on earth will only last a short while. The rest of eternity is waiting and there are only tears of joy waiting for us.

ok..Now to go and enjoy a night out. Craig and I are going to a movie tonight while our neighbors watch Micah. We watched both their kids last night (3 year old and a 5 month old). It went really great. Micah loves playing with older boys. He also wanted to act like a baby for a little  bit. Yikes. haha

We are going to see Zoolander 2. I know we are crazy. The first zoolander we watched back when we were dating. Craig always used to pose with the blue steal look. It's part of our history of dating so it seems appropriate for V-day celebrations for us.

I hope you all know you are loved by me and the one true Creator!

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