Friday, November 11, 2016

Where is the LOVE?

Ever since waking up on Wednesday morning at 2 a.m. and watching the new president elect Donald Trump's speech, life has been different. Not in my house, but outside these walls. It feels different out there. No one is feeling the love these days. I mean, I was surprised at the outcome of the new president but never thought people would react like this. So much hate toward Trump and for those who voted for him. Good thing is I don't believe a president makes a country who it is. I don't believe he will be the deciding factor of how we love one another and treat our neighbors. I don't think he can control the way we talk to one another and give back and serve our area. One man does not have as much power as we are all giving him. I was hoping when Wednesday came to a close everyone would realize the world wasn't ending...but looks like people want our country to go down in flames. Literally people are protesting the streets and rioting. It's so sad. I can't believe they put so much of their faith in ONE person.

Here's the thing. I'm choosing Faith over Fear. I don't think I fear the future as much as some do right now, but I'm always fearful of what could happen. Especially with so much hate going on right now I am fearful of how our nation is reacting. It's so reassuring to know our God, who is more powerful than any ONE person or anything, already knows the future. He has written the end of all of our stories. He gives us the only hope we have is for after this world. Our time here is not the end, it's just the beginning. I'm so glad I can teach my son and daughter about the one and true King of their future. He's got this. We don't have to have fear. Choosing faith is the only way to bring peace back into our lives.

I'm so happy I have young babies right now. They are the best. Living in their own world without regard of the hate around them. Micah reminds me daily of how people shut out others without giving them a chance. M comes with me every 2 weeks to my doctor appointment. He knows the routine. It's really cute. Every time we sit in the waiting room he wants to make friends with everyone. To my surprise many people won't even make eye contact with him. They are so closed off and on their phones or in their own world they forget that our children are the future. How you treat them is how they will treat others when they are older. It makes me so sad when Micah tries to talk to others and they ignore him. Through his eyes...he doesn't see race, color, religion, or even care about any of that. It's so amazing to see how we should treat others....by imitating toddlers. He teaches me so much about how to live. You would never think that about a 2 year old, but it's true!!

Also, here's a funny story from the doctor on Wednesday. Micah is really good at saying his full name now. He knows that my last name is the same as his. So when we went to the bathroom so I could give my urine sample in a cup (like always) I asked him what name I should put on the cup. He responded with full confidence, "Momma Hooker." I was so proud!! And it was the cutest thing I had heard. The other night at the dinner table he was saying, "I'm a Hooker, (pointing at daddy) You a Hooker, (pointing at me) You a Hooker"...as you can imagine it's pretty darn funny.

I was supposed to go out last night for a moms night out with my MOPS group, but I just couldn't. I was not ready to go out at 8 p.m. So I decided to hang out with my moms group here int he neighborhood. It's so much easier on my to get some mom time and let Micah play. He got to play with Victor's little sister Eliana (who he loves) and I love watching him with her. It's like my future is playing in front of me. I know he's going to love having a little sister soon.

I had a few plans today, but I think I've decided to head to the Zoo with Micah. I want to go while it's in the 70's, but not too cold out. I also just want him to run around and do whatever he wants without an agenda. I'm not taking a stroller and going to see how well he does. Hopefully I don't get stuck carrying him to the car at the end (which is likely to happen). I hope you all have a great weekend planned. 
We have a birthday party tomorrow morning for 3 kids in the neighborhood and the a chili cook off party for the neighborhood too. It should be a fun weekend. 

Here's a quick video of Micah the guitar player. 

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